13 Replies to “The Australian Fires: An Inconvenient Truth”

  1. yeah but those 200 arsonists did it because of global warming

    the heat from global warming drove them crazy ( this is sarcasm of course )

  2. I’d be willing to bet that once the names are published, we’ll find a significant # of Religion of Peace Inbreds involved….

    1. Just for your information.


      Many of the readers here know exactly what is going on. Agents of the Religion of Peace have been welcomed here and their sole intent is to destroy our culture, whether it is by bleeding our social and medical services dry or whether it is by causing mayhem and havoc by other means the end will still be the same because our compassion will not allow us to apply the remedy.

  3. “More than half of the 18 people who have been dealt with by police over recent Queensland bushfires are children”

    It seems the schools in Australia are just as bad as North America.

  4. A phrase I learned while in Oz – “‘E’s a bit of a Larrikin, roit?” Australians admire people on the border of the law.

  5. Not a word on the MSM about the arson or the arrests. Globull warming is killing us and we must die faster.

  6. the aussie authorities will not allow the identities of the arsonists to be pubvlished as they know what the reaction of real aussies would be. And the police will have to arrest half of australia to contain the reaction.

  7. It’s been interesting to read about how big the fines are for anyone who dares to clear vegetation on their own land thanks tot he greenies. Now fire is doing it for them.

  8. It’s been interesting to read about how big the fines are for anyone who dares to clear vegetation on their own land thanks to the greenies. Now fire is doing it for them.

  9. on the topic of forestry mgmt, the most stunningly shocking thing I ever saw and got explained was the time me and 2 BC living brothers were in a forest clearing in that province and I asked the forestry mgmt bro why the branch debris on the ground was all bulldozed into piles.

    provincial regulation. apparently the nude demoncraps were offended by the unsightliness of twigs and branches strewn about after the chain saws all left. despite the FACT said ground cover was ideal for the little forest critters and I assumed assisted in saplings getting a foothold.


    ‘esthetics’ triumphed in BC forest mgmt.
    that was around 2010 or so.

  10. Why isn’t the press seeking Al Gore’s opinion on the matter? Big Al did tell us we are all gonna fry, this could be the beginning of the end.

    They are directly comparable to gangrene.
    As one effects the body,the other effects society.
    Amputation is often the only solution,even today with antibiotics at our disposal.
    True Believers are dangerous.
    The Doom laden ethos of The Cult of Calamitous Climate is impervious to facts,scientific method,logic and reason.
    CAGW/CC is an intelligence test and will be a cautionary tale of the next generation.
    The Emperor’s New Clothes was NOT an instruction manual.
    But we see that aspect of group think,mass hysteria alive and well in this pampered age.
    And the babbling idiocy of the title “Climate Change” is pricelessly funny.
    Climate is.
    Climate Changes yes, but remains climate.
    So what is the “Change?”
    What is that “prefect climate”?
    So the term is as meaningful as “Water Wet”.
    This whole government driven scare campaign is a “First World Problem” for the useless and clueless that a wealthy society supports.
    Once the Gang green succeed, society will no longer be able to afford their “services”.
    Exactly what the Australians are finding out right now.
    My heart bleeds for their suffering,however when you elect fools and bandits, you get governance by fools and bandits.
    That is why we no longer have a professional civil service, the professionals have been weeded out and replaced by the complacent.
    If you
    “Cannot see the TRUTH( As observed by the Fools) you are Unfit for government.”
    This new State Religion is the cancer of our civil society and civilization is a very thin veneer.
    When the governed decide their leaders are the greatest danger to them, all bets are off.
    And forcing citizens to surround themselves with combustible material in a land of Flood and Fire about defines the governance of Fools.
