9 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. I do think Trump will pardon him but the US system is now as corrupt as Canada’s. Third world banana republic does not begin to describe the mess that is the US justice system . The corruption is so deep and the communists so entrenched I do believe there will be a civil war before I am dead. Trump is just a minor stop gap even if he gets another term. The bureaucracy has to be dismantled and rebuilt. Canada requires the same action and the SCOC needs to be removed from the body politic.

    1. “The bureaucracy has to be dismantled and rebuilt.”

      Rebuilt? So, just have all same rules, all the same departments, the same number of employees, … Yeah, you have already failed, and you appear to not even be aware.

      1. kevin, your post is a fool’s post, you need “systems” in place to run a civil society. And OWG did not suggest replace with same old same old

      2. No numb nuts. rebuilt also means reformed and changed. we will always require some level of bureaucracy but not in control of our lives.

    2. Our … institutions … have been infiltrated by leftist apparatchiks who have unilaterally overturned our constitutional underpinnings. Eight long years of Obama’s caperings have nearly destroyed America from within. The swamp cleaning hasn’t even really started.

  2. There are two ways to make the justice system fair by treating everyone equally: Prosecute and sentence everyone equally or give everyone a free pass like the Swamp does.
    If the Swamp and media don’t like Trump’s approach then they can demand the first option.

  3. Both Democrat and Republican presidents pardoned numerous figures, especially those prosecuted for process crimes.
    President George H.W. Bush pardoned former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger even before his trial for allegedly lying to an independent counsel.
    President Bill Clinton pardoned most of the Whitewater figures who were his friends.
    President Barack Obama pardoned Gen. James Cartwright, his “favorite general,”
    after Cartwright pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.


    Trump should point these out every time the media asks him about pardons, throw it back in their faces and demand to know why its illegal-evil when he does it but not when past Presidents have done it.

  4. from this I glean there is the deep state and the deeper state.
    how many levels are there?
    similar to the levels of hell?

  5. Yes, oh yes, rub their swamp stunk noses in their own muck real good. Deep six the deep state once and for all.
    44 months is a cynical ploy to not give him the maximum. It doesn’t change the process charges and bogus intimidation.
    They had to have their trophy for the failed Mueller investigation and associated illegal BS.
    Then they can tell voters Trump is the corrupt one as they somehow hope to suppress the Barr blitz coming their way.
    Partisan investigators, prosecutors, the judge and the foreperson of the jury, in DC where any Republican needs change venue.
    Dinosaurs had such poor reflexes it’s said smaller animals could chew on their tail without immediate detection.
    Demosaurs are chasing and eating their tails. A hapless Bloomberg centre pivot is all but dead after his performance last night.
