16 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars”

  1. As did Big Doug here in Ontari-owe.

    I have no problem with people buying electric cars. It stimulates the economy. Just don’t bore me with your fake eco bullplop to justify it and don’t steal tax dollars to subsidize it.

    1. Semi….exactly, I support trying to get these things to a stage were they make sense to people like me, but don’t use my Tax $$$$$ for the rich virtue signalers

  2. I think California should have EV only lanes on every highway and arterial road.

    This would allow the elite to travel in speed and comfort. 🙂

  3. It gets even better! Down here in America, the NHTSA is looking into Tesla’s spontaneous combustion problems.
    There is nothing scarier than being investigated by a government agency. It couldn’t happen to a bigger con-
    man than Elon Musk.

  4. Don’t forget, ladies and gentlemen, what is happening in British Columbia (Canada).

    The British Columbia government is collecting a 128% “carbon” tax on domestic natural gas USAGE. Not cost, but USAGE. Normally people are taxed on how much they spend or how much they earn. But, because the price of natural gas has collapsed since 2008 (when the “carbon” tax in BC was instituted), the carbon tax is on USAGE. It’s clear that BC does NOT want to depend on the price of natural gas.

    And, by the way, Canada’s federal Goods and Services Tax is applied to that “carbon” tax. A tax on a tax.

    Guess where those “carbon” tax monies go? Labelled as “incentives”, they go right into the pockets of people who buy electric vehicles.

    So the BC government – a socialist government that is presumably for the “little guy”, the “worker” – takes money out of the pockets of the less wealthy and gives it to the more wealthy so that they are “incentivized” to buy an EV.

    You know who purchased one of those EVs in early 2019 and received an “incentive” to do so? One Andrew Weaver, the leader of the BC Green Party and who, by the way, is propping up the current BC government.

    In summary, a group of people in government are using the power of government to enrich the more wealthy at the expense of the less wealthy, all in the name of Climate Change.

    1. Socialism is the creed of the 1% nowadays. They don’t give a flying f**k about the working class. They’re only interested in signaling virtue to each other in echo chambers increasingly disconnected from reality.

      1. The reason ultra-rich “capitalists” push socialism is it concentrates wealth and power into fewer hands than does free enterprise. Inevitably the 1% become the .01%. That is socialism. “I’ve got mine, no social climbing for you!”

    2. The B. C. government takes money out of the pockets of those who live in flyover country and gives it to Lotusland.

    1. From the beginning of the article: “Fresh on the heels of a warning that the United Nations may use force against countries defying its climate-change mandates,”

      Thanks, that was my laugh of the day.

  5. And thank you Mr Norquist, for underling that electric cars are rich men’s toys and will never be anything else.

    If the Israelis couldn’t develop a practical electric car affordable on a middle-class income, regardless of their very real incentives to do so, nobody can.

    1. ass canadian, there are a lot of things that Israelis could’t and didn’t develop. They are not stupid like you, and are happy to learn from others. Some one may one day develop a break through battery concept, that makes electric cars more viable . Maybe an Israeli company, or Korean, or Japanese, or even American.

      You should take yer BiASS and stuff it

  6. Electric car drivers already get an ongoing subsidy – they pay no excise tax (or road tax if you will) as purchasers of gasoline/diesel products do (currently about 25 cents per litre in Ontario).
