7 Replies to “Embrace Hollywood!”

  1. I am actually looking forward to seeing what our state propagandist has to say…. And then go read the comments. Should be fun.

    I’m sure the outrage mob is in full gear…. with Twatter having a coronary.

    His last remarks were absolutely Perfect…STFU, take your bit of cheap glitz & GTFO..!!

    1. Steakman, I heard one review on CBC — maybe Q? — and they thought it was unfunny, the jokes fell flat, etc. Made me with I’d watched it.

  2. Best quote:

    “Posh Brit reheating leftover 4chan dunks on marginalized people whose wealth is supposed to make it “okay””

    By some clown named Bob Chipman. He actually refers to rich celebrities as ‘marginalized’, and he’s not joking. How far does his head have to be up his ass to make such a comment?

  3. Hollywood celeberties are always getting involved in some silly camapains like Enviromentalism,Animal Right,Gun Control and Impeaching Trump they just do that for the Paparazii and making it on the news or in People Magazine
