March 8, 2020: Reader Tips

Took my first breath, where the muddy Brazos, spills into the gulf of Mexico
Where the skyline’s colored by chemical plants, t’put bread on the table of the working man
Where the working man does his best to provide, safety and shelter for kids and a wife
Given little love n soul every day, making over time to keep the wolves away

A tune I just stumbled upon, and it’s good. Keep The Wolves Away – Uncle Lucius

Threads open.

28 Replies to “March 8, 2020: Reader Tips”

    1. I saw that on TV tonight!! How in Lord Jesus can a hotel building be so poorly constructed as to collapse under the weight of the guests?? Reminds me of rainy days on the farm when we were kids and we’d build a house of cards!
      And it was a fairly new building!

      1. My thought was,,, just how many people are they stuffing in there, to make it collapse?

        Maybe it was one of those building they throw up in a week?

        1. Well, the good news is, they’ve got whole cities of empty buildings over there to quarantine coronavirus patients in. There’re 50 million empty apartments over there – they could hand-out one per patient and have lots left over.

          For now.

          And the other nice thing is, guess why there’re so many empty apartments? Yep! – they’re all that shoddily constructed. They have whole buildings just toppling over. So lots of them will collapse on top of their patients, and that’ll greatly decrease the numbers, and Winnie the Pooh will be SO DELIGHTED! I’m sure he wanted to just shoot them all, like Little Kimmie does next door, but bullets cost money. And we’ll never hear about it, any of it.

          You gotta’ admire their basic dictatorship…

      2. Is it one of those fancy new 3D printed buildings that China was so smug about?
        My company offers 3D printing services, but for small parts that can fit in your palm, and nothing that life depends on, except the smartphone stands. Some believe their life depends on Instagram.

  1. The UPC has said they are going to look into some of the programs that the Province has the right to control. The pension plan is one program. I think Will Verboven: an agricultural writer, has an idea that should be taken up immediately. He has stated the Alberta and Saskatchewan governments have the legal right to withdraw from the National dairy supply management agreement.

    Will further wrote that would destroy the legal ability/right of Quebec’s share of national dairy production. One could easily foresee thousands of Quebec dairy farmers, the Quebec government and their federal political supporters rise up against this arbitrary Alberta action. The point being such a step by Alberta would put the feds and Quebec on notice that there is a real consequence to their anti-Alberta actions. My view is that the feds and Quebec have not faced any political repercussions and will continue to abuse us as long as we are seen as not able to hurt them at the grassroots level.
    I think Mr. Verboven has a great idea.

    1. Shopping at the Superstore today in Calgary I noticed that the carrots that were on sale (5 lb for $3.48 I think it was) were grown in Quebec. I asked produce employee “Vlad” if he had any other carrots. “We have organic”. I said “I would rather die of Covid 19”. He pointed out that “There are baby carrots over there”. I checked out the baby carrots: product of USA. At least the US buys our oil and doesn’t try to stop us from selling our oil, at least not as a government initiative.

    2. First I hear of that and I love it…!!
      PLay their game. …as a matter of fact, grind it into their arrogant faces with a smile..!!
      67 years of having to put up with those (_i_)holes from Quebec…long overdue for payback with the West Benefitting.

      And who wouldn’t love to see 1.75/gal Milk and .85/lb butter…??

    1. Fuck yeah! My older one is in university now.
      Same shit as high school! Profs lie to students (problems at tests not tought during the semester), cheat students (change problems during the last 10 minutes of an exam [sic]), outsource everything to the TAs (TA downgrades work on phoney basis, prof says since TA did it, it is Okay).
      They teach complex, derived material, without teaching the bases. They write assignment instructions, but then apply different requirements and say that written instructions were wrong.
      Criminals them all, fraudsters, cheats, and liars.
      Since duels had been outlawed, the world slid down a slippery slope into a stinky cesspool of hell.

      Coop program kicks in now. We read job descriptions. A wordy, eloquent, 2-page essay on how the student is expected to demonstrate exceptional character, aptitude, all of the positive qualities of an upstanding professional, and spectacular knowledge and skills… In order to pick up garbage bins. This is for a prestigious engineering program! You can guess that coop job posting is by a municipal government. They are looking for free slaves for 4 months at $14/h. He’ll rather spend 4 months at a local factory, welding scaffolding. At least it means working with real people, at a real job, making real money. We had gone through 350 jobs and virtually none of them have anything to do with engineering. Lots of cannabis grow op jobs though. Seriously.

  2. And now your stupid Ontario news. All of Blackie’s bought and paid for media is excited about the new Ontario Liberal Party leader. Just ignore that he stated he was proud of former premier Wynne’s policies and will continue them. Just ignore that when transportation minister he had Go Transit build a station in his riding that wasn’t needed. Just ignore that he currently is trying to get a conservation authority to hand over land to him, so he can build a private swimming pool. And ignore his statements that he doesn’t care about deficits and wants to give more money to teachers. He’s a Liberal. Vote Liberal and MAKE EVERYTHING FREE AND GAY AGAIN!

  3. Most of those exposed to the coronavirus are put into “self-isolation”. So if I am exposed and agree to stay home, I can send my wife out to get the groceries?

  4. And now the Liberal Party’s CBC political scrum this morning. The Unifor journalists explain that Blackie is handling the China virus perfectly. Discussion on how he is handling every issue in a wonderful way. Conservatives are irrational in their hatred of Blackie. Trump is letting the virus run rampant in the States. Men are bastards.

  5. I want a new country.

    David Creighton, a historian of Canada wrote many years ago (1966) that Canada will go one of two ways.
    1 – The ROC will let Quebec run the country into the dirt and then Quebecers will leave Canada when it is of no more economic benefit to them.
    2 – The ROC will get tired of the Quebec ‘gimme, gimme’ tirades, now updated to “We deserve it”, and just throw them out.

    Since he wrote that in 1966, he could not predict that hard-working Western Canada would be used by Ottawa as their ATM (Alberta Tax Money) to pay for Quebec’s excesses.

    Brian Jean is right to look at all options since it is very clear to almost all Westerns that Ottawa has become irrelevant and redundant to the West.
    Instead of Ottawa being of no use to Quebec, Ottawa ironically has itself of no use to Western Canada.
    It is time for Western Canada to move out of the Liberal party train wreck called Canada.

  6. Great Leader Blackie The Gay Pirate is burning jet fuel again. After spending a relaxing weekend at home, he is burning jet fuel to Toronto Monday for a couple of armchair discussions. He then burns jet fuel back to Ottawa in the evening to explain to a meeting of young girls on how wonderful he is.

  7. Where the Brazos meets the Gulf. Yup, worked at Dow, Plant A for a while in the 70s. Good memories.
