19 Replies to “Islamophobe Throws Water At Woman on Plane”

  1. People are going to refuse to fly anytime anyone dressed like her boards the plane……..it is getting that bad out there

    1. Bomb inside her body? … Eric Swalwell had that too. He blew it up on live TV.

      I used to request plane seats away from small children. Now I ask to be seated away from muslims.

      1. I’ve been doing well at avoiding commercial air travel but if I do get on a flying bus, I’d like to be seated within arm’s reach of the potential culprits, for a chance to get a couple of licks in before whatever goes off.

        Five days on the road is not an unreasonable exchange to avoid a commercial passenger flight (and it’s not the plane or flying itself that I dislike.)

    1. Opinion on said twatter is solidly in favor of boot to the face and eject without a parachute.

      I didn’t read far enough down to see if climate types are protesting the use of a water bottle.

  2. Go for the eyes first, it will distract them from whatever they have planned. Hot coffee in the face is another good option if available. Then beat until unconscious. Tie or duct tape to seat until immobile.

    Thank you for flying the friendly skies.

  3. But please remember, it has nothing to do with Islam. That kind of talk is not allowed in Blackie’s Sunny Ways Canada.

  4. What up with the retard in front of this woman? I mean you see this woman start to light stuff on fire and you just stare at her? I would have started beating her in the face.

  5. Fly those Brits from the bridge as air marshalls. Seriously? Trying to pick a cig from her fingers. I am shocked that no one gave her a fist to the face. Yank her out of the seat onto the aisle floor.

  6. I love this comment from Twitter:

    ” One minute they’re just little kids on the playground, the next full sized adults.

    They blow up so Fast..!!”

    I’m thinking I woulda drifted that POS with a very hard n fast right fist…likely more than once.

  7. I would ask why this woman was allowed on the plane in the first place but that would be pointless.

    This clip will be spread around as evidence of panic or Islamophobia or some such rot.

    Expect more of this until the real show.

  8. If she’s Canadian she’ll get millions from Justin.

    Good thing Charles Adler is on holidays, otherwise (pause for a Charles Adler dramatic break) Charles would be all over those passengers who interfered with a holy Muslim ritual.

  9. Oh calm down all you Islamophobes! This poor unfortunate woman is tragically suffering from mental illness. It seems to be endemic among all those poor unfortunate Islamic “refugees”.
