December 23, 2019: Reader Tips

With just a few days before Christmas, we offer you two samplings from Il Divo.

In addition to sharing your best news tips, don’t hesitate to share with our little community how this past year has gone for you.

85 Replies to “December 23, 2019: Reader Tips”

  1. My, my…. how time flies. I just started watching my DVD copy of the British mini-series The Jewel In The Crown. I can scarcely believe that I saw it in late 1984, first on the CBC and, later, on PBS’s Masterpiece Theatre. Back then, TV was still worth watching.

    I’m getting old….

        1. I saved 2 Bond movies, “Golden Eye” from 1995 and “The World is Not Enough” (1999) both with Pierce Brosnan, and some cop shows like Tom Selleck, “Blue Blood” and “Ray Donovan” with Liev Schrieber for watching. Plus I’m reading a a sinful book, “The Irishman” by Charles Brandt. It was made into a movie by Scorsese.

  2. By now, you will have heard about the unusually severe forest fire season in Australia.

    The globalist media in Australia and worldwide are divided on whether to ascribe more blame to climate change or to prime minister Scott Morrison’s refusal to destroy Australia’s coal industry.

    The real cause of the fires, of course, is arson, the work of eco-terrorists setting fires that can be blamed on climate change. A dozen have been arrested in New South Wales alone.

    There surely would be a Pulitzer waiting for anybody who could find out who is bankrolling and recruiting for the eco-terror campaign in Australia. But it would require courage few journalists have.

  3. Just saw Richard Jewell, the new Clint Eastwood film. Good film. Here is a review with comments:
    In am intrigued by the many commenters who caught the subtle allusion to the government bureaucracy – media fostered attacks on Trump. I think that is part of the film’s message, and a compelling film regardless. If indeed it is intended to question the media’s role in perpetrating injustice and propagating misinformation for the sake of a “story”, it is s good counter to the media self-promoting film of a couple of years ago about the Washington Post.

    1. For the reasons you cite, Linda, most of the media critics with the dominant media cartel trashed the film. For money and ideological reasons, the corrupt media has to circle the wagons and attack dissident films.

    2. very good point LindaL.
      and remember folks, the media been ‘telling stories’ at least since the days of the wold west, creating stories about various gunslinger ‘heroes’ like billy the kid. get a load of the sneer on HIS face.
      real ‘hero’ material eh?
      do a search on the rest of them.
      then do a search on the ‘heroes’ killing whoever they felt like in the Depression era.
      start with the media darling john dillinger.

      lots and lots of stories about lots and lots of heroes.
      all brought to us by the media.
      oh, and didjaknow bikers are heroes too?

  4. How has the past year gone?

    Two years ago I gave up TV. No cable TV, no internet TV. I don’t miss it.

    Life is much better. I read more. I have more time to think.

    No annoying CBC. No CNN.

  5. Thanks! I enjoyed the links!

    I’m a big Leonard Cohen fan I enjoyed Hallelujah, (despite SNLs shabby efforts to turn it into Hillarys elegy in 2016).

    Dance Me to the End of Love is probably my favorite Cohen song. Here is a link to Steyn’s essay on the song.

    In terms of my year, it is not ending well with my elderly mother having taken quite ill. It feels a lot like asking Mrs. Lincoln about the production values to look back on 2019 now.

    However, having said that, I have very much enjoyed your blog, your honest perspective, delightful humour, and support of speech (even the occasional wackadoodles).

    Happy Chrstmas and Merry New Year all.

  6. Blackie’s Globe and Mail reports on some whiny indians holding up a pipeline in B.C., because they claim some artifacts of the sacred tree frog are there. The company building the pipeline claim they were planted at the site. The story is behind a Globe and Mail pay wall.

  7. Robert, the past year has been one of disappointment. Watching politics and the traitorous actions of the democrats, the insanity of Canadians, the death of many friends and my mother, the continued lies and fraud surrounding “climate change”, the continuing reduction of personal freedom, the importation of Islamic welfare immigrants, the on going destruction of the Canadian economy by all stripes of liberal socialists, the acceptance of “trans” insanity, well, that was just brief rundown of the idiocy that has been 2019. Please take my prediction for the coming year with a grain of salt. The above will continue, except maybe the deaths of persons close to me, and the idiots and morons will double down on their fraud and efforts to destroy freedom. Merry Christmas, you never know when it will be the last one.

    1. I am hoping that the impeachment in the states will backfire and reveal the duplicity and corruption in the Democratic Party and Washington generally. I know we have been waiting a long time, but I am still hopeful.

  8. Here is a story you won’t see in Blackie’s bought and paid for Unifor media. Extinction Rebellion activists dumped a truck load of cow shit in front of Doug Ford’s community office. Apparently because Ford is Hitler or something. Story at Post Millennial. Merry “Holiday” from Canada’s climate activists.

  9. Something for those inclined to THINK. The Politics of Obedience. The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude….. “Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break in pieces.”

  10. Move over Family Feud. CBC Gem is proud to announce its new comedy show on how Canadians are racist bastards. Isn’t it wonderful what a billion dollars in taxpayer money can do?

    1. Let me guess, a PM character is going to appear in blackface, yellow face, red face, and possibly shit faced.

      1. Best every Joe. For The Fake Negro…If you ever get hit with a bucket of shit be sure to close your eyes….

  11. Overall, it has been a good year for me. I seem to have recovered from a two-year period of rather serious depression (I’ve suffered from depression since 1964, but this was far worse than usual), in large part because of considerable support from some good people at my church. I’m riding my bicycle on rollers to get ready for some good cycling weather in, oh, four months or so. The stock market has been good to me this year. In another three days, I won’t be hearing terrible “Christmas” music (much of which doesn’t even mention Christmas at all) for eleven months. Even the braces that were installed on my teeth a bit more than a month ago aren’t giving me much in the way of problems.

    1. Jim, I had a fairly serious depression during my grad years at Queen’s U. What got me out of it was the notion that there is value in us and what we do, and that the media’s (and others’) obsession of thrashing people is morally wrong. There is a Christian hymn entitled “Count your Blessings”. If we count the positive things in our lives, things turn out better.

      1. here here.
        remember jim no matter what, it’s only temporary.
        however long temporary is ya gotta hang on dammit HANG ON.
        I suffered severe depression from ghastly OCD symptoms for a considerable time.
        but it ended abruptly in early 2014 for a variety of reasons.
        try everything you can and give each strategy time to take hold and then try something else until it clicks for you.
        and help others in the same boat because they will listen to YOU more than a pill pusher.

    1. Buddy, thanks for the link.

      Morneau’s fiscal updates released Monday showed the Liberals’ projected deficit of $19.8 billion for this fiscal year will now be $26.6 billion, and next year it will be $28.1 billion before accounting for the Liberals’ election promises.

      The Finance Department said the deeper deficit is largely driven by changes to how employee pensions and benefits are calculated — a hit that grows when interest rates are low, but could drop sharply when interest rates rise.

      The budget officer suggested in its review of the fiscal update that the Liberals have run deficits between $18 billion and $28 billion, which may act as an “implicit fiscal anchor” for Morneau. The finance minister didn’t say how deep a federal deficit he would be comfortable seeing.

      In summary, the Liberals estimated a $20 billion deficit (up from a slight surplus) that will actually be $28 billion. The budget officer sees Canada’s ongoing deficit as a boat anchor should our economy slip from slow growth (projected at 1.6-1.7%) to no growth or a recession. Morneau’s reaction is to call Conservatives “irresponsible”.

      “The Finance Department said” … do we believe anything the Finance Department says?

  12. I’m having a great year. Thanks for asking. Shortened my name to sfr because I have to retype it every time I comment from my iphone (stupid iphone).

    Remember the Oxbow Christmas anti-oil play? There was no intention to send a political message. It’s just that the song had the right beat …

    Audrey Trombley, chair of the South East Cornerstone Public School Division where Oxbow Prairie is located, apologized to anyone who was offended by the concert, saying there was never any intention to make the show political.

    “There was no political agenda,” said Audrey Trombley, chair of the division’s Board of Trustees. “The teacher chose the song because of the rhythm and the beat, and thought the kids would like it.”

    Liars …. all of them … “and thought the kids would like it” … hahahaha … morons.

    Merry Christmas.

  13. Ok all you hard ass conservatives it’s time to lighten up and have a few laughs.

    I heard a guy recently who said conservatives who can laugh at themselves are as rare as a German comedian ha.

    How about Asleep at the Wheel’s ‘Christmas in Jail’. C’mon everybody pretend yur drunk…..

  14. Blackie’s Globe and Mail has a new Canadians don’t realize they are racist bastards story, for the “Holiday” season.

  15. Although I complain here as much as anyone I know I am lucky to be a Canadian. My forefathers were Germans from Russia who emigrated here in the 1890’s to farm in Manitoba.

    My vision if the country is one that Canada could have been so much more than it is. Putting my views aside I take this time to wish our host and all the SDA family a merry Christmas and happy Hanukkah not forgetting those who passed this year (Ken Kulak).

    Pour a drink make some Latkes in celebration.


    Gee, another attack on freedom.
    “There will be limits on excessive consumption.”

    But who determines what is excessive? Certainly I could say anyone who owns a pleasure craft (great name) bigger than 50′ long has more than they need. (I just don’t f**king care.) But those owners might say anyone with one more than 100′ long.
    (Always about the length.)

    There is one thing worse than people who consume excessively and that’s governments that consume excessively.

    It is better to give than to receive, unless you’re forced to.

  17. Don’t spread this around or you will get in trouble with Bill Morneau. Canada’s economy shrunk in Oct. as reported at Post Millennial. Post Millennial is obviously full of Nazi bastards. And don’t miss the story on how the CBC wants to cancel Baby Yoda.

  18. Hate to bring some reality to this celebratory column but just to keep abreast of the times (pardon the pun) but this is just surfacing in Britain at the moment.

    Now to paraphrase a topic title from Kate.
    Why are we still a member of this lunacy? It is one thing to send our sons, brothers and fathers into conflict but quite another to send in our mothers, sisters and daughters into “kinetic” engagements.

  19. Oh Nooo! The Chinese embassy in Canada has issued another threat to Canada today. I’m so scared. Here is a message the embassy can send to their fascist commie dictator back home. Stick your threats up your ass.

      1. A bit of nostalgia… you suggested it last Christmas day, so it’s actually to your credit. A nice choice abtrapperdude.

        Part of what you wrote:
        December 25, 2018 at 8:59 am]
        “I’m listening to Steve Tyrell singing Christmas songs. ‘Santa’s got the Christmas Blues’ – check it out.
        Merry Christmas to all.”


        1. Indeed. I’m a Steve Tyrell fan – very familiar with his body of work.

          Christmas blues is worth listening to every time, even in July.

  20. Blackie’s CBC had three ex Liberal premiers on its Power and Politics show tonight. They discussed how wonderful Groper is, how wonderful prime minister Freeland is, how wonderful the Liberal Party is, and we need more carbon taxes.

  21. from deep in the heart of Texas, “on the border, by the sea”. I wish ya’ll a merry Christmas and a happy new year. sda is about the only thingy I read on the net.
    thanks, kate
