Dead Country Walking

Canada is presently in the throes of social and political disintegration. A left-leaning electorate has once again empowered a socialist government promoting all the lunatic ideological shibboleths of the day: global warming or “climate change,” radical feminism, indigenous sovereignty, expansionary government, environmental strangulation of energy production, and the presumed efficiency of totalitarian legislation. Industry and manufacturing are abandoning the country in droves and heading south.

Canada is now reaping the whirlwind.

75 Replies to “Dead Country Walking”

  1. In your link to Warren Kinsella Kate, people on his Twitter feed are calling for Trudeau to send in UN Troops to round up Alberta Deplorables if we complain about Trudeau telling Tech to withdraw. Big Big Dot. They want civil war, bring it.

      1. Watcher, I think Trudeau told Teck that Teck could face a carbon tax on all coal that Teck mines if they did not withdraw their application.

        Currently carbon taxes apply to coal when it is burned not when it is mined.

        I’ll bet Trudeau offered Teck a guarantee of speedy approval for any new mines they choose to develop in Quebec.

    1. The UN has no troops and I doubt they would do anything to upset one of the few countries that actually pays the freight. Especially for dink lips.

    1. Mining will still expand in Quebec.

      Quebec signed a $4.7 billion agreement with the Crees, which includes railroads and other infrastructure to get mined products to market.

      Does anyone think for a minute that Justin would do anything to cancel mining in Quebec?

  2. But isn’t this exactly what we want? I’m amazed that my more conservative friends are demanding these blockades be torn down and protestors arrested. Surely we should want it to go on as long as possible. The more people are inconvenienced, the more dramatic the shortages, the greater the price spikes, the more this hurts the Liberal party. This “crisis” is the “not a leader” add being demonstrated in real time, to the very people who voted for Trudeau.

    Shortages, etc., are going to bit hardest and soonest in Atlantic Canada, who voted exclusively Liberal. We then get to say, “you voted for this”. I’m hoping the protests expand and shut down the 401.

    1. I agree, unfortunately it is what I want, my hope for some kind of reversal of our cultural and civilizational degeneration requires that the low-info horde gets what they want, good and hard.

    2. “You voted for this”

      Here let me rewrite that to get closer to the point.

      This is what they asked for, unfortunately for them what they are going to get isn’t what they thought they would get.
      It’s that story about the guy in purgatory being given a tour of heaven and hell before deciding he wants to got to hell where it looked like so much fun. The punch line was when he got there and saw the truth that Satan told him. “Hey that was Election Day”

      Paul Harvey also has a monologue he gave about “if I was the devil” which is along the same theme.

    3. 100% Correct James….let it ALL BURN DOWN..!! Until people are going Hungry and Cold and cannot shop for food due to empty shelves.?? not one of them will think to consider why nor seek out the root cause.

      I’m 1000% in favour of WEXIT and soon…but we’re not quite “ready” for that yet.

      The Article is perfect and tells it like it is – this country is absolutely broken, precisely what that French Eunuch wanted (and seemingly his voters did as well), in order to herald the birth of his cherished Trans National State.

  3. “You Voted for This” only works if there was a viable alternative.
    The alternative guy couldn’t even get his own party to back him.
    Manning is right, we don’t need the Messiah, we just need a guy with core conservative values who is stable and supported, and who doesn’t have racist, sexist, past.
    Someone Quebec, Ontario and the West all like wouldn’t hurt either.
    And yea, don’t let the media label him either.

  4. Has anyone considered that our betters see no detriment to this path because they have faith in the ideology that those harmed most by these policies will surrender to the inevitable and become wards of the state into perpetuity?

    What am I saying, this is SDA, of course it’s been considered. They just don’t perceive they could be wrong.

    What could possibly go wrong?

  5. Oh, but Kaybec is running out of propane, especially on the north shore St Lawence River. That’s Fleuve St Laurent to the bilingue crowd. Plus northern Ontario. Too bad folks in Tronna only have “muh house” and “Go Raptors” in their vocab. As for John Horgan’s baby, Coastal Gas Link that’s toast too. Just watch me.

  6. The electorate is not necessarily left leaning.
    It is that there is no one to vote for.
    NDP are your basic communists.
    Liberals are socialists.
    So called Conservatives are liberal light.
    What we need are actual classical liberal, mainstream people in charge.
    It used to be that the conservatives were the classical liberals. They are past that toward socialists.
    The normal people need normal government, not one that engages in fascist dictatorship, though the normal people seem to have no interest.

    And therein lies the dilemma

    1. Buill Crap what we need is a real Conservative Party not some bunch of classical liberals and hand wringing socialists that think the world should sit around singing Kum By Ya, while pretending that diversity is our strength. There comes a time that even the most whacked out drug infused socialist dreamer has to recognize that some one has to produce something that pays for the demands that they make on the rest of society.

  7. Whatever happened to the ‘ring of fire’? The mining project in remote northern Ontario? That whole project is predicated on Indian support.

    Is it still going ahead or does it get squashed?

    1. Bill Blair was asked about that yesterday. He implied that he had hope for positive outcomes to ongoing negotiations.
      He used many words to say nothing…as usual.

  8. I’m saddened, but not surprised WHATSOEVER.
    The Blockades were given a FREE PASS from Day 1. This, Most likely on ORDERS Direct from the Head NAZI, Gerrald Butts who is still arguably well connected to the PMO.

    Every major organization that might have had any influence in Canada is for the most part RUN by Jerry DIAZ & UNIFOR: Civil Service – Media – RCMP – ..and Im betting CSIS as well. Jerry takes his orders from his namesake Gerry.

    We are No longer, nor have been for at least 5 years now a “democratic” Country….in fact we are in a race with Venezuela and Somali to the bottom.

    As for you Jason Kenney. You have a cpl days to shine – We know you are a FEDERALIST, but if your past reactions/attitude are any measure, you still won’t consider ALBERTA INDEPENDANCE…so Might I Kindly suggest you PISS OFF and RESIGN…NOW …. or face your very own blockade…one where I will climb outta my hospital bed to join.

  9. The electorate is not necessarily left leaning.
    It is that there is no one to vote for.
    NDP are your basic communists.
    Liberals are socialists.
    So called Conservatives are Liberal light.
    What we need are actual classical liberal, mainstream people in charge.
    It used to be that the conservatives were the classical liberals. They are past that toward socialists.
    The normal people need normal government, not one that engages in fascist dictatorship, though the normal people seem to have no interest.

    And therein lies the dilemma.

    Check the thing about Trump, whatever you may think about his past and present, he stirred the hornet’s nest and it seem to have worked for now.
    There is no such character in this country. While Bernier sticks out as a possibility, he is still beholden to Q’bec. One can understand that since he is Q’becker, this however is not helping anybody. If he wants to be anything, he needs to drop the Q’bec preferences.

    In this opinion, what needs to happened is the destruction of the ruling class.
    It will come, even the most ignorant are going to wake up when they will have nothing to eat.
    It is just too bad that by that time the destruction of this country will be completed and either it will have to be rebuilt with conservative/liberal values or it will just fade away into the dustbin of history.

  10. 1. Canada’s economic wealth has always been founded on our natural resources. Without them, we’re toast because we have nothing to offer the world that it can’t get anywhere else.

    2. We live in a country that is entirely uninhabitable without a source of heat and power in the wintertime. There’s a reason why the most populous parts of our country hug the length of our southern border and the entire territory of Nunavut has 12,000 fewer people in it than the city of Belleville, Ontario.

    3. We are a federation. One of the Federal government’s biggest responsibilities is to keep that federation rolling along. The Federal government has failed hands down and with almost breathtaking incompetence. Say what you might about Trudeau père (“Just watch me!”) or even wily old Chrétien (“As for me, I like pepper on my steak!”), those barricades would be coming down now.

    1. “Say what you might about Trudeau père (“Just watch me!”) or even wily old Chrétien (“As for me, I like pepper on my steak!”), those barricades would be coming down now.”

      No they wouldn’t. Junior Turdhole is simply continuing his crazy Fathers legacy, Cretch is the same, just one of Peeairs goons. In other words, Radicals and Terrorists enabled Peeairs radical actions which essentially led to the end of Canada as an English speaking Parliamentary democracy, now his feckless son is allied with radicals and eco- terrorists that enable Justines radical Globalist agenda. If Peeair was to do anything he would impose Martial Law and round up and arrest every innocent person he could find while arranging safe escort for the terrorists to a safe third country, just like he did the last time he imposed Martial Law. Peeair was the bad guy, so was old Cretch and so is the son of a bitch occupying the PMO right now.

  11. FYI, anyone who is intetested, I AM DONE WITH STATISTS.

    I keep hearing big government types, who claim to be “conservative”, listing off items numbering into the hundreds or thousands, of federal programs they want a “free” Alberta to take over/replicate.
    “Alberta” police force
    “Alberta” pension plan
    “Alberta” old age security …

    If you actually want freedom, that means a smaller government. That means, you take care of yourself; the government shall not feed you, clothe you, house you, educate you, be your husband, be your wife, protect your children….


    That is the only way will be free. Anything else, is just trading one statist for another.

    1. If you want my help, you cannot have an Alberta pension plan. When you become an adult, you put away all childish things.

      Either stop being just another statist, and get WEXIT done, or continue to be red tory liberal lite.

      1. You and your insane purity, Kevin. Last fall you were all vote Maxime, Canada will collapse with Trudeau and Alberta will get out and now you’re not willing to even do the increments it takes to get Alberta out.
        “Alberta” police force
        “Alberta” pension plan
        “Alberta” old age security …

        These are things that people have already invested in. They’ve been taking my money since the 1970s, I should get it back somehow.
        We didn’t have a choice. Your “Put the old people on an iceberg and wave goodbye approach ain’t gonna get their vote, Asshole.
        There isn’t going to be an UDI. Ottawa has to be starved of the authority it has through the RCMP and the money it’s taking from Alberta. These are realistic steps. The kind of insane people who pretend they have a bunch of FN rifles salted away to make revolution with number at only you, and that weirdo you talk to in the mirror.

        1. Scheer lost. Get over it. The next guy you pick, is going to lose too. How’s the irrational escalation of commitment working out for you?

          It really is simple; if you don’t want government to get any smaller, you are a Liberal. If you are unwilling to cut a single penny from anything at any level of government, then continue to make the same decisions that delivered Trudeau 2 the second term.

          1. “Scheer lost. Get over it.”

            No. Unlike your man Maxime, he won his seat. The Party lost. Alberta LOST. I’m ain’t picking a new Canadian leader.
            Fuck Canada and Fuck you, Kevin you insane POS.
            Listen, A-Hole. Alberta will be a smaller sovereign nation, therefore the government will be smaller.
            The way you want to go about it, Insane Kevin, Alberta will never be sovereign.

          2. “It really is simple; if you don’t want government to get any smaller, you are a Liberal.” ~ Kevin the Insane

            All you have are caricatures; what your fevered imagination pretends I think. I’ve been on this site a lot longer than you have, Halfwit, and I’ve made it clear that I want smaller government here for over a decade. I worked hard for the Wild Rose party going door to door to achieve it. So go ahead and construct another straw man argument.
            A Fantasist like you, Kevin the Insane, can only get by jousting a windmills. Nothing real will ever come of it though.

  12. Yeah, but whats really important is that a complete doofus played goalie for the visiting team and the Maple Leafs were so bad they lost again and he’s going to be on American TV so the world really is a warm and happy place and all that oil stuff is bad for you anyway.

    Sark. Off.

    Hey CBC, can I get a job as newswriter?

  13. Meanwhile eco-Norway is expanding offshore oil drilling, including 50 plus exploration wells.

    Mention that to all the oil is dead crowd.

  14. Stupid Canadians are too dumb to vote #PPC. They prefer fake conservatives or worse; Libtards & other #LibCons.

    Meanwhile, Blackie will celebrate Black History Month… Ya know… Things that really matter.

    Prime Minister’s itinerary for Monday, February 24, 2020
    February 24, 2020
    Ottawa, Ontario
    Note: All times local

    Ottawa, Ontario
    The Prime Minister will convene the Incident Response Group to discuss the current blockades.

    Closed to media.

    2:00 p.m. The Prime Minister will attend Question Period.

    7:00 p.m. The Prime Minister will attend a Black History Month reception and will participate in a fireside discussion.

    National Arts Centre
    1 Elgin Street

    Notes for media:

    Open coverage
    Media are asked to arrive no later than 6:15 p.m.

    1. “Stupid Canadians are too dumb to vote #PPC.”

      It was the Dummmies who actually voted and promoted PPC.
      Maxime got about 1% of the vote, just enough to swing battleground ridings to the LPC. You made Trudeau happen.
      People who voted and promoted PPC were DUPED. You’re GULLS. ONE PERCENT! That’s how stupid you were.

      1. well dont let rev 1318 see THIS one ozzie. liable to retort something rude.
        p.s., *at which point in your mind are things so gawdforsaken BAD that we have to try
        *something* different than andypandastatusquo???

        1. “*at which point in your mind are things so gawdforsaken BAD that we have to try *something* different than andypandastatusquo???”

          To HELL with Canazuela. I don’t give a shit about who leads the CPC now. The “status quo” ain’t “andypanda” it’s
          Zoolander(LPC) and I have all you Maxime voting and promoting idiots to thank for that.
          As I’ve said before on SDA, I’ve been wanting Alberta out of Canazuela for decades. I’ve been working for it at street level, once knocking on doors for the now defunct Wild Rose party.
          It didn’t have to be this painful, but a buttload of stupid people promoted Maxime and keep bringing up Maxime even after I called for letting bygones to be bygones, so it’s war with you A-holes until you admit that you are responsible for Zoolander being reelected or shutup and stop putting the blame on someone other than yourselves.
          YOU are responsible for Zoolander’s reelection. I voted for and promoted the ONLY viable alternative.
          Not Scheer, the CPC. Now I don’t care about the CPC, that’s history.

      2. OZ thinks he’s a “conservative”
        OZ got conned when he voted for the Conservative (In Name Only) Party of Canada.
        OZ voted for a party which had 0 platform.
        OZ voted for Andrew Scheer, a stupid poseur who masqueraded as a “conservative” then lost.
        Stupid OZ is a typical #LibCons who blames others for his own fuck ups.
        Folks like stupid OZ told #PPC supporters they were a “distraction”, were marginals and were part of a cult. But when his own fake party lost (again) to the dumbest PM in history – Like Scheer did by attacking Bernier with libtard Warren Kinsella – well it’s good enough to blame the #PPC.

        Stupid OZ now sees retreads like centrist Erin O-Foole (who steals from #PPC platform) or #LibCons MacKay (who loves the #CBC) as a rescuer since junior insurance sales rep Pandy Scheer is a major #FAIL + should step down.

        Next time don’t be like stupid OZ. Vote for a real conservative movement;

        1. “OZ told #PPC supporters they were a “distraction”, were marginals and were part of a cult.”

          If getting only 1% of the vote and ZERO seats isn’t marginal, then the word has no meaning.
          Next time don’t be STUPID and bloody minded like ray, vote for a real party, an alternative that has a chance to win.

        2. “OZ now sees retreads like centrist Erin O-Foole (who steals from #PPC platform)”

          I’d think you would want the PPC platform to influence people and move them to the right. Guess I was wrong there.
          Where you’re wrong, is to think that I care about Federal Canazuela politics any more. I don’t care.
          I just despise Maxime Bernier and his cult members.

        3. “Max could have joined the well-established Libertarian party.”

          Well, Buddy, how then could Maxime have fractured the conservative voting base and earned his LPC pay cheque?
          Non, non, non! It is to laugh. Ha haa!

      3. That’s been debunked. They might have lost a few seats, but it still wouldn’t have been nearly enough to give Smiley Milkman a minority government.

      4. As was pointed out to you immediately after the election, if every single PPC vote had instead gone to the CPC, absolutely nothing would have changed.

        You can keep frothing at the mouth and insulting people who broadly agree with you politically, but all it’s doing is making you look like an even bigger d*ck.

        Canada made its choice, and the current federal government is the result. It is what it is. We’re living in Rome, 409AD. The outcome is as predictable as it is inevitable.

        1. “As was pointed out to you immediately after the election”

          Yes, and I pointed out that this “anonymous nerd” couldn’t possibly have had the true vote numbers to “crunch” the very next day after the election. It being so immediate and all.
          It was a carefully prepared lie to deny responsibility for the CPC’s defeat, despite having won a plurality of the vote.

          So how is it a party can win the most votes in Canada, but not the most seats? By efficiently winning seats in the battleground ridings, that’s how.
          Maxime only had candidates in 90% of the ridings, yes? He concentrated his effort in the battleground ridings that put the LPC over the top.

        2. “You can keep frothing at the mouth and insulting people who broadly agree with you politically, but all it’s doing is making you look like an even bigger d*ck.”

          Get reamed, Danny. I don’t give a shit what fools like you think of me. Facts mean nothing to the likes of you.
          The people who were foolish enough to be gulled into voting for “Max!” and won’t admit their mistake are not allies.
          They are part of the problem, not the solution. Their support of Bernier was based on lies and is still based on lies.

          Why does the liar Max! keep coming here and posting his “Max!” crap after publicly stating his retirement from politics?
          Because political idiot that Bernier is, he hadn’t taken into account that Zoolander’s government is a minority government and “Max!” is needed to be kept on retainer should that minority government get a non-confidence vote. That’s why.
          Gotta split the CPC vote again. “Max!” is a cheap tactic. Bastid could still join the Libertarian party but Oh Noes!

    2. ‘fireside’

      I wonder if the ‘fire’ will spread like aussieland and BURN THE WHOLE COUNTRY DOWN GODDAMNED TURDOO.

  15. Just a thought wrt the Belleville blockade. That it’s located close by one of the border areas that have a high incidence of cross border smuggling, wouldn’t it be beneficial to the smugglers to have the authorities otherwise occupied elsewhere when the ice starts breaking up?

  16. Politics can’t fix anything. Politics follows the dominant philosophy of the people. It does not lead – it follows.

    You want a new country, you have to change the way people think. Canadians do not want a new country.

    1. Politics provide the environment to either fix things or mess up things. Mostly the latter, since the collectivists are eager to mess up things once they get into power. Unfortunately, once things are really messed up, the result is very difficult to undo.
      Would you call Hitler’s coup in the Reichstag (being named the Chancellor of Germany) just politics? Most Germans did, and carried on life as usual.
      Obama corrupted the intelligence community, the FBI, and the IRS to be his private army to be used against his political enemies. The only reason we survived was because he was innately lazy and incompetent. Had Hitler been in his position, the republic may have been lost. And we dodged a bullet when we elected Trump instead of the wicked witch.
      Read our Declaration of Independence. The first two paragraphs may give you a hint of how the western provinces can rid yourselves of this tyrant.

      1. The politics of a people change when their philosophy changes.
        As long as Canadians continue to think the way they do – nothing will change.

  17. I believe our PM needs mental help he is in way over his head.Things have snowballed out of control under his watch. He is very close to ruining our country and I don’t believe he even realizes it This is beyond serious folks within a year we will be in full meltdown.For the sake of Canada JT must be removed from office.Perhaps Maggie could share some of her prescriptions with the boy.

    1. Canadians re-elected the witless fop. They’re now reaping what they’ve sown.
      And if he’s replaced, it’ll be with Freeland or some other LPC twit. No better.

      Canadians need to feel brutal pain in order to comprehend the consequences of their ignorance and poor decisions. Things are going to get much worse before that happens. For investment to return, there will need to be a substantive cultural change in Canada. And that’s going to take even longer, if ever.

    2. ” This is beyond serious folks”

      Yeah. It’s a bad joke. But the joke is on you, Terry. Trudeau is EVIL. It is and was evil to want to become PM just because of a family Name.
      Zoolander has no other qualification. The other world leaders think Zoolander is a joke, a fool.
      He is a monkey behind the wheel of a Formula 1 race car, pedal to the medal, hurtling toward a brick wall. He is evil.

  18. How times have changed. Not too long ago I looked longingly at Canada with Harper as PM, while we were saddled with Obama as President. At least my Church was led by Pope Benedict.
    So now I have Trump as president, who is working hard at removing all of Obama’s failed policies and edicts. But now my Church is led by that Communist, Gaea worshiping anti-Pope Francis.
    And you have Trudeau. I truly empathize. I have always looked on Canada viz a viz U.S. as the loyal younger brother. But you are where we would have been had the wicked witch been elected. I really believe God had a hand in that election, and knocked down the blue wall in the “Rust Belt.” But what’s your way out? From reading this column, I believe your only option is for the Prairie provinces to secede. Maybe including Ontario if they want it. Good luck. Perhaps if that is successful, even then isolated BC may change their political outlook.

    1. If the prairie Provinces leave I doubt that Ontario would have any other choice than to join them. Without the Western Provinces annual monetary contribution . Quebec and the Maritimes could no longer continue to live the subsidized existance they have enjoyed at the expense of others for so long. All of a sudden Ontario would be looked upon as their benifactor and that would be financialy impossible thanks to 15 years of liberal government under McGuinty and Wynne who basically bankrupted that Province.

      1. “I doubt that Ontario would have any other choice than to join them.”

        I doubt that Albertans would be allowing shit-heels the likes of Ontario to choose to join with us ever again.
        They aren’t honorable people. All the hatred we’ve been served by them just tears it.

  19. Baa baa we need a new goat to follow,a better leader to take us to the slaughter house gates.
    Politics is currently acting for ugly people,we act as if this is normal,because we have degraded into a Kleptocracy.
    Kleptocracy is great until you run out of people to rob.
    And becomes deadly when those you have robbed identify their thief.

    No rules,that is Laws, mean jack shit without the willingness to enforce them.
    Thus a region where “these laws shall apply” is essential.
    Basics of civilization.
    Citizens agree to be bound by their chosen laws,within their chosen region.
    Can Ahh Duh is too big,with too few people.

    Western Canadians have had very little “choosing of those laws”.
    And in fact are now deemed Criminals under many.
    Owning legacy property makes you a criminal?
    Confederation and an ever swelling central bureaucracy has enabled thieves to thrive without fear of consequence.

    Welfare being a perfect example.
    Welfare only works if it is voluntary and local.
    Now it is national we are reaching 4th and 5th generations of “Welfare Families” .Because rule enforcement and removing cheats is against the bureaus interests.
    Kevin is right.
    What purpose is a “new Country” that begins with the acceptance of the parasitic overload that has destroyed the “Old Country”?

    Sure we paid for our “pensions” and we railed against the waste of those funds as they vanished into funding the Welfare State.
    We failed,that money is long gone.
    We also funded Healthcare.
    Owed to us or not,we will never see it again,short of forcibly expropriating the property and investments of our former helpers,who have done very well for themselves in “public service”.

    A new country that burdens itself with the debt and habits of the old?
    A better approach is needed,
    Government is death.
    A criminal organization that reserves the right to use deadly force..Against the citizens.
    Such a force may indeed be necessary to limit the fools and bandits born to each generation.And those outside our gates.

    But what are you willing to give up to accept such help?
    The lesson of my working life,where being paid for my effort began in 1976,is simple.
    Government destroys everything it controls.
    Canada is totally controlled and is destroyed.

    We have only ourselves to blame and only ourselves to fallback on.

    The right and responsibility of having a say in how we govern ourselves is not a thing to be entrusted to anyone else,especially not a leader who volunteers for the task.
    Look at our current crop,”Trust me I want to be your leader” sure worked out good.Eh?

    We have tools our grandparents could only dream about.
    Communication in seconds across this vast expanse.
    Markets world wide.
    An educated citizenry(Supposedly).
    And as a fallback we probably have more stockpiles of weapons than any earlier time in our history(Praise St Allan Roche).with weaker opponents than we could ever have imagined.

    With the lack of a commonality of law between East and West,confederation is done.
    Can Ahh Duh is done,because we have no “Truths in Common”.
    A majority of our citizens favour sweet lies and stealing from the productive.
    This “majority” seems to infest our cities.
    Our cities reward mob rule,with no respect for individual property or personal rights.
    Civil society fell decades ago,the looters never noticed.

    A soft reset,such as Unilateral declaration of Independence will be hard work and require citizenry to fulfill their responsibilities.
    A hard rest follows Venezuela Status,where currently 2/3 of the remaining citizens starve.
    And they have a much more mild climate.
    A new country cannot afford the willful suicide of a Welfare State along with the costs of throwing off the useless and clueless.

      1. “I thought it meant ‘village of idiots’.”
        That was in the good old days. But then the internet came along and spawned legions of keyboard warriors and countless virtual tough-guys.

  20. Back in 1917 the very similar events resulted in the slaughter of 18,000,000 Russian people, many in horrific and grotesque manner, or in plain English by torturing to death. What followed was the forced starvation to death of 4,000,000 Ukrainians.
    Grab your ammo, while stores still sell it, and do not give up your guns to the turd dough’s goons.

  21. Dead country walking, stumbling like a zombie seeking “brains”.
    People like Suzuki the Cunt are as happy as pigs in shit. He knows he’ll never suffer and his kids probably won’t as well. Same with Blackie’s spawn and Freeland’s and Morneau’s and Net-Zero McKenna’s.
    I’m stuck where I am for now, in the middle of Ottawa, but comfortable and unaffected. I’ll do nothing until I am. But I do sympathize.
    You People out west are getting sodomized but all I hear is a Buffalo farting. Wake the fuck up! Take the day off work tomorrow and start a “fire”.

    1. “You People out west are getting sodomized but all I hear is a Buffalo farting. Wake the fuck up! Take the day off work tomorrow and start a “fire”.”

      Yup. You get it. The fire that has to be started is under Western arses.

  22. I think a lot of energy will be wasted in any continuation of the PPC-CPC bun fight. The fact is that even with all PPC voters in the CPC ranks, last election, eight seats (only) would have changed hands including two that went NDP rather than Liberal as a result. This would have left us with almost precisely the same political situation as we have anyway. So while it could have been the case in a different outcome, in this actual real-world outcome, there is no tangible mark left by the PPC vote (whether you support it or not).

    The CPC got enough votes in AB-SK and parts of BC-MB to make reality of the claim that they are holding the bag of “disaffected western Canadian” votes, opinion obviously varies as to how good a spokesman for that demographic the current leader Scheer may be, but he at least seems to have realized (perhaps too late for his political fortunes) that the western alienation is a real thing that needs a real political voice. One can also question whether front-runner Peter Mackay would be anything but an irrelevance to the western protest movement; however, among the other viable candidates, who is actually in such a position?

    The political crisis that is now inevitable needs only one thing to jump the shark and enter a new phase. That would be a combination of serious political backing from some higher profile politician (and it obviously can’t be Max Bernier although it could be a later elected PPC leader — reason being such a person has to live in western Canada, no matter how sincere their disgust with the situation from some other location, it would not work for that person to lead a political protest movement). Alberta and Saskatchewan premiers are perhaps the two most logical candidates for such a position. A renegade CPC member of parliament (and at first attempt I don’t easily come up with names) might also be suitable. Then there would be other public figures, for example, Ezra Levant and in theory the leader of this blog (who seems to have some political acumen).

    I’m more of the follower than the leader type, but I know this much — a lot of angry talk is going to lead to no actual solution. There has to be a framework with consequences and people have to be ready to make sacrifices if they want to be free. Right now in western Canada, unless you’re some useless twit too close to salt water for your own good, you are not free. I guess that comes as no surprise. Freedom can only come with sovereignty. I don’t quite rule out a new federal partnership, but I know that people in the east and in coastal BC largely don’t get the anger out west so unless they can be scared into reformulating old certainties, then I think it has to be an independent route. That route needs to be planned out starting with a major convention of forces in favour of it, preferably as soon as this coming summer. Leaving this to angry talkers without a framework just makes it more likely that the outcome will be more of the same with perhaps scattered and generally counter-productive acts of violence or vandalism against symbols of a regime that is becoming an occupying force in the eyes of many people.

    There needs to be an urgency to this so that our eastern and west coast fellow citizens (temporarily as this may become) get the message that we are serious and not like Quebec separatists, just all talk to see what concessions we can get. That’s not the point for western Canadians. We have a choice — get out and remain free, or stay in and be slaves (and in a failed state, even the slavemasters won’t like the result, but then let’s allow them to find this out within the confines of their own portion of a divided country).

    Interesting days ahead, I wonder who will lead this movement? Right now it has no obvious visible leadership of any kind. Obviously there would be some alt-right fringe groups interested in a leadership role — those will short circuit as they are identified and branded, and also because they tend to be disorganized losers in most cases. We need this to be broadly based in the same part of the society as the voting bloc for mainstream parties. The PPC tendency could be a useful ingredient but clearly cannot take a leadership role. Much as I hate the wishy-washy nature of the CPC, a realistic appraisal is that they have the only real chance to take on leadership of western independence, but if they decide not to do that (to serve their distant overseers) then the power jumps immediately to the voting base and whoever might appeal to them as a leader.

    1. I would not follow either Moe or Kenney even if they promised to lead me to heaven. They are both evil and federalists.

    2. Peter.
      We have no leaders today.
      They carefully poll the populace to see where the herd is trending.
      Western Independence requires us,the citizens to acknowledge where we are,where we want to be collectively and chose to act.
      Step one may well be all tax will be paid to the Province,all federal portions to be passed on at mutual agreement.
      Otherwise,prior to independence federal taxes remain held in trust,in Alberta.
      We need to be very clear about where we are.
      We are not a real province.
      We remain a ward of Ottawa.
      We require an upgrade to Quebec Status to even consider remaining in Confederation.
      And we are a long way from having equal rights inside Confederation.

      Where do we want to be?
      I want out from under a crushingly restrictive and greedy state,where nothing is mine.I want the right to self defence from fools and bandits,no matter how “pure” their intentions.
      I want a civil society to relax in.And what I have built and accumulated I want to pass on to the people of my choice.
      Not to have it stolen by bureaucratic vultures.
      Death Tax indeed.
      I want Death to the Parasites,I know there is no “negotiation” with bloodsuckers.
      What kind of New Country do you seek?

  23. “The fact is that even with all PPC voters in the CPC ranks, last election, eight seats (only) would have changed hands including two that went NDP rather than Liberal as a result.”

    That’s a lie. You can bugger off now.
