
Kevin Folta is a crop scientist fighting the good fight to protect and advance the ag science that actually feeds the world.

The problem is that we live in a time where malicious interests from inside and outside of the scientific community have targeted scientists, myself included. Universities run from controversy. They are forced into the sad decision of standing up for truth, versus backing down for pragmatic satisfaction of donors, politicians, and activists. Expedience demands that perception trump the mission, even at the cost of those we are charged to serve.
These realities have forced the university to retract me from public view. While silent, I am not out, and am planning the next move, the next chapter. The enemy is not the university or its leadership. The enemy is hunger and the threats to our farmers and environment, and the individuals that take an expert stand in fighting against science and scientists.

If you’d like to do him a small favour, go vote for his proposal. It’s currently at 177 votes.

The voting closes tomorrow.

Update: After checking the vote tallies on the other proposals, he appears to have a significant lead already. Maybe we shouldn’t slam it too hard or the count may look suspicious.

12 Replies to “Pollspotting”

  1. I’m wondering if I should do this, as most of the other proposals are in double digit territory. LOL

  2. Get back to me when the “science” “community”, gets golden rice approved for human consumption.

    1. unDork, you pretend to be a conservative, but always take the uninformed(lefty) side of any issues. monsanto has a huge R&D department, and they come up with many useful products. One being rice that is re pleat with critical vitamins for human health, and that is why a large group od scientists signed a petition for the Bangladeshi government to lift a ban Monsanto rice, so that the health of it’s population would be addressed before political bullshit prevailed. Try learning before opening you ignorant pie hole, thanks in advance

    1. One thing I learned while I was a grad student is that the academic research environment discourages and, in some cases, punishes originality. Original ideas scare people because they’re afraid they won’t understand them. Funding agencies hate originality for the same reason.

      The result is that researchers tend to investigate topics which are considered safe because they won’t turn over the apple cart and because those investigations are more likely to be funded. And whoever brings in the loot is more likely to be given a seat at the golden hog trough known as tenure.

      University research as very little to do with the pursuit of truth and knowledge. It’s more about the moolah.

    2. I’ll tell you what. Every time Antifa runs amok at a University and the University police do nothing about it I’ll remind you that
      “Universities run from controversy.” by enabling that shit. And every other controversial thing that Universities enable that cut across the real societal norm? Yeah, I’ll be pointing out that this is Universities just running from controversy again.
      Maybe I should point out that when the University forced Kevin Folta to shut down his Facebook page they violated his 1st Amendment Right to Free Speech which in and of itself is a controversial and even potentially litigious thing to do. Not only could he sue them for violating his right to free speech but he’d then be set up to also sue them for any potential earnings he would have made as a professor and researcher there.

  3. The enemy is not the university or its leadership.

    Well, if they’re not the enemy, they may as well be.
