Wuhan Flu


@ereguly — Another terrifying surge in #COVIDー19 cases in #Italy Total cases Saturday up almost 3,500 to 21,157, fatalities up 175 to 1,441. More than 1,500 patients in serious or critical condition. Big jumps too in Spain, Germany and UK. #Spain cd be the next Italy. #CoronaOutbreak

UghIn Guangdong, officials responsible for the coronavirus response announced Feb. 25 that 14% of declared recoveries in the province had later retested positive. (h/t Jolene)

39 Replies to “Wuhan Flu”

  1. Just saw that the L A Times article, says people in China who have recovered from the Wuhan Corona-19 after being released, have redeveloped the disease. Supposedly over a 100 cases. Probably the worst possible news, as it possibly means;
    1.) NO immunity from previous exposure.
    2.) Wuhan virus is mutating quickly.
    3.) Vaccine may not be effective.
    If any of things become fact, then dangerous times ahead. Having guns and ammo, may no longer be a joke.

    1. Clinical course and risk factors for mortality of adult inpatients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective cohort study

      The shortest to longest observed duration of viral shedding in survivors was 8 days to 37 days.

      IE you can still be a carrier even if you survived up to THIRTY SEVEN days later (average 20 days)

      Hence the quartantine of 14 days needs to be 21 days up to 37 days; in particular for those at risk with pre-existing conditions to manage eg asthma, allergies, diabetes, heart conditions etc.

      Thus China is sending them back too early resulting in INFECTION of the population missed in the first round.


      Hans Rupprecht – Commander in Chief
      Army Group “True North”
      1st Saint Nicolaas Army

        1. It is a possible bio-weapon, but some experts feel it may just be a natural mutation. (Open question)

          In the addenda to this post the numbers are climbing dramatically.
          This is the classic GEOMETRIC progression of pandemics that anyone trained in mathematics/physics will easily ‘get’. Which is why the early Chinese numbers showing a “parabolic” progression were complete garbage.

          Epidemic progression on networks based on disease generation time

          Coronavirus Geometric Progression Suggests 100,000 Infections in a Week

          Until the virus runs out of population to infect…(unchecked non-mitigated scenario) Rural folks will likely be counting themselves among the fortunate ones…ie less transmission vectors.

          Intervention will smooth out the curve, and and prevent the normal ‘die offs’ to expect in classical pandemics. eg Smallpox killed ~300 million, Spanish flu about ~50 million.

          Seeing that this pandemic has been running a full 30 days, the next 60 days will be ‘instructive’ in terms of vector transmission intervention.

          Again, those with pre-existing conditions should exercise an abundance of caution eg asthma, allergies, diabetes, heart conditions etc.

          Pray that your medical staff are not overwhelmed…


          Hans Rupprecht – Commander in Chief
          Army Group “True North”
          1st Saint Nicolaas Army

        2. Oh come on, how could a bio-weapon be developed in a Chinese bio-weapon lab in Wuhan? just not credible /s

          1. I do think that the whole bio-weapon stuff will be ended. Just like gas attacks in WWI, the lack of control of teh weapon, once deployed, makes it unsafe to your own side.

    2. I don’t want to scare people too much but the SARS vaccine was abandoned because they found that after taking it if you got SARS again you almost certainly would die. If they rush through a vaccine wait a few years before getting it.

      1. *
        “SARS vaccine was abandoned because they
        found that after taking it if you got SARS
        again you almost certainly would die”

        james… source?


    3. *
      You bought a skidload of toilet paper?
      Trust me… your actual problem is
      not coronavirus…

      This is an example of ‘zero risk bias,’
      in which people prefer to try to eliminate
      one type of possibly superficial risk
      entirely rather than do something that
      would reduce their total risk.


  2. The Chicoms – fully responsible for the flu – are on the offensive in the PR department against the US and along with the already virulent (heh) anti-US, anti-Trump sentiment across many parts of the world, they appear to be winning.

    1. The Wuhan virus is an act of bioterrorism, and as these things go a work of genius. Everything is going according to plan. Everybody has played his part perfectly—the borders have stayed open to patient zero, the media have whipped up utter panic.

      Trump will still win in November.

        1. It is the Chinese, and their friends in the Deep States and globalist elites of the western world.

          Problem is, they still don’t understand that killing their loved ones is not how you get Americans to do what you want.

      1. “The Wuhan virus is an act of bioterrorism,”

        Of course and Blackface used it as effectively as he could against the Canadian people.

      2. “The Wuhan virus is an act of bioterrorism”‘

        No it is a declaration of war and a use of WMD by a hostile state not by a bunch of unwashed terrorists. A proportional response would …

  3. Michael! You’re blathering again. Mike, Mike, Mike! Turn it off and stay on the topic willya? You’re becoming a real drag with your boring yapping on and on about the Fwench. This one is about the virus, Mike, the virus. Ya know? The Virus?

    If you want to yap about the Fwench then wait until a topic comes up about the Fwench and you can flap your gums about it at that time . . . . . but not right now.

    1. Am in agreement with the above post…and in fact Mr Scallion, try writing – speaking lay English….IOW, get to effin point..!!

      1. Johnpeg,S/M, agreed,and Mr.McCallion PLEASE divide your lengthy screeds into paragraphs with white spaces between. Your long rants are almost impossible to read.

        Thank you.

  4. The Americans have partnered with the private sector to assist testing.

    Canadians like government testing. We don’t trust the private sector.

    I’m making a small prediction. Canada will not fare as well as the US in dealing with the Huawei virus ( I’ve named it so as I think you get more bang for the buck out of it). Neither Huawei nor the chicoms are our friends.

  5. Seeing what is going on in Canada, or rather what is not going on, with curbing the Wuhan virus, my wife and I feel much safer being in the U.S.A. Trudeau’s plan of stock up, wash your hands, good luck, and every man for himself is not very reassuring. Considering the entire Parliament has cut and run to their safe spaces until April 20. if appears either they have lost control or have just plain given up. I cannot imagine the outrage and revolt if all three branches of the U.S. federal government decided to take a taxpayer paid respite at President Trumps direction?
    If we have to choose between Trump’s positive decisive action to protect the country or Trudeau’s, appoint a study group and book off. The choice is clear.

      1. I saw the headline. I thought it so ludicrous I could not face reading the article. Trudeau and “ledership” is a fantasy, even if you think the current Liberal government has got the odd thing right. What we have has a complete abdication of leadership. They are total phonies who have no idea how to lead a country . Also, Canadian journalists scrutinizing Trump is getting tiresome. Let the Americans complain about him. Pay attention to the incompetence on this side of the border -‘ plenty of fodder there.

        1. Indeed, saw the headline, thought much the same. The Mope and Wail continuing their disinformation campaign, they know how far TrudeauBux can go for their employer and their union by writing nonsense and garbage issued from the PMO.

    1. Parliamentarians going home is a time for celebration, always. Proroguing parliament was the best thing Harper did when he was PM. Doing nothing is far safer for the citizenry than “acting on our behalf” and further enslaving, bankrupting, or offending and insulting us.

    2. The UK and Ireland were just added to the travel ban. The way Canada is handling this, it will likely be added to the list soon.

    1. Yup. Not the way I expected the anti-hygiene of “re-use things that have touched food” to come back and bite us, but maybe it’ll get a few folks thinking.

      Now if only we could get the “stop carbon pollution now!” (when they mean CO2) to ban paper recycling, and later ban composting. But… baby steps. First we must have baby steps.

    2. clipe, that’s one helluva good link! I have to admit, that while my wife and I follow the wash/disinfect/crowd protocols, our grocery bag habits were not considered. While we have been washing our grocery bags, we’re going to switch back to single-use plastic bags. Thanks

  6. Other thing I found was how difficult it is to figure out from the CBC site actual number of cases in Canada as a whole. They constantly only show individual province totals. Maybe means nothing – or not?

    I did figure from the CTV site to go to WHO site which has up to date numbers to March 14 for all countries.
    Interesting to see that the first US case was on Jan 23 and when PDJT enacted the China ban on Jan 31 there were 6 cases in the US and 2 in Canada. Other thing of note is how few cases Italy had when the travel ban was put in place.

  7. I really gave it a full court press to read and absorb M Mc Sr ‘s rant but failed miserably . Have to agree with DM et al . I have to admit there isn’t much entertainment or good news so we should all try and be patient with each other .

    1. I’ll answer your question.
      You think you could overcome the inertia in our two large cities? Recent polling shows a Nova Scotian is the fave for Leader for the CPC. Poll taken in Alberta. I drove from Cape Breton to Calgary once, all 5000+ km….in one shot. Fifty four hours. Stopped for gas a few times and stoked the furnace with food regularly. Only way to stay awake in between, chocolate chip cookies and Coca Cola. They are a small town mentality out there. Not even suited to Teronna, let alone the regions that really don’t count electorally. Might as well live on Mars. In fact I’d welcome the isolation from Teronna politics that runs this so called country.
      We should have left with NEP 1.

  8. Steven Bannon did a good job in the video. But, the number of ventilators is the easy bit to fix.
    A ventilated patient needs to be intubated, and needs to be paralyzed and sedated, and needs IVs , and pretty intense nursing care. And if need be , a tracheostomy in 10 days.
    Your Mom cant do it.
    Sure theres enough ventilators, drugs, beds, staff, for now. Till there isnt. What date will that be?
