The Left’s Mantra: The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend

This discussion in the UK House of Parliament yesterday clearly illustrates the Convenient Marriage of the Radical Left with Murderous Islamists:

8 Replies to “The Left’s Mantra: The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend”

  1. Did Margaret Trudeau ever spend time with Jeremy Corbyn bout 9 months before Justin was born?

  2. The reason, i believe, that totalitarian progressives welcome totalitarian islamists in our world is not only because we (freedom and liberty) are the common enemy but that once the progressives gain total governmental control, they will make the islamists the enemy. At that point the progressives are betting we’re on their side.
    Green (progressive) Evil is rising, as evidenced by Australia’s deadly firebugzis
    and Canada’s climate leadership doubling down on their plans to crush our energy supply. Combine -40 with snow covered solar and frozen windmills and what do you get? The Green Reaper.
    No wonder they want our guns.

  3. One should always stand up for one’s enemies, it’s only right don’t ya know. Idiots.

  4. If You are old enough and/or smart enough to remember reading George Orwell’s — 1984 — you will recall the ‘ Oceania ” Bureacracy control complicit with the other Two bureaucracy controlled continuous War Threatening and Mongering ___ Nations ? ___ would arrange for Periodic rocket attacks on Their own People.

    This is where the Obama Administration moved the Democrat Party of america and assisted or established the Deep State beginnings to bring –Atlantic Oceania — and –Pacific Oceania — United States of Bureacracy Control into synchroNation with Iran and/or China.

    Just ask Senator Feinstein and Senator Schumer if they prefer the EuroAsia Bureacracy control style OR the EastAsia Bureacracy as the Deep State style?

    1. Tried a reply but captcha kicked me out. It is always difficult to repeat a thought that was not recorded. People are stupid, I doubt that one in a million has read 1984 and that even fewer understand what they read.

  5. Corben – Trudeau – Macron – Obama – Butts – Rothschilds – UN – IPCC – Laurentien Elites & the Entire Cdn NDP…+ Every Deep State actor on either side of the border.
    Leftist – Fascist – Globalist GARBAGE the lot.

    Each one straining & jostling to be the first seen hanging on a MeatHook.
    Precisely where each one of those MoFo’s belongs.

  6. You’ve always been able to tell how someone votes (roughly 80% +/_ 10% of the time) by what their stance is on: nuclear power, Islamists, Palestine, Israel, CAGW, gun control, free speech, UN, abortion, anti-USA sentiment, etc. Corbyn is a typical man of the left on all those issues as well as his fealty to unconstrained statism. He would fit in with the NDP and be seen as mainstream. Half the names being thrown around for CPC leadership aren’t too far removed from him.
