67 Replies to “February 10, 2020: Reader Tips”

  1. Humanity Must Die, a Progressive Manifesto – Akkad Daily

    L- Actually, it’s Cambridge University I fee sorry for. It’s going to be a tough few centuries rebuilding that reputation.

    1. Cambridge’s reputation has long gone down the drain ever since it became a hotbed for communist spies. Burgess, Philby, McLean, and Blunt were all Cambridge men.

      1. I don’t recall the last name, but I am amazed I can still remember the first names of the other three. For a while they severely affected Anglo-American relations, as they had access to the highest classified material in the U.S. due to a reciprocal agreement between the two countries.
        But I can’t remember the name of the high priced call girl who was the liaison between them and the Soviet spies. She was the most notorious of them all.

        1. Anthony Blunt managed to maintain his cover for many years, eventually becoming curator of the Queen’s pictures. Some 4 decades ago, his espionage activities became public knowledge and Blunt not only lost his job, but his knighthood as well.

          There was another one by the name of John Cairncross, though I don’t know too much about him.

          As for the call girl (an occupation which, as I recall, she denied), she was the late Christine Keeler. She canoodled with British cabinet minister John Profumo, who did the honourable thing by resigning his portfolio. She was associated with the late Mandy Rice-Davies.

          Not to be outdone, Canada had its own scandal of a similar nature at around the same time. Look up who Gerda Munsinger was. The real scandal wasn’t who did what to whom, but the cover-up, and not by the government in office at the time of the incidents.

          You couldn’t make up this stuff if you tried…..

        2. OB:
          ’twas one Christine Keeler.
          she passed away not long ago.
          Canaduh had our own gerda munsinger around the same time.

          loose lips sink ships; seems a snug young pussy loosens the lips real quick.

  2. Has it occurred to anyone that the push for hauling oil by rail is an attempt by Bombardier to get contracts for building more tank cars? They’ve been losing markets for their rapid transit cars, so why not that?

      1. I think warren has the biggest “fleet” of rail tank cars in the world and controls the rails they run on.

      2. If Rachel Nutbar knew who owned BN, I don’t think she would have advocated rail transport. There had to be some sort of government sinkhole angle to that.

    1. Unfortunately AB the planet is not going to continue a beneficial warming, it will soon cycle back into a very cold period for another few thousand years. Repeating cycles and all that. We are aware we just fall for scams far too often.

      1. The best solution may be to drastically increase the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere, if there is any truth to what the warmists say. Unfortunately the probability of the latter is just too low.

    1. Blakie McBkackface is just looking for an excuse to sit in President Xi’s lap, face first.
      He has decided Canadians can pay more taxes to help China.

    2. Up Canada’s global game? He just wants to show the world that he’s Pierre’s son.

  3. Great Leader Blackie The Gay Pirate is burning jet fuel to Kuwait today. He will be meeting with the muslim dictators there and talking to our troops. Maybe he can explain to them the new report that veterans are waiting longer than ever before, for disability benefits. Meanwhile as he enjoys himself and throws money around Africa, Indians continue today to block train tracks. Heart breaking stories from the Liberal Party’s CBC and CTV of the brave indian parasites fighting the Mounties in BC. And Great Leader Blackie is sending tons and tons of health supplies to China while two Canadians are still in a secret police prison there, and Taiwan had to scramble jet fighters, as Trudeau’s favorite country sent jets to harass the island. And the Liberal Party’s CTV is excited about Canada’s favorite muslim terrorist Omar speaking in the Maritimes today.

    1. Sorry troops, there’s no money for vets. I had to give it all to Africa so I could get a seat at the security council. Justin Turdano.

  4. Without adequate fraud Canada would just not be Canada, it is a way of life these days. Vote for your favorite fraudster and all will be well.

  5. Snow in Ottawa today enough to make it as slippery and slushy as Maggie backstage at a Stones concert so sure enough I see my favorite bicycle idiot, he’s fat and doesn’t belive in lights, tooling along like he owns the road.

  6. Brilliant Dick video … again.

    For no reason in particular … other than being a vinyl enthusiast … I have been thrilled by Neil Young’s steady re-engineering, remastering, and re-releases of his music catalog. And now I read he is set to unleash the entire NYA (Neil Young Archives) on vinyl.


    The timing is perfect, because I am currently obsessed with his old Buffalo Springfield works, when he first paired with Stephen Stills (another of my favorites). Here is a stripped down NYA version of the tune “Out of My Mind” from 1968.


    Sorry, but I have become extremely nostalgic for our bygone rock era when actual MUSICIANS played their instruments and penned heartfelt lyrics about their youthful discovery of self. Yes, I know … NY is a leftist tool … but he is also an undeniable phenomenal musician. And it needs to be repeated … NY has NEVER sold a single one of his songs for exploitation in commercials … selling cars, beer, or insurance. He has remained a musician ONLY.

    I can’t wait to see NYA reissued lp’s hitting the market in 2020.

    1. “when actual MUSICIANS played their instruments”

      Something wrong with a drum beat machine and simple synthesizer backing up an anemic auto tuned voice? Then there is the lyrical creativity of music with every second word the N-word.

      1. my intro to rap muzak:
        “kill da pig eat my shyt”

        they all sound the same to me, 4 notes repeated for 5 minutes, unintelligible monotone lyrics.
        boomp bomp . . . . boomp BOMP.
        boomp bomp . . . . boomp BOMP.
        boomp bomp . . . . boomp BOMP.
        boomp bomp . . . . boomp BOMP.

        been more than once I got a laugh at the dept store ‘finger aiming’ at the
        speakers in the ceiling pleading to borrow a glock . . . .

    2. Here is a scenario of Neil Young laying injured and bleeding badly. I am the only thing between him surviving or dying a horrible death. I would tell him I hoped his day gets better and would walk away.
      I absolutely despise this rich parasite.

      1. I completely understand … but just like watching a Brad Pitt movie … I have made the choice to separate NY’s Art from his “environmental” clap trap.

      2. very very true.
        monsiuer young at one point back in the 80s kiboshed an application for
        an outdoor concert near his dude ranch or whatever.
        the *very thing* that gave him his wealth and privilege.

  7. Below is a very-well written essay discussing the forthcoming election, between the Trump Republican forces and the huge array of super-elite powerbrokers, on the left:

    (Warning: the link works ok on my tablet, but the text is all crowded to the left of the screen on my pc).

    The essay hints at the gloom that would result amongst conservatives, and the incredible damage a left-wing government could do to the US and the world. I put the odds of a Trump victory at less than 50-50. Trump is, and will be fighting, a Democratic machine, akin the ones in Chicago’s or New York City’s Tammany Halls. . All the powerful institutions: the media, universities, the technology oligarchs, the government establishment will be pulling out all stops.

    In 1975, I had completed my Master degree in economics, and was tutoring a Bangladesh MA student (Muhammad) who had flunked his first comprehensive exams. Indira Gandhi had just declared a state of emergency — suppressing free speech and other freedoms. I asked Muhammad whether or not this would last. He said “no, the people would never stand for it”.

    I think the tables are turned here, where the vaunted establishment power-brokers will not stand for a Trump second term, The power brokers want undefended borders, a strong drug gang culture in urban centers, and a continued breakdown of the family. The power brokers want a declining or very-slow-growth economy. And, as the article says, the establishment will pull all stops to defeat Trump and the Republicans.

    More American eyeballs watch left-wing TV than FOX News, and read more left-wing newspapers than any conservative print media (are there any conservative newspapers left?). It has been said that Boris Johnson ran a shrewd campaign, where he avoided outrageous statements. I do not think Trump would do as Mr. Johnson. The only thing that could help Trump is possibility that that the American public have becomes so alienated from political correctness that they would vote for Trump as a protest.

    1. You steal converters off trucks. You don’t have to jack trucks up. When I was a kid, I went to the town dump and nabbed copper radiators out of cars. The salvage guy paid something like $3.50 each, the price of a dozen beer.

      1. I’m sure if they searched just a little bit, the thief’s family could find a lawyer to sue the car-owner for not having bought a pickup truck.

  8. For a few hours I misplaced my wallet. I had a thought that involved the RCMP. In my wallet was my gun license, Because I live in the boonies a box number was on the card but anyone could figure out where I live. My card basically says, “if you go to this address with a crowbar when no-one is home, you can have a free assortment of restricted weapons, prohibited short barrel pistols, and prohibited assault rifles.” The oddities are clearly stated on the back of the card. Since all police have access to the RCMP computer, why is it necessary to print the anomalies on the back of the card? Like I’m going to show my license to someone who can’t look it up anyway.

  9. The Liberal Party’s CBC reports that only 1.6 million dollars has been spent to renovate cabinet minister’s offices. What a bargain!

    1. Remember: Liberals are entitled to their entitlements, particularly when someone else is paying for them.

  10. Everyone is welcome to peruse and make fun of https://filebin.ca/5Bs8uToWilBx
    Someone attending Sheridan college just shared it with me.

    “These volunteers have been personally trained by former US Vice President and Nobel Laureate Al Gore to educate the public about the science and impacts of climate change as well as solutions to address the climate crisis.”

    So it is no longer global warming.
    It is no longer climate change.
    It is now a climate crisis. When had I missed the flip?

    1. Climate crisis: you have too much money, so now it doesn’t rain for a day in Coleslawvania.

  11. Seems the commie dictator of China is losing control of his military. Blackie’s media reports that a number of people in the Chinese military have been arrested for a massive hack of Equifax. Perhaps they saw the billions the dictator has hidden in foreign bank accounts.

  12. Maybe we need to start thinking very hard about where the Conservative Party is headed in the quest for a leader.
    It’s not looking good, the pickings are slim and it’s hard to see any improvement in their chances against the Liberals and as well, the unofficial media party, which the Conservatives continue to cower from.
    We need a leader with guts not a patsy or Liberal lite, we need a Conservative, period.

    At his point Max Bernier is looking like an option for many fed up Conservatives. It will take time, that’s the drawback, we will be in one royal mess before Conservatives wake up. Meanwhile the Bearded One is taking the country to the abyss one day at a time, we’ve never been so divided.

  13. Post Millennial reports that the Liberal Party’s CBC is asking if the children’s program “Paws Patrol” is capitalist propaganda. And True North reports on three people who were cancelled because of their views on the environment.

  14. Natives are protesting at the intersection of University Ave and Seagram in Waterloo, blocking the exit from the largest parking lot of UofW.
    Police is protecting them from any upset citizens.

    1. Under Bill Morneau, the IT department head hired by Morneau Sobeco in the late 2000 was allowed to fire all Canadians and to replace them with Chinese. Soon the IT was 100% Chinese. It is probably nothing.

  15. Any sane person can see the vast advantage of pipeline over oil tankers. Why is there even a debate?
    The only down side to pipelines is the possibility of sabotage. That’s easy to fix, just classify that as treason.

    1. Indeed … why is it even a debate. In a related story, d’ya remember when the BP blowout and oil platform fire was going to FOREVER destroy the Caribbean? Huh? It appears as though the “environmentalist” Fear mongering got a little ahead of itself … proving how LITTLE the self-proclaimed “environmentalists” really know about the environment.

      1. I have a vague recollection of that. I seem to remember it was off the coast of Galveston. Eventually they put out the fire and capped it, but there was a huge oil slick that, as you said, was going to FOREVER destroy the Caribbean. But they manage to clean it up, just like they managed to clean up the Valdez disaster. (Aside: I remember the Valdez was fined over a million dollars because thousands of birds died. Thousands of birds get chopped up by one windmill site daily with no “environmentalist” batting an eye.)
        The funnier story was there was some minor oil leak in one of the Channel Islands. Hundreds of concerned “environmentalists” descended on the island and tried to wash the oil off the birds. They wandered all over the island and discovered that the oil had caused the eggs to have too thin shells to be nested, clucked their tongues mournfully and departed. After they departed, it turned out that the subsequent eggs were just fine. What really happened was, the “environmentalists” spooked the nesting birds and caused them to lay the eggs prematurely, hence the thin shells. It happened a long time ago, and even the LA Slime then was honest enough to report the follow up.

      2. Hell, remember EXXON Valdez? They found out that the ecosystem EATS carbon crud(e). Stuff was gone in a few years. We drilled with oil based muds in NE BC, added the oily cuttings to sawdust and piled it into a row where natural heat of decomposition turned it into “earth”. Time one year. Used the stuff to soil the lease and planted grass. Nice emerald green grass. The greenies know squat.

  16. cops are tops! cops are tops! cops are tops! cops are tops! cops are tops!
    oh, speaking of Farce See ‘Em Pee:

    a Billion ‘with a ‘B’ dollars worth of ass patting and snide misogynistic comment.
    been going on since *literally* day 1 of women recruits. and STILL going on.
    cops are tops! cops are tops! cops are tops! cops are tops! cops are tops!

    ummmm, NO they’re NOT. this is 2020, NOT 1970. or whenever.

  17. Variety magazine and the Fox News web page are reporting that the Academy Awards recorded the lowest TV audience in its history, where total viewership was down a whopping 20% over last year.,among the key “young adult”demographic, viewership was down 31 percent.

    The Hollywood elites continue to lose their audience. .

  18. Oh Nooo! The media reports that the viewership of this years Academy Awards were the lowest ever. I wonder why? And speaking of show business, the bought and paid for Unifor media have heart warming clips of Great Leader Blackie in Kuwait. Yes he had his shirt sleeves rolled up and his hair ruffled for the troops. And the Raptors president was there to hand out T-shirts. Maybe he can explain to the troops why all of Canada’s submarines are in dry dock, or why veterans are not getting their benefits.

    1. Like Scheer et al, dead to me. Not surprised in any way, though. He served a purpose. Now get him replaced.
