27 Replies to “CNN BREAKING”

    1. Yes I think this is evidence of the failure of their marriage. But I suspect Sophie is a bit of a gold digger playing the long game

      1. Of course she was.

        I’m sure there must have been a pre-nuptial agreement stating she can get a lump sum of cash but he keeps his future country-destroyers.

        I wonder if she wants more?

    1. I laughed out loud, but then I rushed to check the link just to be sure she wasn’t actually quoting the media.

      The lines between news, fake news and satire are all getting pretty damn blurry these days.

  1. They just can’t get over themselves that he may not get sick and die. All of them scum, to bad they didn’t invest as much effort into Obama’s obviously faked “Certificate of Birth”.

    Trudeau is Canada’s biggest walking, talking joke.

  2. Infestation FAILED!
    Investigation FAILED!
    Impeachment FAILED!
    Infection FAILED!

    Oh the Demento-crats just can’t catch a break… 🙂
    Evidently they are ‘trying too hard’…!


    Hans Rupprecht – Commander in Chief
    Army Group “True North”
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army

    1. Hey HR-CCAG “True North”,

      I always appreciate your take and response on things!

      Irredeemable…Deplorable… 🙂

    1. The ONLY healthy guy of sound mind and body that will be running for President this year. Hope he lives to see a fourth term in office as President.

  3. The liberal democrat mindset, or lack thereof, is the same as the Nazis/Stalinists/Maos/Pol Pots etc, and their end game, had the hag won, would have been the same. Everybody better start to realize that all that history began somewhere, and it can happen again . Like Reagan said, freedom isn’t passed on in the bloodstream, it is fought for and protected, and presently Donald, is what is in, these trained monkeys in the media and their handlers/monsters way. These media people are frightening, not just annoying.

  4. Scott Adams claimed that one of the three major candidates for President—President Trump, Joe and Bernie—will die of Wuhan virus.

    Joe has gotten his vaccine dose courtesy of Chinese intelligence.

    Bernie will show symptoms of COVID-19 by the end of March and by the end of April he will be dead.

    The President will win the election by twenty points.

  5. But the scumbags around the world…
    Expect more good news, even though they may not sit well with your principles.

  6. All the stupid going on demonstrates that there is nothing more dangerous than a mob of paranoid stupid people.
    What’s even more dangerous is to have them elected as government.

  7. Plus the President’s Physician apparently isn’t a “real doctor” according to malignantly envious George Conway.
    He’s only DO, not a medical doctor, despite being a physician.
    Plus the Surgeon General is “only” an anesthetist, apparently not a real doctor either.
    Such lunacy and desperation at being denied power, and in George’s case, apparently the alienation at having a brilliant wife.
    To watch them and him double down on their stupidity, further alienated from reality and voters, is amazing.
    The Biden-Sanders Silent Debate tonight should be fun. Once Biden figures out the venue and what year it is I mean.
