14 Replies to “I, Napoleon”

  1. I’d love to see the original tweet, but it appears to be gone?

    The account is suspended, and I can’t see what it wrote.

  2. Useless twats by every measure…


    Hans Rupprecht – Commander in Chief
    Army Group “True North”
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army

  3. Modern science tells us that not all women have a penis, but some do, but that’s irrelevant because females and males are exactly the same physically, it’s modern science.

    Proof of this science is a proof because it is proven that if you don’t believe in modern science your career will be destroyed and you will be ruined financially, unless you’re a poor nobody to begin with, then you can be dismissed as mentally ill.

    Under no circumstances is it allowed to counsel or minister to a human being who may have doubts about their gender identity to accept themselves the way nature or god apparently intended, their feelings of not belonging must be medicalized and treated radically with invasive surgeries and massive doses of hormones besides other drug cocktails.

    It is perhaps the meanest treatment imaginable, but that’s modern science.

  4. All together now, “there ain’t, no cure, there ain’t no cure, there ain’t no cure for stupid”. Can be sung to any tune or in any key you wish.

  5. In real countries this sort of madness incites a backlash.
    In Canada it just creates the next turn of the wokeness ratchet that everyone immediately conforms with.

  6. Women have been enjoying their pussy privilege far too long. Trans women demand the right to be raped or you are a bigot.
    Have I got that right? After all I don’t want to be doxed and have a bunch of trannies outside my house demanding that I rape them.

    1. Largs

      My thoughts exactly….The insanity reigns supreme in some (ALL), of the so called Woke imbeciles.

      This mad shit is all part n parcel of the Globalist UN led drive to Destabilize Western Democracies – Climate Change & Mass importation of islamics the other 2.

    2. Actually, my take is that trans women demand the right to rape real women only it’s not rape because it’s “woman” on woman sex. Somehow, I don’t think the rapee would be convinced by that argument.

  7. What would you expect from people who brought you “Pound Me Too” as a response to sexual abuse from their chosen leaders ?
    The hatred of women runs deep through our Progressive Comrades.
    Look at Fashion. Dominated by Gay Men,who have spent decades trying to convince us the “natural shape” of a woman’s body is that of a 14 year old boy.
    Look to Hollywood where appearance is all,substance is nonexistent.
    What they portray as “normal”??
    And of course the Feminists,just like the environmentalists and Democrats, they are the opposite of their chosen label.

  8. The only thing sillier than the demands of the demented, are the simps white knighting for biological women.

    Their voices were generally silent when they could have made a difference. They can dig out of their own hole now.

  9. wtf am I missing?
    anybody else out there like me, Im losing track of various peoplekind’s positions.
    and no, not THAT ‘position’.
    crikey this is getting bastardly confusing and its barely begun.

    next thing ya know it will get labelled ‘the new cultural revolution’.
    followed by claims mao was a tranny.
