25 Replies to “Photos from the Virginia Rally”

  1. Appears that none of the Left’s predicted (gun) violence happened.
    Despite the Left’s propaganda, people of all type showed up to support the U.S. second ammendment.

  2. Conservatives have no idea how to protest. Picking up litter, not assaulting people, no window smashing, no arson, and no shouting profanities at little old ladies. That’s not how the left does it. Shameful! 😉

    (Sarc off)

    The old racist Northam must have thought patriots would follow left wing protest templates when he declared a state of emergency.

  3. The First and Second Amendments are where Canada and the US really differ. Even in pre-Trudeaupian Canada when full rifle racks in every other pick up truck were common place scenes in Beer Parlour parking lots (in Calgary and Edmonton) one wouldn’t see such an open display of firepower. I wish them well as every trivial compromise with the state is irreversible in the statist goals to disarm their serfs, oops, I mean citizens.

  4. “Radicals must be resilient, adaptable to shifting political circumstances, and sensitive enough to the process of action and reaction to avoid being trapped by their own tactics and forced to travel a road not of their choosing.” ~ Saul Alinsky

    I believe we may be at the point where they have trapped themselves. Their tactics are grating on the average person enough, that fewer and fewer see “doing nothing” as an option. It has become obvious that simply being left alone, is not on the table.

  5. Just, wow. The protest was orderly, respectful, even clean, but above all — powerful. The Dems should be scared as hell, if they are smart enough to realized what just happened. It almost brings tears to my eyes.

  6. Associated (with communists) Press reports:
    “I love this. This is like the Super Bowl for the Second Amendment right here,” said P.J. Hudson, a truck driver from Richmond who carried an AR-15 rifle just outside Capitol Square. He was one of the few African-American rally goers in the crowd that was overwhelmingly white and male, and frequently was stopped and asked to pose for pictures wearing his “Black Guns Matter” sweatshirt.
    Love that guy, but the spin against whitey never ends. Gun ownership is an evil whitey thing.

  7. The Candace Owens Show: Maj Toure (Prager U)
    L- Maj Toure explains why he founded “Black Guns Matter”, Both the 1st and 2nd Amendment protect a society/nation-state founded on the concept of liberty for all. I’d wager this slogan’s supporters are out in number in West. Virginia, too. Those united by the highest of ideals are not divided by the primitive tribalism that Cult. Marxism appeals too.

  8. Northam declared a state of emergency for this!
    Armed militia, white nationalist groups!!…..ha they showed the liberals up big time

  9. None of the crap leftists predict happens – so it’s up to them to cause it or fabricate it.
    MLK’s dream has turned into a statist totalitarian nightmare.

  10. so how do these dumbocrats get elected? if that many Antifa’s showed up there would be riots. sorry forgot there aren’t that many Antifa’s

  11. I’m a bedrock conservative who appreciates the US 2nd amendment. But.

    A photo of a man wearing a mask while holding his weapon left me in a conservative conundrum.

    Here on Vancouver Island this morning, a few masked imbeciles from Victoria, purporting to be in support of the Wet’suwet’en, tied up BC Ferries passengers for hours. People going to doctor’s appointments on the mainland. Families maybe traveling to funerals, or making travel connections. Missed airline flights and scheduled meetings cancelled.

    I wish some of the truckers and others who were denied their right to free passage had laid a Russell Peter’s “somebody gonna get hurt” beating on them.

    Anyway, I’m trying to resolve my innate revulsion at these cult believers wearing masks, and that of someone I’d consider a patriot at a 2nd amendment rally, wearing the same mask?

    1. Where did you see a A2 supporter wearing a mask? I saw some with mufflers covering their mouth and nose. It was cold!

  12. The reason Antifa thugs were no-shows?

    Enough rally goers decided to stay outside the security fence/perimeter.

    Antifa thug: Hmm, Ive got a mask, body armor, mace and baseball bat.

    They’ve got bulges in their pockets, and not because they’re happy to see me.

  13. JS Bach, if you had scrolled down through many of the photographs, you’d have seen the examples I described. To suggest that it was so cold in Virginia that they had to wear ‘mufflers’ is a bit of a stretch.

    I don’t want to see Antifa thugs, 2nd amendment supporters or burka wearers concealing their faces in a democratic society.

    1. NG, they are doing what their opposition does, who cares, I sure don’t. That is how you make a point.

    2. State Police had black masks pulled up over mouth and nose.
      like central american death squads. chilling images. and reminder of “common sense muffler control for thee, but not for me”.

      pd wearing masks arrested 1 they consider their slave, for refusing to lower a bandana covering face.

      two sets of rules.
      overlords, underlings.
