32 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: Desperate Times”

  1. How much does all the wheat in a $3.00 package of Oreos cost?
    Even with the increase in prices, I would be shocked if it is more than a nickel.

    “The Midwest has been getting wetter for a hundred years.” Except for all those drought years. I guess the Dirty Thirties was just a mass delusion?

    1. Up here in Manitoba we had an unprecedented dry year and early winter, well except for the dirty thirties, 1947, and three years in the 1960s.

  2. Bloomberg is a rich communist. Nothing in his publications contain facts anymore.
    Maybe we should let the Aztec handle dealing with climate change. Bloomberg can be the first to volunteer for the sacrifice.

    1. I would suggest he is more like a rich fascist. After all, fascism was a melding of the state and business to operate entirely for the benefit of the state.

  3. Drought? Devastating Climey Changey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Too wet? Devastating Climey Changey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Its all whitey’s fault!

  4. Article headline belies the content.
    Greenie click bait.
    Bottom 3 paragraphs slam the premise to the floor.
    Oreo supply not in danger. Good news!

  5. I am getting sick of the presstitutes attempts to reference climate change in every story.

    ‘Hotter temperatures mean hotter tempers. Are we looking at another record year for homicide due to climate change?’

    The current crop of urinalists would try to blame Adscam on climate change, if they acknowledged it at all.

  6. Is anyone else noticing that the link and type for this post appears but then suddenly disappears?
    Or is it only happening to me?
    I’ve seen it happen on a couple of posts now. Making it impossible to access the link.
    All I can see is the title but nothing else.

    1. Thanks anyway but I’ve tried all that before and no go. Though I do suspect it’s a problem with Firefox. They’ve been having issues over the past week. It also might be a problem with Duck Duck go since they installed a new “security” feature.
      Update – It was Duck Duck Go. I white listed SDA and everything is fine now.

  7. Yes let’s keep this forum neutral and discuss the issues and ideas to make Canada better for everyone.

    · Reply ·
    Michael McCallion
    Michael McCallion Too late Friend. The Nation of Quebec has a ‘comfortable index of 79 % — the Province of Alberta index is 37 %. ___Check out Rex Murphy & his hour long plus interview with GreenPeace Founder Patrick Moore. Y’all know the Scientist which is Banned from speaking at any and all Global Warmist soiree’s. Cheers; Mike Sr.

    1. The most recent example was from the City of Regina, holding a “sustainability conference” where he was scheduled to be their keynote speaker. He was “dropped” from the program presumably because he wanted to talk about fake crises.

  8. Bloomberg has already spent something like $210 million on his campaign so far. That equals or exceeds the spending of every other Democrat candidate (as a benchmark, Trump spent about $66 million of his own money).

    Couldn’t he have contributed that money to something more selfless, like mitigating “climate change” in The Maldives?

    1. I always wondered about these candidates spending so much of their own money. Is it tax deductible??? Plus Bloomberg is probably spending money through bloomberg

  9. You may consider this off topic or maybe it’s tangental since it involves global warming:

    The article immediately below the Oreo scare has Rex Tillerson suggesting that humans may not be able to control the climate and that the “science” models show a wide disparity in the outcomes they suggest.

    1. Rex is probably right. Anyone know of a method of influencing this Planet’s rotational axis, or any one of the other various laws of physics that operate on it? Me neither.

  10. Ever notice the climateers have taken to directing their bs towards children and child like adults. Children like oreo cookies so what could be worse for children than a world without cookies.
    Unfortunately for Canadian farmers who have grain to sell, recent USDA reports show there are adequate stocks of the major grains around the world or more than enough to supply demand.

  11. Analysts are predicting another year of declines for acreage as U.S. producers face stiff competition from global rivals gathering bumper crops. World supplies are so plentiful that futures for hard red winter wheat are down about 15% in 2019, one of the worst performances for commodities this year. In some parts of the southern U.S. Plains, wheat is now cheaper than corn, making the yellow grain a better bet.

    “The price doesn’t get high enough to tell us to keep planting wheat,” said Ken Horton, who grows wheat, corn and sorghum with his sons in Leoti, Kansas. Horton is cutting plantings of the HRW wheat variety by 30% to about 3,000 acres.

    Global warming for the clicks, law of supply and demand for the science.

    1. – and actually, all those excess crops ARE global warming! Or at least, the increasing CO2 in the atmosphere – the whole world is greening as a result. Something about CO2; greeeen weeeenies call it “killusol”, botanists call it “nature’s best free fertilizer”.

      The GWAlarmists are going to every conceivable length to pretend this is a “bad thing” – I mean, they CAN’T have people thinking global warming might be a “good thing” – perish the thought! What if people stop paying for all their champagne junkets and international save-the-earth conferences?

      And the socialists are REALLY panicking – how’ll they justify a world communist takeover now?

  12. If they are called white on the inside, they can always come live with us that are white on th……
    Oh, cookies, never mind……..

  13. No more oreos for me also no more Del Monte or Dole fruit cups since they are now imported from China and Thailand. I don t know what kind of regulations Mexico has for food production and unless I find out that they are equal to those of the US or Canada I will take a pass on their products.

  14. When Canadians start demanding a 4 degree “increase” in temperature is when the fake Science folds their tent and moves the Circus to the next dumbest socialist Country…..HEAT IS GOOD FOR CANADA….

    Why not ask Canadians what they want in a poll ? 2 degrees colder, or 4 degrees warmer

    1. 90 degree f. summers, 50 degree f. winters, perfect. I don’t care about 20 and 30 degrees c.
