69 Replies to “November 10, 2019: Reader Tips”

    1. Here’s a piece about Margaret Trudeau’s memories on that famous trip to China. The Trudeaus were expecting Alexandre, their second child by then. Too bad they went. Unless China would have been trying to switch to a democracy, Canada, essentially, had no business there. In fact, we now know, the opposite has happened to Canada.
      We’ve now lost our Country. We’re now in a Dictatorial Minority run by an Idiot.

      (Bored silly by PET speaking French. All 4 Parts felt like nightmarish homework)


      1. The net is slowly being washed of a lot of historical information about the Trudeau’s.
        I was looking for info on how PET facilitated the spread of nuclear weapons globally. He pushed the Candu in SA. Argentina, China, India, Pakistan Taiwan. I think that list is correct. Every country pretty much that was anti western at the time.
        The info I was looking for was about the Pakistani, who trained in Canada with AEC and then went home and build the 1st Moslem atomic weapon. He then sold the technology to other Moslem countries like Iran etc.
        Trudeau did a lot to spread Nuclear Weapons. Now he is Saint Pierre.

        1. To make atomic weapons you need enriched atomic material, something that you don’t get out of a CANDU reactor. I hate the Trudeau’s as much as the next guy, but if you’re trying to find a link between the proliferation of nuclear weapons and CANDU reactors, there isn’t one.

          1. Watcher – they could possibly have used fuel from a CANDU as a source of uranium, but you don’t get plutonium or enriched uranium out of a CANDU. They must have some other reactor to do that.

        2. Watcher – “In terms of safeguards against nuclear weapons proliferation, CANDUs meet a similar level of international certification as other reactors.[17] The plutonium for India’s first nuclear detonation, Operation Smiling Buddha in 1974, was produced in a CIRUS reactor supplied by Canada and partially paid for by the Canadian government using heavy water supplied by the United States.

          So India got its plutonium from a Canadian supplied reactor, but NOT a CANDU. If you read the linked article it explains how a CANDU works and that it doesn’t produced enriched uranium or plutonium.


        3. You are right. Information in Canada is controlled and sanitized to fit the Liberal agenda. I can’t find that pic of Trudeau cruising around in his Nazi gear. It used to be there.

        1. More nightmarish homework!
          If I got that in the mail, I’d toss it in my blue box with a memo that said “PROPAGANDA TRASH!”

          1. And just like that our Dear Comrade Nancy ended up in a re-education camp Denounced as a counter revolutionary. Chanting “A multitude of goodness is not as good as Socialism” Oh Oh. Run Watcher Run. In the video a son recalls denouncing his own Mother, Millions died under Chairman Mao’s brutal regime. The same regime that the Trudeau’s adored and adore today. Do Canadians not understand how stunned they are to vote for such horrible people as the Trudeau’s.

    2. Funny that…..Without seeing the clip I figured it was one of the Trudeau’s or Pearson…..who was a mole for Russia….. Steve O

  1. Was in the Hat last nite and caught Downchild. 50 years in the making and they’re still rockin’ hard. One of the best party bands ever.

    I saw them many times over the years when they played the bars. Suzy Vinnik opened and Colin James joined DC for a set. Good fun.
    Driving home in the snow…. not so much.

      1. Flip, Flop is a take off of the old rock hit Shake Rattle and Roll. I think Joe Turner? did it in the 50’s. He wrote a ton of verses based on the FF&F and SR&R theme.

        Hock Walsh did the Downchild vocals and it was their only hit. Hock was a great singer. His timing, phrasing was legendary. The Walsh bros couldn’t get along and Hock came in and out of Downchild. Donny (Mr. Downchild) eventually fired Hock one last time and the band carried on…to this day.

        Toronto in the 60’s was big enough (ha) to have 2 Hawks. Ronnie and Hock Walsh. I heard Hock got his name as a kind of play on Hawkin’s nick name and a reference to his size. He was a big guy. Pork hock big.

        1. Yah old Rompin Ronnie Hawkins. He made a lot of good musicians. And even the Legendary Band sprang out of the Hawks eventually.

          1. Your right Watch. The Hawk shaped rock and roll. His bands were legendary. He demanded a high level of musicianship.

            When the British ‘invasion’ took place and the Brits started touring NA. Herman Hermit played Toronto. After their gig they went to see Hawkins. He was playing the bars in those days. After watching the Hawks, Hermit guitar player said he felt like going down to the foot of Front St and throwing his guitar into the lake.

            A lot of good players felt like that. They were cowed by the likes of Robbie Robertson, Garth and Levon.

    1. Saw them in Calgary about 32-35 yrs ago…?? great band to say the least.
      Can’t recall the name of the venue…twas on 12th ave and 1St S.West
      Big joint.
      …rockin blues….still my fav musical style.

        1. Love that tune. Had a friend who played fiddle in a 3 pc bar band, and he always did that one and like a fox on the run etc.

  2. Jason Kenney announces hs Fair Deal Panel, but the nine members trouble me. There doesn’t seem to be any articulate supporter of Alberta rights on the panel, and having Preston Manning on the panel bodes ill for Alberta. So his non-conservative Manning Centre gets a role (after laying off staff), but advocates such as the U. of Calgary Policy Centre are left out. There should be creative, pro-Alberta thinkers on the panel, but I do not see any.

    1. Years ago I heard Manning talk about the need for the reform party in the face of rising western alienation. He is a federalist who previously maneuvered around western separatism.

      Donna Kennedy-Glans was our mla in Calgary-Varsity. She had the smarts to quit the provincial pcs and sit as independent when Redford was premiere. Another Ontario transplant. I can’t see her being anything but a federalist.

      Kenny has made his approach abundantly clear. Slowly reformed —Quebec style —provincial-federal relationship (until I imagine he runs for PM on an “I saved Canada” platform).

    2. I imagine Kenney can’t support Wexit. It would make him look like a dreadful poser, and definitely tie a knot in any designs he may have on the Prime Ministership, which I’m sure he has; and Albertans would be perfectly within their rights to ask loud and long, “This Kenney guy – what’s he REALLY in it for? Or more-like, WHO?”

      – Which I gather they’re already asking about him; despite his brave new words on taking the Province, he doesn’t seem to have done much since.

    3. Yes its a who’s who of useful idiots.
      My comment is why the hell screw around Kenney, all the questions that the panel will ask should be put to a straight out Referendum of Albertans.
      Why the hell can no one who is a greasy assed politician and shit house rat. Not understand that it is long past time for Albertan and Canadian Citizens to decide many of these issues directly.
      I guess because in the opinion of the Political Whores like Kenney, we have no adult men and women in Alberta or Canada for that matter, that can make an adult decision about their own lives in their own communities.
      They always want to fix Alberta or Canada with more of the same wrong shit ideas that they created the mess with to begin with.
      I made a cleaned up version of that comment on Danielle Smith’s Twitter feed where I read this last night.
      Where she was riding shotgun for Kenney. I pointed out to her that all these same proposals had been given her back when she was the rising star at Wild Rose.
      And her handlers and Rat Whisperers steered her away from her Libertarian instincts. She did not have the sand for the job.
      You always have a gaggle of these bottom feeders and so called SHERPA’s feeding around the tables of the latest political star.
      None of these shit hawks like Kenney are real leaders, every discussion has the original premise, then 47 categories of what ifs and then what’s. Pathetic indecisive worms. What they need is phone apps for shit weasel politicians who do not have enough backbone to overcome gravity.
      Send in the damn clowns already. Look out small town Alberta. A busload of lunatics and poxed up political whores and Kenney shit hawks are headed your way.
      To hold meetings with pre determined outcomes. They have a name for these meetings were they guide the unwashed peasants to the right outcome and the sheep think they won, as they climb the chute smiling on there way to the slaughter.

    4. A panel. We don’t need a panel. A panel can be useful but the time has come for action specifically option out of CPP as the bare minimum start. If he were remotely serious this would already be underway. He’s not serious.

      1. Well UM for once I agree with you. I guess it is time to consult The Oracle.
        Thunder Fills The Heavens. Where did I leave my Chinese Coins?

    1. She can push for a European army all she wants, she isn’t going to get one. The EU has no money, all it’s member states are broke and non of them have any intention of increasing the size of their “national” armed forces.

      1. “none of them have any intention of increasing the size of their “national” armed forces.”

        The population of the EU is almost 4 times that of Russia and they are infinitely wealthier. With almost no effort at all they could have 5 times the military equipment and personnel. North American participation in NATO should be on a crisis basis only.

  3. Blackie’s CBC is trashing Don Cherry this morning for a past comment he made about global warming being a hoax. Just ignore that the Weather Network states that Alberta is one of the coldest places on earth this weekend. And ignore the snow storms there. And ignore that much of the country, including here in rural Ontario is freezing and covered in snow. Blackie’s Unifor CBC is also outraged that Don Cherry trashed diverse Toronto for not wearing poppies. Cherry is obviously a Nazi. Nobody is allowed to say anything negative about diversity in Canada’s most important city.

  4. And now Blackie’s Sunday Toronto Star. Its trash white Anglo Saxon veterans day at the Star. A number of stories that explain that the emphasis should be on indians, blacks, and Chinese who served and were mistreated by whites. Anglo Saxon white veterans were promoting evil colonialism and imperialism in Canada’s wars. Letters to the editor from select Toronto readers who agree with the Star’s views on Canada’s wars. Editorial that Catholic school boards should be disbanded, if they don’t promote homosexual sex, trans genders, etc. Story that Scheer is Hitler for not embracing homosexuality. Story on how wonderful Palestinians are. Blackie is wonderful, the Liberal Party is wonderful. Canadians are racist bastards. And Blackie’s CBC at its downtown Toronto studios is ranting this morning that Kenney is Hitler for defending Alberta. The Unifor journalists at the CBC have Notley explain that Kenney is evil.

    1. I haven’t worked out the times but it sure seems that Motley, our one of her crew, still get more screen time in the Calgary news than Kenny or the cons.

  5. Great Leader Kim Sung Blackie is taking the weekend off. Its exhausting hiding from the public and media all week.

  6. Great investigative journalism by the non partisan April Ryan:

    “This is the woman who created all the controversy that made @realDonaldTrump go after @RepCummings and Baltimore. Cummings never got over the attack on him and the city. It is all because of her.”

    Get that Aunt Jemima, April!
    She is a monster for pointing out all the rats in Rep Cummings Baltimore district!!

  7. My husband and I will be watching this today:

    My great-grandfather was in the Tyneside Scottish Brigade and died on the first day of the Battle of the Somme, July 1, 1916. I have seen his name inscribed on the Rolls of Honour at the Scottish National War Memorial in Edinburgh Castle.

    Lest We Forget.

  8. Faith J Goldy ✝️

    Imagine if a mosque or synagogue were sacked. Would such reactions simply be ignored by the mainstream? Or there be calls to invent some new hate speech laws to ensure similar sentiments were never conveyed again?

    Fr John S. Hogan, ocds

    Is this for real? Antifa vandalizing & desecrating Catholic churches in Chile. In that second photo, it looks like the Tabernacle has been raided. Is this coming to us? Certainly no government or police force is prepared to take on Antifa, it seems they can do what they want.


    David Koenig

    The final war between Good and Evil has begun and Antifa is at the front line



  9. Jason Kenney’s Big Panel and His Fair Deal For Alberta Speech. A Good start but really he is just trying to take the heat and fury out of Albertans and lead them back into the flock. Help settle them back down at the Oars of the Slave Ship Canada. Go UDI ALBERTA GOR LIBERTY AND FREEDOM. None of this changes or addresses the FAKE DEMOCRACY and stacked deck called Canada.

    1. Yep there is still a familly compact. Can we name the famillies?

      Desmarais AKA The Liberal Party

      I’m not saying some of these famillies didn’t earn it. The problem is they quickly use regulation and crony capitlism top solidify their position.

  10. The Unifor journalists on Blackie’s CBC political scrum, discussed Alberta today. Jason Kenney is evil, Alberta is evil, the oil sands are evil. They also discussed how Scheer should embrace promoting homosexual sex and global warming scams.

    1. Murray Mandryk reaffirms his idiocy every time he writes drivel that, in his mind anyway, passes for a column. Anyone with an IQ equal to or greater than a Russet potato simply ignores his self-important proclamations. Mandryk still suffers unbearable anguish over the turfing of the Saskatchewan NDP back in 2007 and subsequent electoral thrashings.

    1. Hell back in the day when I rated a Secretary, I sure as hell would of hired her for my company. I called it Feces Contracting, my Motto Was We Will Fix Your Shit. I am kidding of course. My only requirement or qualification would be that her boobs touched the wall before her nose did, and that she could do her nails sitting on the corner of my desk, make cowboy coffee, and give the whiskey glasses a wipe Ha Ha Ha. Hell my toxic masculinity is sneaking out on me.

  11. Disney Runs ‘Shutterbug’ Surveillance Psyops on Little Kids

    With Disney owned ABC News revealed by Project Veritas as engaged in burying the Epstein scandal, a look at that company’s role in the cultural cesspool is in order.

    For several years, Disney Junior has been running mind-numbing psychological operations on children for the New Underworld Order Crime Syndicate. A prime example is the creation of a hideous character called “Special Agent Oso.” Oso is a shutterbug who flies around as a small drone surveilling and spying on little kids. The intruder has a ladybug-shaped robotic camera that “keeps an eye out for children who need help.” The result is pure creepiness, as it depicts Shutterbug entering children’s rooms, taking pictures of them and sending back the data to a satellite in space. Nothing to see here, move along?

    More here

