Calling Captain Dialogue


@global_ottawa Provincial Police in Haldimand County are reporting that Highway 6 in Caledonia has been closed by a solidarity demonstration.

55 Replies to “Calling Captain Dialogue”

  1. “if you give a person an inch, they will take a mile” This is now being played out by a small group of people. How long this attitude will continue is something that sells popcorn shares. I think I’ll make a batch and sit back and enjoy the suicides….(I am not telling them to commit suicide, I simply think their actions are leading to a point where, if they don’t get their way, they will chose self-termination rather than live in a place where they do not have the power to make all things go their way)

  2. Well for those of you that advocated to enjoy the ride, I didn’t!!!! I hope that we have now hit rock bottom and we can go nowhere but up from here on in, but I suspect that the Liberals will find a way to take this country even lower. To all of the Canadians that were warned about voting for another Trudeau but did anyway I want to extend my heartfelt appreciation to you MORONS. No country can survive when the voters are so dumb as to believe that a party that promises to install a carbon tax that will change the climate and save the world. No country can survive when the voters are so dumb as to believe that it is better to import from foreign markets a commodity that is vital to survival while that same commodity lies under their feet untapped and unused. Once again my heartfelt thanks!!!!!

    1. Careful. The RCMP will arrest you because you are a law abiding citizen. They don’t know you, and they don’t care about you. Their job in this country is to protect protestors, and carry the bags for illegal immigrants. Citizens, especially the law abiding types, are an anathema to the RCMP. I don’t trust them and I don’t like them.

  3. Put them all in a Crowbar Tepee for the duration of Gore’s & Soros retched lives….Agents of the communist Global Cabal.

    THE SCOC wanted the demonstrations to increase until they got a Vigilantly response…Also known as hitting the wall

  4. Wow, who knew that encouraging teenagers to walk out of school for “climate strikes” would lead to this, huh?

  5. Blockade away!!!!
    I don’t give a shit anymore. Shut down EVERYTHING !!!
    Trains, Airports, Highways, Pipelines, the whole shitteroo, I DON’T CARE ANYMORE !!!!
    ENJOY !!!!!

  6. Rebel News had two videos last week that featured a whiny, runny-nosed millennial wearing a native hat. She blubbered about war crimes being committed against the Wet’n’Sweatin’s, that their babies are being stolen, blah blah blah. Oh, yeah, she was doing it because she looooved the W’n’Ss.

    She, like most of the protesters in Ottawa, probably never saw an Indian in their entire lives. I grew up in NE B. C. I grew up with Indians. I went to school with them. I lived about an hour’s drive from 3 of their reserves and I’ve even set foot on them.

    Until they, collectively, can make similar claims about themselves, I’ll simply ignore them.

    1. BA, I hope your statement “Set foot on them” was setting foot on the reserves, and not the residents!

  7. If only Captain Dialogue had the skills required to book a conference room we might not be in this mess.

  8. Significant events have occurred in Canada but today the CBC news at noon lead story ( for 12 minutes) was about the Harvey Weinstein verdict. Then followed 8 minutes of blather about the the Mohawk blockade, then back to the Weinstein issue for another 15 minutes. Finally they got round to the Tech mine issue for 6 minutes. And then back to New York for more Weinstein jibber jabber for the remaining time. What PET failed to achIeve with his NEP policy his half witted son and supporters, both overt and covert, have achieved by bribing the MSM and sabotaging the Economy. In 1968 Canada was the third most wealthy country in the world. Then the greatest unnatural disaster ever to hit Canada occurred and along came an arrogant, pseudo intellectual political dilettante named Pierre Trudeau and the decline began. In Ontario, the former manufacturing heart, Mc Ginty and Wynne wrecked the Hydro energy system and departed leaving a Provincial debt of 350 Billion dollars ( a billion dollars a month in interest). Despite all of this the creatures that lurk behind the curtains of power opted to foist a simpleton offspring of PET on the citizenry and for reasons unknown elected him and his lickspittle Social Justice followers. The only salvation for Canada will have to come from the rage of the Alberta population.

    1. Back in ‘68 we out West foolishly sent many Lieberal MP’s to Ottawa (Trudeaumania). We got screwed over and we replaced them in ‘72 with PC MP’s.
      I get really annoyed when some asshole says we would be better taken care of if we would just vote Lieberal. IT’S BEEN TRIED and it does not work.

      1. We got screwed over and we replaced them in ‘72 with PC MP’s.

        PET took that as a sign of disrespect and ingratitude, so he began his war against Alberta, which has continued ever since.

        1. So he did, but it was less that Liberals were thrown out and more that it had become obvious to the laurentian elete that, if allowed to achieve its full potential, Alberta would rival them and that they moved to prevent that.

  9. Sorry. But we need a return to Bull Connor and firehoses. To protect the Civil Rights of the general population … not the fringe

      1. J. Cretien’s response to the RCMP pepper spraying sit-in protest at SFU 1997. [ i like pepper on my steak? ]

    1. perhaps a better choice would be water bombers with permanent dye mixed in. Has the advantage of getting them wet, and marking them for later arrest.

  10. Please don’t bother Justin. According to his schedule he is getting ready for a fireside chat at a Black History Event tonight.

    1. ” he is getting ready for a fireside chat at a Black History Event tonight.”

      I wonder which brand of shoe polish he’ll be using?

      1. He’ll be what Macbeth meant by the line “The devil damn thee black, thou cream-faced loon”.

        1. “I wonder which brand of shoe polish he’ll be using?”

          No, he’s in white-face for this one, because he’s giving the chat in Barbados and he wants the locals to think he’s “good wypipo”.

  11. I need a billboard.

    Trudeau, blackface, dressed as Marie Antoinette, declaring “let them eat dialogue”. And dancing. We cannot forget the Bollywood dancing…

    1. Kevin: suffice to say if I win the lotto jackpot, (that 1 in 100 million thing) let me put it this way:
      it’s ME arranging all them billboards on a raft of topics.

      also, sumbuddy posted a link to the LIEberal mp astronut’s twit acct.
      oy yoy yoy, HE gettin’ verbally eviscerated. not ONE +ve reply.
      ha ha ha !!!

  12. These are the sock monkeys people.
    I do so hope it inconvenienced some of the press gallery on their way to Parliament Hill.

  13. See North Coast native guy & BC MLA Ellis Ross and his responses to the Tzeporah’s condescending, patronizing tweets:
    These anarchists are quite happy to roll these people out front like they’re cigar store Indians when they’re useful, but don’t actually give a s**t about their everyday lives and the work they’ve done to improve them.

    1. On the basis of two short interviews, Elis Ross is the most sincere and credible politician I have heard in decades. I will be looking into his stated positions.

      1. Thanks Eric. That put some flesh on the bones of much of what I already knew and added some details I had been unaware of. Well worth the time.

  14. It’s happening downtown on Wellington Street and it’s only inconveniencing the very people responsible for causing it.

    I. Simply. Don’t. Care.

  15. Frankly, I’d like to see Ottawa shut down entirely. For years. Maybe then Canada would have a chance.

  16. Meanwhile the taxpayer funded Toronto Star is excited that Indian MPPs won’t sing God Save The Queen, in the legislature at Queen’s Park.

  17. I told youse guys this would just get worse and worse and it will some more.
    Or is it better and better?
    I worked in the south end today, didn’t affect me at all and when it does, as long as I’m on the clock, I could care less.

  18. Shree at the taxpayer funded Toronto Star explains that the police ending the blockade in Ontario, is just a thumbnail in the mosaic of violent colonialism.

  19. When 0.5% of the population (Indigenous Canadians) have a choke hold
    on 99.5% of the total population of Canada, ridiculously illogical and totally unfair! And what do they contribute to the well being of the country?
