Y2Kyoto: If You Want To Make An Omelette

You gotta blend a couple birds. Or something like that.

15 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: If You Want To Make An Omelette”

  1. Eco-marxists are garbage. Want to solve the climate crisis? Turn every eco-marxist into a carbon sink. Problem solved.

    1. What is never mentioned is what those diminishing numbers of birds had for a diet.

      I’ll tell you.

      The ate insects and rodents.

      Those insects and rodents will now have one less major predator.

      Those insects and rodents will need a lot more of OUR food in the form of crops being devoured by the ‘pestilence’.

      We will have trouble controlling the silos folks …. and those rodents carry serious disease as well. Watch for plague in LA.

      Enjoy the saving of the world from nothing, …….. for nefarious purposes.

  2. A rare win against online child sexual abuse

    On a borderless internet exploding with imagery of child sexual abuse, anyone who campaigns to remove apps and websites with illicit material fights an uphill battle. That’s partly because tech companies in the U.S. and Europe have policies that can be exploited to shield criminal behavior.
    One Canadian nonprofit used a computer program to force three sites offline last month. But the campaign took years, and its success is likely to remain rare.
    _________________________________________________________________ The above -Cut & Paste paragraph is from the N. Y. Times. It is not practical to bring NY Times to Facebook due to ‘Pay Wall’ restrictions. However as N.Y. Times is constantly and desperately reaching out for subscribers I receive a regular copy to see where their, unfortunate connection to the Soros/Clinton CYA activities which has, including the Deep State – false impeachment meme – continued the slide to bankruptcy for NY Times. ————————————

    The – Cut & Paste paragraph is actually a faint praise of a Canadian effort to successfully close down Three (3) out of thousands, according to N.Y. Times . If the Arctile is available for Your viewing please examine the number of Sites on the rotating Globe which are concentrated in Europe.
    Presumably because the efforts to allow ‘Human Rights & Responsibilities of The Individual’ have allowed miscreant actors — Such as; the Return of the Caliphate — are willing to spread the well recognized exploitation of Young Children, both Girls & Boys, of the disadvantaged and subordinated Women. Especially when there is no esteemed Male Protector.
    Whether the ‘throwing up their hands unaccountable bureaucrats of the European Union’ is unable to address expolitation of children is beyond the reach of English Language Culture; except for and obviously after years of effort the reality of Brexit to re-establish Christian/Judeao Philosophy as part of the United Kingdom Civilization.——-
    The question (?) for North American English Language Culture to prevent the Loss of Christian/Judeao Civilization similar to Europe’s inability or bureaucracy unwillingness to oppose the quite obvious Isalmic — Cult of The Return of the Caliphate takeover Agenda –; presumably due to an untenable roadblock of presumed Jurisprudence and continuing effort(s) of self-interest legalist professions; OR merely part of brokerage political interests of Established Personages regardless of position or self-interest. ———————–
    (?) is truly based on the Established Personage of North America as relates to the Muslim Community(s) in the United States of America and Canada’s English Language Culture(s) !
    Does the English Language Cultures agree & accept the Muslim [ Islamic ] Agenda of cultural control through incursion and unassimilated development and/or self-interest of the Bureaucracy Class of the U.S.A. plus indifference of those Elected Representatives preferring self-interest over expecting Accountability of the Bureaucracy Class.———–
    North American English Language Culture find Muslim practice of Muslim dominated countries to use the Children of disadvantaged and subordinated Women as Sex Toys – abhorrent – .Misusing Elementary School age Children, plus Middle School age Students, as cruel as the treatment of Infants and Toddlers for sexual exploitation. ——————
    There is a possibility of incarceration for anyone in Canada breaking Canada’s Hate Laws for the Sharing of this Posting

  3. Just one small problem with the picture shown. The before and after only relate to those wind farms offshore in the North Sea. OK so its a grave picture but its only a small part.

    1. It totally excludes the near continuous line of bird choppers on land down the east coast of the UK.

    2. To the East it shows incoming lines of migration, except that can no longer be true if the bird choppers of the UK decimate the birds what about all those wind farms in the Danish, German and Dutch sectors of the North Sea.
    I’d say its not a few birds but pretty much all of them.

    So a question for those still in the UK when did they last hear a Cuckoo ? They have far less migratory paths and they fly right at the height and through those bird mincers offshore Norfolk, Lincolnshire and Yorkshire.
    Those migratory birds coming from the south are fairing no better, the population of Swallows Swifts and Martins seems to this humble countryman’s observations to be vastly diminished.

  4. Well,this map shows wher.e we can go for food when the greens have their way. If there are any birds left to get killed

  5. Yes, he’s certain of an impending catastrophe….now ask him if he’s in favour of nuclear energy, at least as a short term measure…..

  6. 1600 ducks die in a one-time accident at the oil sands and it’s an international outrage. But kill millions of bats and birds, including rare raptors, and that’s a good thing.

    Yes, in order to save the environment, first we have to destroy it.

  7. One good thing about off shore wind turbines is that when the reach the end of their life they can be given a burial at sea.

  8. Do you remember the good old days of 2012 when a few hundred burying beetles could stop the Keystone XL pipeline from being built? Neither do I.

    Environmentalism is a mental illness.
