78 Replies to “November 13, 2019: Reader Tips”

      1. “(Not a reply to above post)”

        Then why not put it at the bottom of the page? Is it because you’re important?

          1. Your delusions of grandeur notwithstanding, you don’t get to make a call what news are more important than others. Let the blog owner do it. Basic etiquette.

          1. Then I kindly request that you stick to the topic or start a new thread. Screaming “me me me” is not kind at all regardless of how much you love yourself. Nor is lecturing those who respect the rules that unlike everyone else you’re entailed to break rules because you feel important and want everyone to hear that. That is how arrogant children behave. Do you cut in line at grocery stores too because you feel important?

          2. Other threads have one topic.
            Readers Tips is for tips.
            Breaking news is breaking news!

            Get help!
            You Lose!

          3. Other threads in this topic. In other words: when you are soiling your depends out of excitement that you found something that matters to you, start a new thread and don’t be an obnoxious arrogant twat. Can you do that?

            BTW others have posted that story before you. You’re not that important.

      1. I loved the first “No” which I believe translated into “sit down, shut up, and try to process”

  1. Earlier this evening I went into the kitchen to make a little snack and I turned the radio on while the toaster was doing its thing. This is what I learned….

    Charles Adler really really hurts when he hears two words, “You people”. And he said so in that deep mournful voice so he really meant it.

    Him and his guest (a media expert of some kind… I think) don’t accept that Don now says he wishes he said ‘everybody’ instead of… those 2 words. It’s too late apparently. Or they don’t believe him. Or something.

    Charles and his guest really really despise Fox News.

    Both really really really despise Tucker Carlson because they think he used Don Cherry tonight for his own evil agenda. They said Tucker ” weaponizes the news” what ever that means. And they were upset that Tucker called those that fire and those that cheer on the firing of people for ‘hate speech’ fascists. Charles, returning to that very deep this time dramatic voice, claimed Tucker doesn’t know the meaning of the word. His guest agreed.
    All that during the time it took to fix up a little snack. Amazing.
    I turned the radio off and went back to the TV for Laura Ingraham’s show. Wonder what they think of her?

    1. Maybe it’s nothing, but Charles Adler seems to be losing brain function ever since he started taking SierraSil. Best to avoid taking it until more research is done.

      1. From the web: fyi

        SierraSil contains the following mineral amounts in 3 capsules: calcium 23mg, potassium 20mg, sodium 12mg, aluminum 6mg, phosphorus 3.1mg, magnesium 2.2mg, iron 1.2mg, silicon 1.0mg, manganese 0.15mg, barium 0.10mg, copper 0.033mg, cobalt 0.014mg, and zinc 0.014mg.Aug 28, 2019

    2. Adler moved to BC and became woke. He’s looking for nazis where none exist. He constantly talks of being an immigrant and gets all maudlin talking of his father. He puffs up on ‘safe’ subjects like right wingers. He’s gotten senatile as my old neighbour used to say. Maybe it is the SierraSil.

      Not worth listening to.

  2. We could use a little bit of this in Canada, a Liberal Party crumbling…..today the topic du jour will be the Seinfeldian Show we’ve all been promised by the American Democrats. The Schiff Show is about the ‘nothing’ that the Dems have on President Trump. They’ve got zippo and are about to make giant fools of themselves because this is all illegal. We’ll be witnessing this farce … it’ll be the utter downfall of an American Political party. They will be committing suicide.

    So folks, slip a little cognac in your morning coffee, you will be witnessing history in the making. Have a celebration! Check the link from the Gateway Pundit:


    1. Nancy, it would be a comedy, a farce, a dog and pony show if only the whole thing was not so dangerous to individual freedom and the health of the republic. Stupid evil people are doing their best to destroy America and western white societies. Why we are not fighting back disturbs me.

    2. I want to see the gop reps on the committee call an expert witness on social media.
      Then ask said witness to testify if they had heard anything about the Ukrainian government being threatened by any US government representative by withholding aid.
      Then have said witness testify that yes they did, and that they had video to prove it.
      That’s when the committee gets provided the clip of Biden expounding gleefully how he threatened to withhold aid unless the Ukrainian government fired the prosecutor investigating his son.
      That would put an end to the inquiry full stop.

    3. Chimpworld blogspot seems to have a “Liddle” more on this Schiff for brains character.

    1. Watcher, I been talking about cooling for a very long time now. One does not need a “degree” to grasp what is happening. Knowing how to read with comprehension is a prerequisite. There will indeed be a climate crisis as it cools, it is difficult to grow food in snow.

      1. – And Watcher – come on, dude! Global cooling IS global warming! Haven’t you been listening to Al Gore?

        I recall after the Gore/Dubya election, I was down in Florida and my vehicles being what they are (fast/reliable/cheap; pick any two), I needed car parts, So I dropped into a local parts place, and they had a billboard up over the store asking some sharply pointed question for “Lyin’ Al”. And this was Florida.

    2. That poorly written article is mostly BS and refers to a more detailed study, the link to which, produces a 404 File not found. I don’t like to call BS on something without offering evidence to the contrary so just 4 points:

      1. The paleoclimatologist claims the ice ages correspond closely with Milankovic’s theory of planetary cycles. The problem is the ice ages don’t line up with these cycles. Sometimes they are close and at other times – no ice age. Why? Scientists don’t know. They often invoke a “tipping point” requirement. This is sign of scientific BS, whenever an unknown tipping point is needed.

      2. From the article … “The history of that is in the ice core records repeating itself every 100,000 years or so over millions of years.” Ice core records only date back 800,000 years, not millions of years. Also, while older cycles were around 100,000 years, more recent ones look to be around 40,000 years and scientists don’t know why.

      3. From the article … “Now some researchers have revealed startling evidence that an Ice Age can be triggered in under 10 years.”. This seems like an impossibility because the sampling period of ice cores is several decades for the older ice. How can you interpret a 10 year trigger with 30-150 year data intervals?

      4. From the article … “Not taken into Kulka’s model of an encroaching Ice Age are the facts and possible impact of the magnetic pole shift, the shifting core of the Earth, or the revelation by NASA and the ESA that the sun is going to fall into a quiet period for the next 30 to 50 years.” In other words, let’s throw some shit at the wall and see what sticks. Maybe the magnetic pole shift is changing our climate (no evidence). Perhaps the earth’s core is shifting (no evidence), or the lack of sunspots (some evidence but not bullet-proof).

      The article does correctly explain that the Earth has been in an ice age for the past 2 million years or so and that we are currently in an inter-glacial period (where ice in the mid-latitudes melts due to increasing temperatures). This warm period will end soon. How soon? According to the article …

      “It seems the odds are good that the Earth will slip into an extended cooling, or so-called mini-Ice Age. Whether that becomes an extended 100,000 year full-fledged Ice Age even Kulka doesn’t know.”

      So the odds are good but even Kulka doesn’t know.

      1. Yes I got a 404 as well. But I think his scenario is much more likely than the one postulated by AWG, that a gas that makes up .003 percent of our atmosphere can on its own overheat a mass the size of our local solar system. Because I guess Mars etc is going through a similar cycle to ours here on this rock called earth. Which is what the IPCC claims in their theory. This little wisp of a gas like a fart wafting around in Parliament is responsible for a Climate Emergency, overheating the whole earth causing us all to die. And by their calculations without any input from our local star.
        So the fart as it leaves Trudeau’s anus in the halls of Parliament continues to, on its own get hotter and hotter like a nuclear reaction on a run away like a Chernobyl.
        Apparently their calculations do not take into account any lack of solar input. So like this year we are almost 240 days without sunspots so we are getting minimal watts per meter on the earths surface and are cooling.
        But at the same time by their computer models the fart is out of the bag and is driving us all to a good roasting or runaway CLIMATE EMERGENCY. We all going to melt like a cast off popsickle on a sidewalk in Trawna.
        Send us Trillions to hand out quick to the 3rd world. We can buy off the Climate Emergency with Indulgences paid to our High Priests.
        Pick up your rakes and whips and ho’s not those Ho’s these hoes and trudge down to Ottawa and drive the Lunatics out of Parliament. Lash them and whip them and club then like seals.

  3. While Don Cherry had to go on Fox News to explain himself, because the Unifor media in Blackie’s Canada have labelled him a racist bastard, the CBC did discuss the issue. They had their panel of a muslim woman with a bag over her head and of course a Toronto Star reporter, explain that Cherry appeals to white Anglo Saxons who are all racist bastards. Although I’m surprised the Star reporter didn’t blame Doug Ford. Meanwhile former Mississauga mayor Hurricane Hazel will take part in a protest in support of Cherry.

  4. Great Leader Kim Sung Blackie will be meeting with the Bloc leader today. Yes he is briefly coming out of hiding to promise the Bloc leader lots of free stuff, and explain that money will still be coming from the prairie provinces to pay for it. We can expect lots of pats on the back and laughter. No questions from Blackie’s loyal drooling media will be allowed. Although I’m sure the Toronto Star will have lots of praise for the meeting.

    1. Hilarious irony is when the media starts panicking over the meme coming out of that meeting that Trudeau finds common cause with Quebec separatists.
      Juxtaposition that to his “I Justin” soliloquy.

    1. It always was; I knew at least one guy who got the tar beaten-out of him for using it – entirely innocently – in the wrong part of Cole Harbour in Halifax.

  5. Blackie’s CTV is excited that this is the anniversary of hijab Barbie. Because as the Toronto Star has pointed out, wearing a bag over your head is a feminist victory. And Saint Greta flees the record cold and snow today. She will be sailing to Spain for the UN global warming scam conference, as part of her How Dare You Tour.

  6. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/politics/guns-and-white-supremacists-dont-mix/ar-BBWF3yv?li=AAggNb9&ocid=spartandhp

    From MacLeans a We Were Here First Nations lawyer tells us how white supremacists are getting guns and killing Indigenous people, especially women. She cites a 1991 murder and Colton Bushie and mentions assault rifles. She also mentions the Moslems who were recently murdered and the women killed in Montreal 30 years ago (but forgets to mention it was by a Moslem). She says only the We Were Here First Nations have the legal right to own weapons.

    “Canada should be engaging with First Nations and Indigenous women’s group to address the threat of gun violence by both white nationalist hate groups and individuals with extreme right-wing, racist views.”

    She’s clearly quite disturbed.

    1. Start buying and stockpiling a civil war is coming in Canada and the hunter gatherers will have to eventually defend their fake claims to all the land mass of Canada.
      I had this same yarn explained to me 10 years ago by a hunter gatherer. After he finished his spiel about how the hunter gatherers owned everything.
      I calmly asked him what he was going to do about the 30 million White Men that were now living on his so called land.
      The hunter gatherer looked at me with wide eyes, his mouth fell open wide and he left very quickly.
      Hard to explain Eminent Domain to a hunter gatherer. We now possess the land. We take up the land. If you want us gone you have to physically drive us out.
      Even if you take our guns we know how to make stuff.

  7. It makes no difference whether Trump is innocent of the charges leading to the DEM initiated impeachment process. In the same way charges of his colluding with the Russians in 2016, guilty/innocent, makes no dif.

    IMHO the point of what the DEM’s have done over the past 4 years is establishing psychological doubt or conviction by the citizenry that Trump and the GOP are a threat to their well being. Repeat something enough times and it becomes truth. The manipulation of public thought is very well established. Winning an argument or providing contrary evidence of an accusation becomes almost irrelevant. The only way Trump can counter this ‘global’ attack on him is to counter attack with a even greater campaign. His ability to do that is being limited more every day as his access to the citizenry is restricted.

    Americans and people around the world should be very concerned.If the DEM’s succeed, which they are likely to do, their success will embolden political forces world wide to repeat this process. IMHO these attacks are the communist alternative to their failed military campaigns of the Cold War. Amazing what you can buy with a little money in the right pockets.

  8. Justin fan boy John Ivison at the National Post, writes on how Obama won the election for Blackie.

      1. Gee Nancy remember when the CBC was having Constipated Conniption fits in the first Harper election, that the NRA was stealing the election from the Liberals. The pictures of the scary GUN pointing at us all. Ha Ha Ha. And here we have open meddling by Obama in Trudeau’s first election against Harper and now this one as well. And it is all good. Because it is Canada’s Fake Negro Trudeau and his best friend Obama. Jewish Comedian Jackie Mason on Obama.

        1. The hypcracy is unbelievable. I remember all that and more.

          Remember the whining the MSM did about the $16 orange juice, and Duffy Duffy Duffy?

          Jackie Mason is a mensch for …
          “sayin’ da troot, America is nut da woist cunttree!”
          (not exactly a real quote)

          Remember when Jackie Mason used to do the Ed Sullivan Shew? He was terrfic. Even as a kid, I loved his comedy. Not too long ago I viewed mostly all of his YouTubes. He’s not a George Carlin but more of an Alan King type of comic.
          What a guy!

          1. He breaks me up. Because he reminds me of an old Polish Jew Gentleman that was a friend years ago. His name was Stanley in Canadian or Stanislaw in Polish, he fought the Nazi’s in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. He had exactly the same physical mannerism’s as Jackie Mason. Shrugging, the language the humor. He taught me some cussing in Polish. I can say them perfectly but fortunately I guess I can not spell Polish. Maybe when I am on a Trudeau rant I will try a couple out. Ha Ha Ha. I loved the old man, he had such a fighting spirit, even after being beaten and his one arm permanently crippled by NAZI thugs. And he loved me as a son, because I treated him with the respect he deserved as an old warrior, and especially my kids who were very small then. What a life story he had to tell. I always tell their stories now that they are gone, and keep their memory alive. Just like I taught my kids that when they visit a cenotaph, to read the fallen’s names out loud. Because no one says their names anymore. Thoughtful Respect.

          2. Jackie pyssed off the boss once, and never shewed up on the ed sullivan shew again.
            it was rough, but led to a much longer and rewarding career on the concert tour and in clubs etc.
            I remember his delivery, emphasizing the irony and general stupidity of social standards.

            I also remember Carlin’s early stuff on sullivan, ‘the weatherman’,
            also Richard Pryor and a whole bunch more whose names escape me.
            Stiller and Meara, found out later she was a very decent woman.
            and Canaduh’s Wayne and Shuster were always welcomed.
            they had Shakespearian training in their CV and showed it up in the skits.

            I also remember Mick & the boys, Janis, Doors, beatles (big deal, never liked them much)
            and the elephant on the turnabout rig that CRAPPED when it had its back to the audience. LOL !!! Ed laughed too.
            *there’s the proof the show is live !!!!!!! *
            have a good evening folks !!!!

        2. hb
          Ed Sullivan had many comedians appear over the years. I always found their mini acts on that show too short. There were many who hated their wives and mother-in-laws. They weren’t kidding by the sound of it. It’s what made their act genuine.

          Some of the best, besides the aforementioned were: Jack Carter, Marty Allen, Rodney Dangerfield, Bob Hope, Richard Pryor, Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, Flip Wilson and Carol Burnett.

          Those were the days.

  9. Blackie’s Globe and Mail has new Ford is Hitler stories. The biggest story is that Ford held private fundraisers for charities. Oh my God, Ford had fundraisers for charities. He is worse than Hitler. And when you run out of those stories, The Toronto Star of course has new Ford is Hitler stories.

    1. It’s bad enough that the Conservative Party of Canada is so weak, ineffectual and cowardly that such Liberal Party stalwarts like their party newsletter ,the Toronto Red Star and their very own TV station, the CBC, are able to continue their dishonest, corrupt journalism without any pushback at all. Zero. Nada. Nothing.

      But is there not one honest University or Think Tank or honest organization in the whole country that even cares that the Canadian Media Party is stealing elections for the Ruling Class’s Liberal Party?

  10. Here is an article on electric vehicles. Well, more of an “add”.


    A main point seems to be lost on the author relating to why many vehicle fleets get rid of their vehicles before 100,000 miles. It’s because the vehicles no longer look, feel or smell new. Who wants to rent an electric vehicle with 400,000 miles on it from Hertz when you can rent a gas vehicle with 13,000 miles on it from Budget? In other words, who wants to drive around in a rented car that smells like a taxi?

    1. Pffft. Need to outlaw the Corrupt Liberal Party of Canada for that to happen. Add those idiots in the ENDP for good measure.

  11. If it really is time for new rules, then let’s get rid of folic acid in flour.

    GMO bad. No golden rice, no adulterated flour.

    Equality enforcement. Why is the patriarchy treating women like they can’t take care of their own nutritional requirements.

    Specious arguments are clearly an effective tool; we SHALL use their own against them.

    We need our flour to be organic; like nature intended!

  12. I want to preface this with it is my belief A vet is anyone who signed up and risked the ultimate sacrifice. A vet is a vet is a vet. By joining they have earned our respect and gratitude.
    In the run up to Remembrance Day it became apparent there was an agenda to reshape history. I think for me ,I started to notice this with a movie called “twelve strong.” It was to be a true story of a mission to Afghanistan. Of course the cast was appropriately diverse. I happened to look up the actual participants and this does not appear to be accurate. Before Remembrance Day we had the rainbow poppies . Contributions by women were at the forefront. Race based messages of contributions were repeated over and over.
    I have met many people who have responded to there call of duty with valour and courage the depths of which few of us can fathom. Most of them share a high degree of humility. One statement in particular stuck with me .” that would be bragging”. This was a man who was one of 3 survivors of a WW2 battle. Few people in our community know.
    I know personally men and women of all races who proudly served. The majority were young white men. The campaign to rewrite history to suit the PC agenda is unconscionable .

    1. No, it is necessary: “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

    2. From the NYT vis MSN
      As mentioned by someone yesterday(?) on SDA, Swedish “gangs” are setting off a bomb every three days. Despite a very long time doing without, both the Swedes and Danes are now doing border checks.
      But if its just criminal gangs I wonder why the article mentions undocumented migrants and asylum seekers from Turkey and North Africa.
      Gee, could there be a connection? Nah, You People know that would be racist.

  13. 400 people were laid off at a smelter in New Brunswick today. Now those people will have time to go to Nova Scotia tonight and hear Obama explain how wonderful Blackie is.

    1. Its all good increase Marxist Equalization by 5 more Billion from Alberta. Albertans are OK with that too. Send the RCMP to sweep out the granaries, have the RCMP seize illegal satellites, and force Albertans to watch CBC instead of US Programs. Maybe do as Lenin did, go into some Albertan town and hang the first 100 Albertans you can lay hands on to send them all a lesson.
      “Comrades! The insurrection of five kulak districts should be pitilessly suppressed. The interests of the whole revolution require this because ‘the last decisive battle’ with the kulaks is now under way everywhere. An example must be demonstrated.
      1.Hang (absolutely hang, in full view of the people) no fewer than one hundred known kulaks, filthy rich men, bloodsuckers.
      2.Publish their names.
      3.Seize all grain from them.
      4.Designate hostages – in accordance with yesterday’s telegram.

      Do it in such a fashion, that for hundreds of verst around the people see, tremble, know, shout: “strangling (is done) and will continue for the bloodsucking kulaks”.

      Telegraph the receipt and the implementation. Yours, Lenin.

      P.S. Find more reliable people”

  14. The Trump impeachment hearings are so boring as to be unwatchable. I am not sure what the Democrats are trying to accomplish by putting everyone to sleep. Definitely no gotcha moments coming.

    1. It is scary to see the un-professional conduct of the US foreign Service …. The writing of self serving Memos that haven’t gone into the official record should result in immediate firing of any dishonorable bastard …. The hearsay information that is passed back & forth between members is a Security risk…. Nobody is in charge of these Circus clowns who all think they are a special Professional class……Nothing but Drunk/Drug bar talk nonsense…..

  15. The Premier of Qbec is misinformed. (Eess not too swiff, anyways)
    He thought Don Cherry said evil things about French Canadian hockey players who first started wearing hockey helmets, after the European players started the trend due to head injuries from flying pucks. See what he said:


    “Hees now gonna be hable to watch the ockey game in Hinglish now dat Donnnsherrry is hoff da SportsNetworks because ee said bad tings about Fwench Canadiens.”

    He still doesn’t seem to recognize the fact that they were trend setters, and that Don Cherry was just reporting on this as a new novelty. Wasn’t it Stan Mikita who wore the first goaltender’s mask? Correct me if I’m wrong guys.

    Legault is a slimey friggin opportunist frog.
    Abtrapperdude your Mom was right!

    1. Nancy:
      Stan Makita was a center for the Black Hawks. As I recall Jacques Plante of the Canadiens was the first NHL goalie to wear a mask.

      1. Okay thanks. I could’ve looked it up but I knew someone out there would know this right off the top of his head. The goaltenders wore facemasks long before helmets were manufactured, right. Stan Makita was not French Canadian nor ever a Canadien player for Montreal. Gotcha. Yes Jacques Plante was terrific! I get into a jumbled mess with sports trivia.

        Used to go to the Forum in Montreal to see some games. In the 70s I loved the good game and those players then. Saw the Richards, Cournoyer, Henderson, Beliveau, Lafleur, Ferguson, etc and I really loved Ken Dryden.


      2. I read Makita’s biography.
        remarkable personal triumph.

        via the sport of HOCKEY. gee, how many times dat ‘appen?

  16. True North website has the story on a muslim who teaches other muslims not to recognize Remembrance Day. Another diversity is our strength moment.

    1. Woah! Looks like Cherry was ahead of the curve. I thought most of ” you people” just were not aware of the significance of the poppy and Remembrance Day. Will the CBC be providing more on this story?

  17. True North news website, reports on two judges who are biased and have a conflict of interest regarding a landmark assisted suicide case.

  18. So let me get this straight. Blackie’s media have been trashing Trump all day about Russian and Ukraine meddling, and the same media all day thinks that Obama interfering in the Canadian election is wonderful. Funny old world isn’t it.

    1. OJ I recall reading how in Blackface Trudeau’s first election against Harper. Obama sent his Election Specialists to Canada to actually physically help Blackface Trudeau beat Harper. I forget which media source, but was in several. The Elite Globalists work together always. And with no FREE PRESS in Canada to challenge them can easily get away with the possibly criminal activity.

  19. final thought for the evening:
    I for one will truly feel a sense of glee if TURDoo 2.0 gets blown to bits by a vest bomb found to have been
    paid for with funds from *any* of the convicted killers and wannabe terrorists in receipt of MILLIONS
    from that bubblehead’s largess.

    and *still* they voted LIEberal. jeezuz murphy, are things really *that* far gone?
    answer: well, lOOkit at the alternative . . . . .
