Renegade Regulator

Restore CSA;

I was updating our records of the Lobbying Registry’s forgotten lore last week, rummaging through records, and something just didn’t seem right. The entries seemed boring. True, all these entries seem boring, but these somehow more so. They seemed familiar. Ah, said I, it’s nothing really, just the fancies born of memories of so much time online, only this and nothing more.
Ah, distinctly I remember, t’was in the bleak December… of 2014 actually, when we’d found the first problems within CSA’s Lobbying Registration.
I was seeing last week some of the same things I’d seen in 2014. It didn’t seem at all like fancies; more like facts. So I ran an experiment.

6 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. Every time I read one of these, I just feel sicker to my stomach. How is this sort of thing different from organised crime?

    1. Compared to the civil service? Organised crime is more efficient, it doesn’t employ as many people doing nothing, and so far as it has it own rules and standards, it actually enforces them on its members.

  2. Unfortunately my following comment was set aside by the Knight system as insecure. Hopefully this will not impede my comment here;

    Clearing out manure in a fouled barn requires all of the Floors and the several stalls must be scrubbed clean to prevent new material becoming similarly fouled to the point of manure.
    This is somewhat similar to the continuing control of the Federal Bureaucracy of Canada remaining in the protective cocoon of the system identified as the Privy Council Office imposed with the Financing of Great Britain as a component of the BNA in 1867. This was during the period of the Victorian Era when the Monarchy was in mourning and the Privy Council of Great Britain was in complete control of Policy.
    The Pricy Council of the United Kingdom — former British Empire period has been altered. Canada is the only Colony saddled with a Privy Council Concept and is the only Pre-Twentieth Century system of Bureaucracy.

  3. Ok, I tried to post a few minutes ago yet hit the wrong damn key on my new computer. Canadians are more than willing to knuckle under to any government agency because they are ?????? Fill in the blanks you socialist morons.

  4. Kleptocracy Rules.
    There is no peaceful way to reform Government by Thieves for the benefit of thieves.
    Never has a parasite “voluntarily” removed itself.
    And we now know our Eastern Comrades encourage and reward fools and bandits,60% of those who vote,want more free stuff.
