Climategate 2020: Disappeared

The historic heat wave at Marble Bar, Australia.

For generations it was a Guinness Book of Records type thing. Now it’s gone.

In 1924 Marble Bar set a world record of the most consecutive days of 100 °F (37.8 °C) or above, during an incredible period of 160 days starting in 1923. It was legend — but thanks to the genius homogenized adjustments, we now find out all along it was wrong. It’s another ACORN triumph, rewriting history, extinguishing the hot days of days long gone. The experts at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) have reanalyzed the temperatures from 4000 km away and nine decades in the future and apparently it wasn’t that hot.

Hey, Yellowgrass — watch your back.

21 Replies to “Climategate 2020: Disappeared”

  1. “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” ~ George Orwell

    “The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.” ~ George Orwell

    “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day be day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except the endless present in which the party is always right.” ~ George Orwell

    I could just continue with the whole book, ‘Animal Farm’, ‘1984’, …

    1. “There is no swifter route to the corruption of thought than through the corruption of language” ~ George Orwell

      Why did you think they are so big on “hate speech” laws? On “gender pronouns”?

      1. …. Not only language, but continuously spreading endless fear though institutional lies and manufactured panic while they condition us to police ourselves.

    2. The first quote echoes what Dr. Hayden told us to watch for! He would add “Watch for parallels in history”! Good stuff Kevin!

  2. And Jason Kenney and all the other muppets fall right in lock step with their goose stepping bosses.

    “If you repeat a lie often enough and loud enough it becomes the truth.” Catherine McKenna (Liberal)

    1. I believe it was one of Hitler’s henchmen who originate that quote about The Big Lie.

      These twats think they are so original.

      1. “one of Hitler’s henchmen”

        Paul Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda
        He committed suicide same day as Hitler, …taking his wife and 6 children with him.

  3. George had spent time on the inside, he knew their plans as did William Cooper and others. I think while the court jester is buying off media he might as well, at this point of collective stupidity, create another tax, say the Santa tax, for a guy that gets no reimbursement year after year for all those presents, and cost of delivery. And while our prime moron is at it how about an easter bunny tax, after all, he supplies a lot of colored eggs year after year. And and what about the tooth fairy? No kiddies, there is no glowbull warming or climate change or whatever the bought off media morons tell you this week, the “carbon” taxes are just to enslave us all deeper in debt. As for Jason, he reminds me of the blind squirrel.

  4. Thanks for that Yellow Grass shout out. When I was getting ready to move to Sask way back in the 80s I read that stat somewhere and looked forward to sunny summers.
    Anybody know if that great little hotel is still in business?

    1. Don’t know about the hotel but I do remember getting food poisoning from a hamburger after using the outhouse behind a restaurant. Mind you it was about 1957.

  5. This unscientific manipulation of temp. Records is high on my list of why I am an CAGW skeptic. And the “Climate” scientists just keep doubling-down on their LIES.

    1. Science requires skepticism. It is the default position for inquiry and the testing of new hypotheses.

      We skeptics have nothing to prove. We represent the status quo, which is that there is no global warming and that the climate in cyclical.
      Rather it is Gang Green who must prove their hypothesis and yet here we are, nearly 40 years on, and they have proved nothing.
      Just last October Michael Mann, the creator of the Hockey Stick Hoax on which ALL of the IPCCs conclusions were initially based, was defeated in a B.C. court where Michael Mann had brought suite against Tim Ball. Both of them are “Climate Scientists”, yet Dr. Ball sees no problem with the climate and has stated that Michael Mann’s Hockey Stick Graph is based on junk science.

  6. When you combine the forces of socialism, a pathology that has been ever present and in ascension off and on for decades with the luddite and lunatic pseudo-environmental, hysteria-driven greens, you have a very powerful “green theocracy” with self righteous zeal so dominant that any means justify their suicidal and dystopian ends. Economic collapse or war is likely the only way to temporarily reverse the march. Capitalism and freedom are a revolution against the historically dominant tribalism, serfdom (essentially socialism), and theocracy and after a pretty good run, we are well on our way back to it.

  7. This is for those of you curious about any previous Canada temperatures.

    Historic Canadian data can be found at and they show Yellow Grass at 45.0C for July 5th 1937. That is exactly 113F a full degree lower than that sign.

    I suppose it’s possible the sign is correct and Canada is using the same playbook as the Aussies or maybe they turned their database maintenance over to them.

  8. Kenny;s referendum law looks better each day.
    After we vote Unilateral Declaration of Independence,lets start a petition for referendum to reintroduce the Guillotine,specifically for persons in positions of trust who lie to their employers…
    Along with ” Compulsory Carry” for citizens,none for government agents.
    Sunny days Indeed.

  9. ENVIRONMENT MINISTER Catherine McKenna–changed all Canada’s Actual temperatures records from 1850 to 1949 to model temperature readings!!!
    Blacklock—reported –“that in many cases the observed temperatures scrapped by Environment Canadan creating it’s computer models , were higher in the past than today”!
    Examples of these changes can be found on Watt’s Up these older warmer temperatures were dropped 3-4 degrees to make them cooler!
    Just another example of of fraudulent Anthropogenic science!!!!

  10. NASA also did this with the US temperature chart over the last century as well. They completely removed the heat wave of the 1930’s and early 40’s. According to their new chart it’s warmer now than it was in the 30’s, which is a disgusting lie to the extreme.
    If you may recall Michael Mann’s hockey stick graph completely removed the medieval warming period and little ice age.
    He also threw out out tree ring samples that defied his faulty theory. That’s how the graph was so high at the end.
    Plus don’t forget about Environment Canada removing all the temperature readings from the late 40’s and back.
    These Climate alarmists know nothing else but to lie in order to push their erroneous faulty religious agenda, and they must be fought against continuously. Don’t buy into their lies even a little bit. If you buy into their garbage even the tiniest amount, they’ve got you.

  11. Pocket news feed and the weather Channel are reporting that the Antarctic glaciers are melting last week! The warmest temperature in that time of reporting was -26 degrees celsius ! The last 3 days have been -53, -52 and today -51! This is temperature with no windchill included!
