“Organic” Is The Latin Word For “Grown In Pig Shit”

36 Replies to ““Organic” Is The Latin Word For “Grown In Pig Shit””

  1. A noble effort by the Farmer … however … I need to remind him there is STILL a huge segment of our society who still “believe” vaccinations cause autism. And a huge segment of our society who “believe” global warming has something to do with wildfires in Australia. The market will make no changes … and certainly NOT police the comments from loons who post nonsensical “popular” opinions. No, all corporations realize they MUST kowtow to the noisy fringe lest the company lose the “social credit” derived from virtue signaling their … c … a … r … i … n … g.

    “Natural” … “Organic” … “Gluten-Free” … “No GMO” … “Green” … “Hormone-Free” … sadly, these terms are the 21st century version of brightly-colored breakfast cereal boxes designed to capture the attention and purchases of dim-witted consumers. And remember! If it didn’t WORK (successfully), they wouldn’t do it. Rational intelligence is irrelevant in the marketplace of “feeling good about yourself”

      1. …or my (un) favourite: “sustainable”. I want to smash something every time I hear that one.

        1. ET, moi ausi. Nothing is sustainable, there is no such thing as a free lunch, or a perpetual motion machine. This applies to planets, solar systems and universes. Any idiot with an average life span of 80 years who thinks in terms of thousands or millions of years is a moron. Nice to speculate, but, that is all it is. We have no damn idea what is going to unfold 100 years from now or any other number you would like to put up. Climate is what has been happening long before we existed and will be, long after we are gone.

  2. As someone who deals with organic operations at times I can tell you most are organic when it suits them,when a problem arises and non organic products or practices will quickly fix the problem they use it.

  3. Stay close to your food, grow your own if you can or find an independent grower you can trust. Food security starts at home. I was in Slave Lake Alberta recently and one of the local grocery stores was selling general produce from China. I was so tempted to start throwing it on the floor. I have never seen carrots that vivid colour of Orange in my life.

    1. I saw bean sprouts from China. How do you get fresh bean sprouts from China to Canada? They looked rotten. What do you expect for a couple of bucks? But my favorite is “Europe’s Best” vegetables grown in China. If that is the best that Europe can do …

  4. Someone should report the fat little fcuker at A&W for not treating animals when they are sick. Withholding antibiotics causing an animal pain or death is an oddly cruel thing to advertise.

    1. This is a common misconception. An animal that needs treatment is treated, they are not left to die. They are then temoved from the “antibiotic free” pool. There is no inhumsne treatment here.

      1. So the one chicken gets its own side of the barn? And they raise antibiotic-soaked and antibiotic-free chickens side by side? No thanks A&W.

      2. Allen, You are correct. I rarely agree with you but having been in the dairy business I am aware that any product “contaminated” with antibiotics is immediately removed from the food system. Milk is flushed before it could ever harm someone with an allergy to antibiotics.

        1. Bull S. reasoning! Yes the milk is flushed but we drink the milk and eat the cow after the antibiotics have cleared it’s system.

          1. BS, what f have you been smoking. of course , we don’t kill the f ing cow are you a moron?

  5. Hello everyone, and Happy New Year! I am a very conservative Catholic lady in California, I love this website Small Dead Animals. So refreshing to see that there are so many like-minded folks in North America!
    I want to respond to the anti-gluten free comment above. I have a wheat allergy or sensitivity of some kind, I have had it all my life. I was truly sick and miserable so often until about 10 years ago when I finally figured it out. Blessed relief from so many symptoms, and the best part is a nice, sharp brain that I would have done just about anything for when I was school age, and trying to homeschool my children years ago.
    While there are lots of people who avoid gluten as a fad, Hollywood starlets and all, there are a lot of people with some kind of sensitivity or allergy to wheat. I have relatives and friends with this condition. Some scientists claim it could be up to 40% of people. Given our varied ancestry it is really not surprising.
    Having to go seriously gluten free is not fun at all, especially if it is coupled with lots of other food allergies like dairy and others. Makes grocery shopping, eating out, dining at other people’s homes very difficult, often uncomfortable. I had to give up receiving Our Lord in the Communion Host at Mass, so I receive the Lord in the Precious Blood consecrated at Mass instead.
    Life is not easy with wheat allergy. They are sneaking it into foods that don’t usually contain it, under the guise of “natural flavors” or maltodextrin, or “modified food starch”. So I have to be very disciplined at reading labels. Because of these new additives, my diet has become very restricted.
    So please do not take this as a criticism, I admire all of you very much!! Wheat can make people feel very sick, and it feels wonderful not to feel bad all the time. I now have much more to give my husband of 40 years, our 3 adult kids, and 11 grandkids. Plus I can fully understand what all of you are writing…even if the subject matter is sometimes hard to digest!! And please forgive me for inserting myself in this conversation, I don’t mean to say anything that is inappropriate, I just wanted to ask you to keep in mind that those us of who get truly sick from wheat get lumped in with the faddists, giving us all a bad name!

    1. I too seem to be bothered wheat if I eat too much of it. This sensitivity seem to run in my family as well on my mother’s side.

        1. WOW! ME TOO!
          I also happen to be an old white guy!
          Hmmmm….perhaps we should meet and discuss this over a beer…you know…just in the interest of medical science.
          Perhaps there are others out there.

          1. Tony I will be in Florida for the next while I would be happy to have beer or six with you.

    2. I understand that wheat causes a problem with a small segment of society. I know people with Celiac disease. I reserve the right to think it hilarious that it would become a fad to recommend a treatment for a disease people don’t have.

    3. “I am a very conservative Catholic lady in California” … do you need to be rescued? We could have Kenji launch a rescue mission. In the meantime wear your MAGA hat backward. The very liberal atheists can’t translate AGAM.

      A friend of mine is gluten intolerant. He ordered a striploin steak with peppercorn sauce (which was thickened by flour) and NO BREAD. I won’t describe what happened next but it didn’t take long for him to notice. Yes, wheat sensitivity is real. I am very sensitive to wine. The last time I ran out of wine …

    4. Thank you for your response. We have a grandson who is gluten intolerant. We do our best to cook applicable dishes so he can enjoy eating the ‘same’ food at the dinner table.
      I totally get it. Like a lot of things in life, a few ‘bad apples’ spoil it for the rest. (Pardon the bad pun!)

  6. This just hit the news.
    Both Newsweek and CBS now report that US and Iraqi officials have evidence that the Iranians mistakenly targeted the flight with anti-aircraft fire during their missile attack on American positions in Iraq. Their assessment is not just based on the photos, but also on comms intel that shows Iranian military forces lighting up the flight on its radar before it burst into flames…

    1. Absolutely believable. The NSA and CIA are tapped into everything. The US excels at intelligence. They used cell phone GPS to hit much of the ISIS leadership. If there are not monitoring critical communications in real time, they are recording it. That’s how the US wins against high tech but are vulnerable to stone age tactics.

  7. Gluten free is fine as far as I am concerned….plenty of folks with this allergy.

    What Pisses me off is this Utter BULLSHIT of “organic”…… REALLY..?

    So tell me mr/ms/mrs/xe/xim/quim Vegan purple haired Green Eco TARD (kindly wear the lable if it fits), What are you saying…? That anything NOT labled as organic is in-organic.??

    I dont give a damn how you grow it: Hot house, in a field, hydroponics, in pig shit or a Star Trek Food Synthesizer… its all ORGANIC ffs….all of it used to justify scamming the unwary end user.
    For the record, I buy “inorganic”

    If TIDE had actually “improved” their Laundry Soap as they continually advertise, we’d be wearing HazMat suits – dealing with Sulphuric ACID. Its all BULLSHIT – once you understand that, you then can take a deep breath and relax.

      1. Wait until the low-calorie TidePods go on the market…. Eating them is still popular, isn’t it?

    1. When did all this intolerant shit start? No one had any such problem when I was a kid. If they did the half the freaking population would be dead by now. Mental illness is a very serious problem. Think it, live it.

  8. I already know that the overlap between those who want us to believe “the science is settled” concerning climate change and unscientific crap like alternative medicine is about 100%.

    Now we see examples of the same people who have no idea what science is lecturing the rest of us on what they don’t know about science.

    As I’ve said, if more people were better at math, they’d be less worried about what the innumerate MSM hypes, and more worried about what the MSM ignores.

  9. ‘organic’.
    my very liberal sister in vancouver, well one day wese lookin for some breakfast cereal in the ‘organic’ section.
    I pointed out all the euphemisms on the package that translate into sugar sugar sugar sugar.
    we left without any organic cereal.

    and on the topic of pharmaceuticals, I take about a dozen of them for borderline bp, diabetes and cholesterol.
    I have also utilized every vaccination available incl hep A&B, shingles, flu, etc.

    comes the criticism; ‘youse so healthy why youse taken all them meds and hypos?’
    comes the reply: “that’s WHY I’m so healthy”; modern medicine. always and ONLY when I need it.
    tq louis pasteur et al.

  10. “comes the criticism; ‘youse so healthy why youse taken all them meds and hypos?’”

    Yeah, reminds me of the “I’ve been going to a chiropractor for 20 years…” people…

  11. I am an old man. I eat stuff my doctor says I should not eat. I drink beer to what many would say is excess. My genes say I may live to almost 100. I don’t want to go there because my Mother was there. My uncle was there. My Grandmother was there. I hope that I will die on the golf course while carrying my clubs, which I still do, and a cold beer in my hand. I expect that God will accept my decision.

    1. Hi old white guy, I am young, 75, almost 76 and I have three stents, I eat what I want and drink what I want as in a G and T before diner then a glass of wine with diner and after diner a rum and soda. I drink Guinness on a regular basis too.I don’t eat rice, pasta or bread products or sugar. My grandparents lived to the late 90s and dad and mom lived to 95 and 97. I am very active and think that I will go out at one hundred and five very quickly by being shot by a jealous husband. Having been brought up in the British milieu, keep a stiff one mate.
