16 Replies to “Michael Yon: Mass Casualties in Hong Kong (Live)”

  1. I am surprised that the communists have not wiped them all out by now. Am I the only one who actually thinks that communist China, who owns Hong Kong has not freaking deployed the red army and wacked all the disadents is an unusual lack of communist action? Hell, I thought that they would have killed thousands weeks ago. What is happening? Is it because trump is president?

    1. Not as much Trump (although certainly he plays a role), they’re afraid that mass videoed slaughter would look so bad, that their control of pro-chicom narrative in all sorts of Western media and industries would end. Chicom octopus has its tentacles everywhere from Hollywood, to international sports, to video gaming industry. If they start mass slaughtering people in front of cameras they risk loosing that influence. That is why they are so careful in controlling information coming out of China on their imprisonment and oppression of mooselimbs, Tibetans etc.

      It should be stressed that all this oppression most of chicom population either has no problem with or enthusiastically supports. It is the international image that they are concerned with. It is sort of similar to Soviets not wanting to invade Poland during the Solidarity days. Then and there too average Siberian Mongols on the streets could not process why are those spoiled Poles rebelling against the benevolent Kremlin regime.

      Albertans take note, this can happen to you too and the average Morontonian/Frog/Chicouveran will be equally indifferent.

        1. Yes but it is a combination of two things. Visibility and degree chicoms are connected to western economies and especially culture. They worked tirelessly over the last couple of decades to maintain their fake civilized modern image.

  2. The key line in the Bloomberg opinion column cited:

    “Protests of workers seem to be becoming less important, and protests of consumers are becoming more important.”

    In other words, breaking the back of the free world’s non-communist labour movement with free trade and lax immigration enforcement proved to be the easy part. It’s been ensured that no honest man will ever be paid more than a fraction of what his time is worth, ever again.

    The trouble now is controlling the parasites who prop up globalist governments and turn violent whenever their free stuff becomes more costly than it’s still worth to their patrons.

    This is what comes of making it so only fools and slaves do anything useful for a living.

  3. The Media Are “Missing” the Biggest Story Since the Fall of the Soviet Union. If by missing, you mean deliberating burying a story about Communists ruining another place on this planet then yes.

  4. My Interview in Hong Kong with Epoch Times , Nov. 5
    L- this interview puts the CCP tactics in a perspective, it serves a strategy for the entire Western Pacific.
    The Cold War is back on big time.
    The Western MSM is looking the other way. Why ? Breaking news is not what they do anymore, more the opposite.

    The agreement stipulated that under Chinese rule the HKSAR would enjoy a high degree of autonomy, except in matters of foreign relations and defense,
    (“that the social and economic systems as well as the lifestyle in Hong Kong would remain unchanged for 50 years after 1997.)
    “Many observers, INCLUDING ME, expressed considerable skepticism about China’s pledge to abide by the “one country, two systems” plan outlined in the agreement. They feared that China would drastically curtail the rights and freedoms of Hong Kong residents.”

    50 YEARS?

  6. Disgusting. And 2,400 Canadians died in 1940-1941 to get to where we are now?

    U.N. Security Council sanctions won’t happen — the PRC, with the support of Russia, and probably of France, will nix them.

    So, it’a all up to the U.S.A., the U.K. and the rest of the Anglosphere, as well as the Commonwealth now. Blockade, I say: turn back all cargo en route to all these latter jurisdictions. The United States has up to 11 carrier battle groups available, and the U.K. will have 2 shortly, plus the whole range of tariffs and non-tariff barriers.

    If this means the end of the PRC, so be it, as far as I’m concerned: if we, in this country, need to do more — once again — so be it, also. There are millions of ex-pat Chinese and their descendants round here who love us and who love their lives.

  7. Communist party leaders are scared out of their minds right now. Banking system is a shambles. No one is getting paid. The rich are trying to sneak capital out. Business is pulling out and moving to Vietnam and Mexico. GDP has been negative for consecutive months. Li is worried he will be deposed.

    1. Not to worry! Apple, Tesla, and NIKE are all expanding their RED China presence! Get woke, go broke … or worse. How about Colin Kaepernick hold a tryout for himself in RED China.

  8. Question; Why isn’t this story consuming the first 10-15 mins of every broadcast News hour across America and the Western world???

    Answer; If News depts. started reporting on the ChiComs activities in Hong Kong, that would then bump the Democrats show trial from the minds of Americans and Canadians.

    1. Not just that, chicom influence in US media is enormous. They have been controlling that narrative for decades and until Trump were only getting stronger.
