I, For One, Welcome Our New Self-Driving Overlords

Daily Wire;

The Washington Post hacked into a Chevy Volt several days ago with the help of a automotive technology expert to find out just how much automakers are spying on their owners and discovered that vehicles are recording their owners’ every move.
The Post used a 2017 Chevy Volt for its experiment and learned that the car collected a wide range of highly precise data ranging from the vehicles location to information about the driver’s cell phone, including call records — noting that many vehicles copy over personal data the moment that a smart phone is plugged into the vehicle.

Be sure to read it all.

8 Replies to “I, For One, Welcome Our New Self-Driving Overlords”

  1. How many people will really give a damn? My wife cashed in points at a Shoppers and when we got home my computer asked how she liked the shopping experience. No more points for us. It is not my wife’s computer.

  2. most devices that are called a “smart device” are usually the opposite; its usually a dumb device for dumb people, too dumb to know they are voluntarilly letting anyone spy on them…

    you are PAYING to provide information to people who should be paying YOU to obtain such information

    smart tv, smart fridge, smart anything usually means ; DUMB customer

  3. Anyone who drives an electric, hybrid, or whatever car, deserves the pain they have government subsidied on themselves.

    Lesson here, never plug in your smart phone, or allow bluetooth pairing. The amount of personal information harvested must be staggering in a single rental car.

  4. Ahhhh, the bliss of driving a 14 yr old vehicle that although it has electonics (ECM, BCM TCM etc), it has no WiFi, BlueTooth or On Star. Yes it does record ones DRIVING Record (on the ECM), but other than that…nadda. (& yes it has Auto on Headlights which is a feature still seemingly an option on most of todays SUV Crap…beyond STOOPID that.)

    I still use a 12 yr old BlackBerry VM605 BT device to transmit my music to my radio…and a 7 yr old BB Z30 as my music player. Should my current mobile ph shit the bed, I’ll revert back to the Z30 – No Google – No nadda to grab yer info…or ask you how did you like this place or that.

    Theres Not a hope in hell my paying some 1000+ for some 5g Huawei ChiComm infected garbage to manage my life…or run my vehicle off a cliff ’cause I happen to have dissed their favorite vassal, PM Dickspank.

    I predict in the next decade, there will be many who decide to revert back to older tech…with the intent to get away from the Surveillance.

    Now where is that Motorola Brick..??

    1. I use a lot of older stuff like you do, but you know they will do all they can to make those things unusable?

      they don t like it that we resist being spied on, they will make all old technologies unusable until we are forced to buy stuff that can spy on us.

      I consider it tyranical to force people to buy products that spy on them

    2. Enjoy it while you can, with 5G coming out either laws will be passed (for safety reasons *cough*) or indirectly enforced (like I’m starting to see sites saying you can’t continue with MSIE – internet explorer).

      Plus old equipment will eventually wear out, no matter how much you don’t use it.

      A dark horse will be you will be flagged on all systems, and by BIG DATA method they can profile you just as easy.
