The Leftist’s Dilemma in 2020

If you’re a rational person in the West today, you should feel pretty darn good. For we’ve reached a point where all NATO countries are essentially protected by the military umbrella provided by the United States Armed Forces. Furthermore, President Donald Trump has demonstrated on multiple occasions that he has no interest in engaging in regime-change wars. But he has also indicated that he won’t tolerate any bullies crossing the proverbial red line, especially when their actions directly effect the lives of Americans.

Please take a moment to conduct two thought experiments. First, imagine that a Democrat president had been in charge and done exactly the same things that Trump has done. Would there be any complaints?

Second, and this one is much more difficult for anyone who takes pride in the clarity of their thinking: Return to today’s reality but put yourself in the mind of a Leftist. Think carefully about the events that have transpired in the Middle East so far this year. Summoning your strongest TDS thoughts, why, oh why, would you possibly be angry at Donald Trump over what has transpired? Are you mad at him because his strategy worked when you were convinced it wouldn’t? Are you mad at him because America DIDN’T GO TO WAR over the missile attacks from Iran last night? Are you mad at him because all of your suspicions and fears didn’t come true, you’re too embarrassed to let this reality creep into your mind and challenge your world view, so sticking to “Orange Man Bad” is simply easier?

Millions, possibly billions of Leftists the world over are devoutly angrier at Trump today than they were on December 31st. Why, SDA reader, why?!?

Sargon of Akkad has just released a very insightful video on this very subject.

SF Protest, January 8, 2020

27 Replies to “The Leftist’s Dilemma in 2020”

  1. 2) Millions, possibly billions of Leftists the world over are devoutly angrier at Trump today than they were on December 31st. Why, SDA reader, why?!?

    Simple. Orange Man Bad. The regressives already have exercised their rationalization hamster–> “Trump started it with the airstrike!!!” I think a CBC reporter already asked Trudeau about that.

    For the deeper question. Why is orange man bad? Because anyone who disagrees with the model of progressive utopia is wrong wrong wrong. Progressive doctrine is a religion that explains all world events, and promises societal bliss, and the only way to achieve eternal utopia. Anyone who disagrees with utopia… -> is bad.

  2. the left will just say no democrat president would have done it….

    ..and yet…they still can’t win a lotto

  3. They are the product of information they trustfully consume and correctly connect the dots they are given.

    I would argue they do NOT have TDS. Trump us simply the latest representative of what they are taught to hate. Reagan was vilified as well and the assault in Palin was gross in the extreme. Harper here in shit-hole Canada

    The have LDS, liberty derangement syndrome,

    1. Neo, that fake prof is just butt hurt because Jordan trumped his area of expertise (I.e. prisons, crime and punishment, etc) with real erudite wisdom, as Jordan is won’t to do. I mean, really, who got to write the foreword to the Gulag, Jordan…or this failed U of C Marxist twat!?

  4. “put yourself in the mind of a Leftist.”

    I’m sorry, I have a vivid imagination but that is beyond my capabilities.

  5. The usial group of idiots looking for the M.S. Media to cover t heir stupid protest if the news media left these nit-wits would all go home their looking for their Soap Box to stand on this is no different from the Vietnam Era their the LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME crowd of idiots

    1. Always! From the weak, and useless … whose abject incompetence get illustrated in sharp contrast to the highly competent doer and leader. President Trump has utterly smashed the … “businessman cannot be an effective President” … meme.

      In 2020 no voter is “taking a risk” on Trump. Now, we know EXACTLY what he is … the single most competent POTUS in my lifetime … perhaps ALL lifetime’s since George Washington.

  6. Q1. Nobel Prizes, Pulitzers, Academy accolades and possibly canonization and or knighthood.
    Q2. I can’t imagine what President Reset Hillary would have done in the same circumstances, it’s much scarier than orange man.

    We know what Obama or Bill Clinton would have done, apologize, bow down and sent money.

  7. The left, being motivated by the premise that people need coercive governance and the more, the better, believe that political power is the highest moral achievement in realization of that righteous premise. Those opposed to that premise and even those that want to moderate the premise by restraining growth and involvement of the state are their moral enemies and if in power, must be opposed in every aspect of their existence. The left, consisting of labour, public sector, media, education and health care, generally sectors that are benefactors of state growth and power are natural mobilizers and unite in their opposition to the actions of the morally “illegitimate” other in power. Almost any narrative in opposition can be used to stir up the crowd.

    The US is exhausted with the wars in the Islamic wastelands and that goes for much of the right along with the left. The left, however in this case only sees Trump taking action which could possibly extend or “escalate” (a word the Democrats learned to self-loath during Viet Nam). If Obama were POTUS and did what Trump did, for 90% of the left it wouldn’t be an issue at all. Orange man can do no good in the eyes of the left and unlike our own Conservatives, I don’t think he wastes much time trying to change their minds.

    1. Nope, in fact PDT doubles down on his firm, decisive actions. He and his team already map out their options , many steps ahead of whatever happens, and then double down.
      The left STILL can’t figure that out after 3+ years, the left keeps allowing itself to be setup, trolled, and then shamed by their predictable, stupid responses.

  8. Why? Because they’re mental defectives and emotionally unstable because of it. Rational thought is for people who can use logic, can self-criticize and improve themselves. Leftards can only blame others for their own failings, weaknesses and frailties.
    When Trump has left office after 8 years we can only hope that most of them have given up on existence.

  9. Why? Because Donald Trump said this at his Jan. 2017 inaugural address:

    “Today’s ceremony, however, has very special meaning because today, we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people.”

    Democrats, leftists, and other collectivists, especially those in government, DO NOT take to the idea of their power, wealth, and control taken away from them, especially when it is transferred back to their inferiors, i.e., those who are “racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, …, irredeemable.”

    They will not have that.

    Consider, for example, what it took to stop some US States from using forced labour (i.e., slavery).

    And they will do everything within their power – e.g., Peter Strzok and Lisa Page and John Brennan – to make sure that doesn’t happen, even to the point of working to take down a duly elected President.

  10. “Put yourself in the mind of a Leftist”?? Arguably Leftists cannot think for themselves. That’s why they all rely on what they are allowed to think, and the proper talking points mandated to them by the MSM propaganda wing of the Democrats, Liberals & SJW’s. Besides, they are far to busy trying to censor anyone that steps out of line with the PC mantra. Basically, their life mission is to make everyone on the planet as miserable as they are.

  11. “Why, SDA reader, why?!?“

    Really, I think it’s just this simple:

    1. They’ve determined that they are ‘progressive’ liberals. And thus must follow whatever / wherever that doctrine takes them.

    2. They think they have a good understanding of world events, when in fact, their knowledge is “a mile wide, an inch deep”. And they have no interest in actually expanding their understanding, because … see #1. Attempting to debate or correct a progressive lefty is an exercise in futility.

    This post on Twatter today is a shining example of a robotic brain-dead lefty:

    1. There is no Off-Ramp for stupidity…
      There is No Off-Ramp for cowards….
      There is no Off-Ramp for CNN ,MSNBC,WAPO,NY-Times. They are the enemy…
      There is no Off-Ramp for corrupt Political Lawyers (AKA Democrats)
      There is no Off-Ramp for treason by those in the FBI & CIA

      2020 will be a reckoning for all that is evil..Civil war certain


  12. This spat with Iran gave the leftist propaganda machine some fresh fodder that it desperately needed. To the left, these historic events mean little more than another chance to hate on Trump and a hopeful opportunity to regenerate The Narrative. No matter whatever decisions Trump may have made these past few days, the leftist media was guaranteed to condemn them. I’ll bet most everyone here easily predicted that….. yet people afflicted with TDS just can’t see the bias. Whatever audiences the CNN’s and MSNBC’s of this world still have, they must be comprised primarily of people desperately seeking confirmation bias for the loads of crap that’s been pounded into their heads these past many years.

    Ha, since the ‘shampeachment’ has almost fizzled out completely in it’s value politically(it’s more likely to blow up in the Dems own faces, now), I think the left are feeling cheated out of what they thought was a delicious victory and are slowly realizing that they may still be in their long winless streak against Trump, after all. Ha, again! Add to that the righteous public spanking given to some of the left’s greatest social demi-gods by Gervais, and it sure must suck to be a loyal leftist these days.

  13. Sorry no can do.
    It impossible to reason a person out of a position that they did not reason their way into.
    TDS is the final stage of that progressive disease.
    And yes it is not Trump,it is anyone who holds political office and ignores the “wisdom” of our progressive comrades.
    Of course they are so busy inspecting their bowels that they do not even realize how irrelevant they are to all rational persons.

    Orange Man Bad=opponents of Orange man are friends.
    Low resolution programming,entirely predictable,their script is prewritten.

    1. Democrats are at Stage 4 TDS and metastasizing into every aspect of DeMarxist and statist unthought.
      Their disease will progress to malignancy, like their policies and beliefs, by November.

  14. Re: the DeMarxist intelligentsia yet idiot crowd: Not all of them are knee jerk rhetorical embolisms, some understand irony.

    Pat Sajak: I’m sick of hearing how we celebrities are in some kind of bubble and we don’t understand real life. When I’m out in public and people approach me, I’m always interested in what they have to say to my security detail.

  15. “Would there be any complaints?”

    Oddly enough, yes. They would be complaining that we didn’t bomb Iran. Go figure.

  16. I’m a rational person and I don’t feel at good about things at all. The truth is being subverted by both the right and the left. Julian Assange is rotting in jail, drugged into a zombie, and 99% of people don’t give a dam.

    The truth is being either ignored or suppressed by the media; the most recent example the fradulent report by the OPCW of the alleged chlorine attack in Douma, and once again, no one gives a dam.

    We’ve abandoned reason and logic for the emotive rush that taking it too our tribal enemies gives us.

    The “Soleimani Bad Man” is just a reverse polarity version of “Orange man Bad”.
