33 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. Talking about a crisis is irresponsible. That the first cut at shape doesn’t work out is not particularly surprising. It’s like cows. My first cut at bovine shape is that all cows should be spherical. A little thought and observation will lead to the “bovine shape crisis” that not all cows are spherical. To thinking men this is not surprising.

    The official “crisis” is most likely a quest for fame rather than directly for fortune.

    1. Here’s what ….. When I consider that everything in nature rests upon a sphere, such as atoms, planets, moons, stars … all spherical. Everything ‘revolves’. So … it would be my guess that the universe might also be a revolving sphere.

      I think it was a guy named Einstein who suggested that space was curved. Perhaps it curves all the way around to form a sphere. That was quite awhile ago. With the enchantment of global warming now cooling, an even bigger crisis is at hand, conveniently … looking for some tax dollars OR ….. within 10 to 12 years it will be too late to straighten out the universe.

      No crisis, just a thought.

      1. Spheres are common enough at the microstructural level; but e.g. the excited states of the hydrogen atom, the ones with nonzero angular momentum, are not spherical.

        A rotating universe, as Goedel showed, allows time travel.

  2. Took only a generation or 2 for the cultural marxists to dumb down our children through our so called education system for this crap to be possible .

  3. I read about a theory that the universe is based on a large turtle, and that beneath the turtle it’s turtles all the way down. Unlikely, but …….

  4. “warns of a “cosmological crisis.””

    That’s how it always starts, pretty soon they’ll tell us we have to stop eating meat to save cosmos.

  5. I doubt that we, scratch that doubt, we CANNOT DO A DAMN THING ABOUT THE UNIVERSE, we are not now nor ever will be God.

  6. Suspiciousobservers is a more legitimate source that talks about this…like, share and subscribe 😉

  7. If you can’t impress them with facts, then baffle them with bovine fecal matter (or an unproved, and invisible crisis – my addition).

  8. My former girlfriend tried cosmological school but dropped out because she thought her teachers were unesthetical. Sorry.

    1. Nold: Did she try to attend another school? Perhaps a Cosmetology School where esthetics were more ethically taught by established teachers have been more to her liking? Or, even a Cosmedy Club would have been more unesthetical than cosmological logistics.

      A friend of mine attended one school that was so straight and narrow, in order to qualify for entrance one had to have absolutely straight hair so one could be used as a guinea pig for the String Theory class of modeling. Her surname was Fish and that was school enough for them considering that the tunition fees were astronomical.

      She thrashed around that school for seven years and eventually got her degree in Cometology with a minor in Manrine Biology and Estring Theology.

      1. “Her surname was Fish and………She thrashed around that school for seven years”
        Heh. She got a job in the public sector, right.

        1. How did you guess? Why yes, yes, she did.
          You see, she was bistingual so, so they didn’t
          have to strain her.

          She’s retarded now and has a nice fission.

  9. Well we’ve done so well saving the Earth, why not a void tax so we can “SAAAAAVE THE UNIVERSE!!!”

    *sigh* – is that why they call it “sigh-ence”?

  10. “Pretty sure that’s sciencespeak for “SEND MONEY”.”

    There was never a truer* statement made.

    * a derivative from true, one step up.

  11. Wait… is there any potential that we’re not going to die? Because that’s something I’m not prepared for.
    Otherwise, meh.

  12. In the beginning the God of Israel created the heavens and the earth.

    If we’re so obtuse as to refuse to learn and understand the Law He handed down to Moses—which He drafted in such a manner as to be impossible to misunderstand even by a culture of subsistence farmers—we’re not ready to know the details of the Creation beyond that.

  13. well, fwiw, my theory and belief is there is only ONE universe, it IS ‘flat’, just ginormously BIGGER than the most remote points we have seen thus far.
    kinda like this: the outer edge has had the famous 14 billion ‘with a B’ years to keep going outward,
    BUT, at the moment of CREATION, there was a LOT more past what we now see, it too is expanding and expanding.
    furthermore, as it does, to this moment, NEW ‘space’ is CREATED in a process whereby the dimensionless, timeless realm (where God is and always has been since before time) ‘yields’ (in a manner of speaking) to allow said expansion.
    AND, get this, God’s realm has *points of overlap* with the physical 3D universe, thus the process by which He can be everywhere at the same time, is a result of the overlap. HIS dimensionless timeless environment thus acts as the well known ‘worm hole’ (but only in this aspect, ie the ‘end result’ being instantaneous travel)
    etc etc

  14. On the subject of the universe.
    Nobody knows. Everything is what you may call “an educated guess”
    Things about the universe are inferred from educated guesses or rather guesses of people that went to school for a long time and then stayed.

    One thing they can be respected for is, they are good at algebra, like Drake’s equation.

    Though Carl Sagan thought it was cool:
    “The resulting Drake Equation is one of the most exciting bits of math I’ve ever seen.”

    Michael Crichton thought not:
    “…the Drake equation can have any value from “billions and billions” to zero. An expression that can mean anything means nothing. Speaking precisely, the Drake equation is literally meaningless, and has nothing to do with science. I take the hard view that science involves the creation of testable hypotheses. The Drake equation cannot be tested…”
    -Crichton “

    Much of the science on universe is basically an agreement that that’s the way things are. Much like global warming.
    It is very sophisticated, there is a lot of brain power put into it, very impressive. It may be considered the truth as far as we know today.

    Now a person, non-academic, non-scientist, may by simple process of reasoning bring forth plausible idea, well, it will get nowhere because the person has no credentials so the person is non-person.

    While the reasoning’s of Plato and Aristotle, were somewhat in error to the modern view, they thought on how things work in the concept of the time. They nevertheless originated a lot as in a lot of thoughts of today.

  15. On the subject of the universe.
    Nobody knows. Everything is what you may call “an educated guess”
    Things about the universe are inferred from educated guesses or rather guesses of people that went to school for a long time and then stayed.

    One thing they can be respected for is, they are good at algebra, like Drake’s equation.

    Though Carl Sagan thought it was cool:
    “The resulting Drake Equation is one of the most exciting bits of math I’ve ever seen.”

    Michael Crichton thought not:
    “…the Drake equation can have any value from “billions and billions” to zero. An expression that can mean anything means nothing. Speaking precisely, the Drake equation is literally meaningless, and has nothing to do with science. I take the hard view that science involves the creation of testable hypotheses. The Drake equation cannot be tested…”
    -Crichton “

    Much of the science on universe is basically an agreement that that’s the way things are. Much like global warming.
    It is very sophisticated, there is a lot of brain power put into it, very impressive. It may be considered the truth as far as we know today.

    Now a person, non-academic, non-scientist, may by simple process of reasoning bring forth plausible idea, well, it will get nowhere because the person has no credentials so the person is non-person.

    While the reasoning’s of Plato and Aristotle, were somewhat in error to the modern view, they thought on how things work in the concept of the time. They nevertheless originated a lot as in a lot of thoughts of today.

  16. “Imagine if you will”
    a Crisis eh..??
    In the Cosmos you say eh.??
    LMFAO….!! for the rest of my miniscule lifetime…

    Enough already… And do those that publish this garbage actually believe there will be Humans Dimwitted enough to buy into such outrageous BS..?
    YUP…at least 63% of Canadians will.

    Truly our Society is now fully enveloped by the TWIGHLIGHT ZONE.

  17. I am told that once upon a time there was no universe, just a teeny tiny ultra dense blob that suddenly went BANG and has been expanding continuously for over 14 billion years.

    But what was there before that?

    So glad you asked, as I have figured it out. Before that there was an infinite universe that for some reason started to contract. This shrinkage increased over time until everything fell into one giant black hole that collapsed under its own weight into a teeny tiny ultra dense blob.


    End of lesson.

    1. ….”what was there before that?”
      ☆ There is and always was God.
      God is within you.
      We are all Stardust from God!
