15 Replies to “O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas”

  1. Consider this.
    Population of California 39.54 million (2017)
    The California State Legislature is the state legislature. It is a bicameral body consisting of the California State Assembly, the lower house with 80 members, and the California State Senate, the upper house with 40 members.
    The power over 39.54 million people is in a clique of 120 confused, trying to find their place in the world and think they know it all.
    They with the most advanced air of nothingness.
    Well, you can tell by the state of the state of California.
    Just to make it understandable, California is very, very wealthy, the rulers think they can afford to blow money hither and yon.
    They can, it will take some time to blow the immense wealth, though once the owners of the wealth leave, things will change rather fast.

    1. This is socialist! From the textbooks of V. Lenin and L. Trotski: “from each by ability, to each by labor contribution”
      Remember: L. Trotski spent his last years in Mexico. No wonder this filth creeps back out of that country.

    2. Millennials: why can’t we have bands like the Beatles?

      Socialists: well, its because you can only pay John and Paul 1.5 times more than Ringo…

    3. well that one’s vamvoosed as well cal, sumbuddy sumwhars feeling the heat. the digital kind.

  2. Leftists are lying, thieving, undemocratic trash. This assembly critter is a good example of why leftists need to be tarred, feathered and driven into the wilderness.

  3. As IF … Ringo is “entitled” to 40% of Lennon-McCartney’s songs! These Communists know NOTHING about the … “means of production”

  4. I’m fine with that law provided it’s extended to lawyers and politicians.

    So that would mean Lorena Gonzalez could be paid a maximum of 1.5 times the lowest paid worker in her office.

    We could extend this law to First Nations chiefs.
