105 Replies to “April 9, 2020: Reader Tips”

    1. If you want to see more of Cagney’s song-and-dance abilities, take at look at his movie Yankee Doodle Dandy, which is the story of George M. Cohan. It shows up on TCM once in a while.

      1. George M. Cohan, a great patriotic American, “born on the Fourth of July,” as his song Yankee Doodle Dandy says.

    1. It’s laugh out loud funny. Daddy had his “fuddle duddle” moment; Prinz Dummkopf is “speaking moistly”.

    2. My annus speaks moistly some mornings then I wipe and flush. Trudeau an unwiped ass

    3. Its a hit ! “Speaking moistly”… check out the unhinged crazed look in Juthtins eyes, the stupid bastard is as crazy as Peeair… yikes.

    1. The likeness to a little plastic man with a dubbed lisping voice is so good I can hardly tell them apart.

    1. That’s a good read.
      And nope, it isn’t worth it. Not even close.
      Better to work on that individualism and the things that matter everyday, as I’m sure many here at SDA do, day in and day out.

    1. I was in the dairy industry many years ago and milk being thrown down the drain as a result of Ontario’s quota system was and is nothing new. It has been happening since the quota system was developed to “control” the market.

      1. The worst thing it did was made it impossible for small operators to stay in business. So when the farmers have an over supply, there isn’t a small operation around to manufacture more cheese that they need to age anyways.

  1. But the dead can vote in the States. They are a united group and always vote Democrat.

  2. Culture matters. It separates us from the philistines.

    In an increasingly mad world an artists words, music or dance routine resonate and remind one that beauty is still possible in a savage land.

    We are fortunate to have evolved to the place where we have learned to appreciate a wide culture.

    On that note I might suggest, ‘Look for the Silver Lining’ by Chet Baker.


  3. Not much editing in that scene. Much like gene Kelly, Donald O’Connor and Danny Kaye.

    This generation could truly do it all and make it look effortless.

    And kept their politics quiet.

    1. My understanding is that old white guys and other old people are not getting put on ventilators. Not quite a priority as it were.

  4. Let the good times roll.

    Talked to a young guy who got laid off (welder) last week. Told me he got some bongo bucks 2k today. Deposited in his account.

    The bong is trending in Alberta

    1. Talking about Blackberry, I have a sneaking suspicion that the price on used OS10/OS7 models may well climb as 5G & or Trudys App to monitor your movements rolls out. I still have a cpl of perfectly good Z30’s and a 9900 – No GOOGLE – No Android …. and for a good while I suspect – no surveillance app.


      1. I hate to break it to you, but Blackberry devices have always been able to track your location and audit your communications. It’s part of the basic design.

        1. I’m not worried about BB tracking me, I knew they could (if the provider agrees), but if one has to DL an app from the FEDS..?
          All bets are off.

    2. Zoom tracks as well. Yeah that Zoom. The chicom technology that installs itself on your device and even if you delete, it continues to transmit.

      This morning on National Post radio Anthony Furey suggested that if the conservatives want to win the next election they run on a platform opposing china.

      1. That’s a great way to alienate much of the lower mainland.

        No more Sinophobia. No more nationalist neuroticism please.

      2. “This morning on National Post radio Anthony Furey suggested that if the conservatives want to win the next election they run on a platform opposing china.”

        Excellent idea but does not go far enough. Still better than nothing.

    1. Man , that just breaks my heart. But one must consider the world they are graduating into. They are now fully prepared for total government control of their lives.

    1. When you are in your 20’s, you think you will live forever. But the habits which you form then, carry you through to have a good, even better life as you age.
      I am still surprised at the number of people who smoke tobacco/marijuana, even though back in the 1960’s , we had health classes showing gruesome films of what lung cancer or heart disease caused by smoking did to you. I don’t think people even look at the awful pictures depicted on packages of cigarettes.
      Having a good diet (no junk food) not drinking excessively and doing regular exercise turn out to be good things to do.

  5. And now your Canadians are racist bastards story for today. Shree at the taxpayer funded Toronto Star explains that Canada’s health care system is deeply biased against blacks. Other stories at the Star today: Doug Ford will become Hitler again when the virus crisis is over, lots of Trump is Stalin stories, Typhoid Blackie is wonderful, the Liberal Party is wonderful, China is wonderful.

  6. ” speaking moistly ” , ” drinky thingy ” , ” peoplekind ” …..my gosh the man’s a regular wordsmith .

  7. I had been wondering if someone who was working casual/part-time and makes under $500/week regularly would receive the entire $2,000/mth. Well, they get the full amount. Windfall for them. Yet those who are still working for under that amount do not get topped off (although I think they are talking about it). This thing is going to cost a fortune. Thank goodness I’m getting closer to sucking and not blowing if my meager investments ever recover.

    1. It is stupid beyond belief.
      My whole problem with it is that all they had to do was make it an interest-free loan for maybe 3-5 years. That would have been better for all in the short and long term.

      1. Absolutely but they are using it to advance “social justice”, As you know “social justice” is just like “justice” except for the “justice” part.

    2. This morning Air Canada and Westjet announced they are recalling more than 20k laid off workers. They wont have to report to work, the government will pay them. This gets them off the unemployment numbers and ‘makes the bong look good’.

      The libranos strategy is to get cheques to as many voters as possible. Buying the election with your money. I have never seen anything this overt.

      1. Overt? Oh yeah. All part of the plan from letting foreigners bring in the plague, to forcing people to literally toe lines when in public.

    3. My understanding is that it’s taxable as in will have to declare as income on 2020 tax return.

  8. What? The pneumonia associated with COVID-19 is caused by an overly exuberant immune system? I’m totally shocked.

    What? Immunosuppressants might help by calming the body’s immune system response, reducing the buildup of fluid in the lungs? I’m totally shocked.

    What? There are new immunosuppressant drugs being tested as possible treatments for COVID-19 associated pneumonia that were originally developed to treat rheumatoid arthritis? I’m totally shocked.

    Wait. Aren’t Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine mild immunosuppressants that are used to treat rheumatoid arthritis? I’m totally shocked.


    1. That’s why these drugs are being studied, but the jury is still out. We will know soon.

      You obviously have lots of strong feelings about this, but science doesn’t care about your feelings.

      1. Dr Tam and the Librano team of health “experts” dont care about feelings, science nor Canadians.
        The get their talking points from WHO and have admitted that publicly.
        They are so far behind the curve and have been caught flatfooted in their response to Wuhan flu is something one would expect from a 3rd world shithole government.
        A real collection of Baghdad Bob’s in view for all to see since the handling of the Natives shutting down Canada that quickly morphed into the Wuhan flu crisis.
        There’s nore real time information found on SDA than we will ever get from the Librano controlled Canadian lamestream media.
        People come here to read pertinent, cutting edge news in Readers Tips.
        Figure It Out…..

        1. Indeed. But not of that means hydroxychloroquine has been proven to be an effective treatment.I hope it is and we should find out soon. But don’t bet the farm on it.

    2. Well, two reasons.

      1. It depends at what stage of the disease the patient is being trested.
      2. The establishment will not accept a readily available cure if they did not suggest it. And they have the say-so on what is a cure and what to test. No upstarts allowed; no web-based knowledge allowed. The unwashed masses must await our pronouncements.


    1. How Tam still has a job is beyond me. She must have pictures of Juthtin with a sheep.

      1. Female, visible minority from the country which JT admires, and outspoken supporter of WHO (& thus the UN).

    2. A damning indictment of Dr Tam. Also Minister Hajdu.

      See at end of article how little action team Trudeau took.

      1. from CBC
        Chief Public Health Officer Teresa Tam said that officials have tested more than 50,000 Canadians since the beginning of the outbreak and the federal government has over 800,000 swabs ready for use in test kits.
        “Eight hundred thousand swabs goes some ways, but it doesn’t mean we can stop,” said Tam. “We must keep getting more on an ongoing basis.”

        now CBC reports
        Ontario’s assessment centres for #COVID19 have a shortage of testing swabs, so are turning away people who aren’t deemed ‘priority’, even if they have symptoms

        Dr. Jane Philpott (former Health Minister, now working as a physician)
        This is not intended as a criticism – but does anyone know what happened to 800,000 swabs and test kits that we were told were ready for use about 3 weeks ago in this and similar stories?

        So where are the swabs? The feds had them. Where are they now?

    1. Sorry, not “near the site” but still radiation is releasing at higher levels at the 50 acre burn zone.

      CNN is reporting, whatever that means.

  9. 11:15 …time for the Librano infomercial ….I’m out of here for my morning walk . I would rather binge watch a week of Pimple Poppers than 30 seconds of the idiot .

  10. This morning the red star reported McKay and Scheer are failing the crisis of leadership during the chinese virus. Hold the opposition accountable for failure of leadership?

    The only question is who wrote this Katie or Gerald?

  11. Blackie The Gay Virus stated this morning in his morning rant, that health care workers are just like the soldiers at Vimy. Yeah, ok. And he lied that the virus was late coming to Canada.

  12. Our tax dollars at work. Post Millennial reports that the CBC is promoting season three of its drag queen show. This includes two drag queens named Fay and Fluffy telling stories to children.

    1. Let me guess: they’re not reading Treasure Island to the kiddies, are they?

    1. Surely he does not mean ongoing shut down until then. That would be absurd. I hope Trump soon comes through with opening things in the States very soon. It would be hard for Canada to remain closed under those circumstances.

      1. PM Shit-for-Brains is insane.
        People, even some Canadian sheeple, can’t/won’t sit at home that long.
        Epidemiologists will be hanged after all the politicians after all the cops after all the fucking by-law enforcement pricks.
        But we’re still going to bring Jamaicans in to work on our farms.
        And 16-25 year old males have already started raising shit at night.

      2. He doesn’t give a damn. Unemployment is for others; he has never had a job and doesn’t depend upon one. Much better to destroy the economy and wait out the virus thaan actually, like, you know, do something.

        How about making mask wearing in public obligatory; ending the shutdown; performing widespread testing. etc.etc.

      3. Closed….pffffft. I live on a park. SW Calgary. The paved pathway is 50 feet from the patio. Dog walkers, walkers, bikers, kids on bikes zipping by unaccompanied. Dogs and ball tossing out in what’s left of the snow. It’s nice and sunny today, snow tomorrow. What COVID-19, whazzat? Motor bikes out in the sunshine. Traffic galore on the BLVD. Almost started spring cleanup myself. Neighbor is revving the Harley right now as I type.

        1. Nobody wearing masks. Tsk. What wold our control freaks say about that? Two kids playing in the water right back of my house. Like all kids, no cares with this “holiday”. Unsupervised no less. I gotta go lie on the couch and watch Trump. Wife is snoozing in the sun on the other couch.

    2. That IS insane because well before then we should have enough people with immunity to get things moving again. We don’t have to wait for a vaccine until then.

  13. O’ Sweet Saint Andreas …

    In my email INBOX … I just received a notice from the CA Public Utilities Commission notifying me of my “California Climate Credit” … in response to our COVID-19 sheltering in place and use of MORE energy than usual in our homes (I haven’t).

    Who knew that we were being given a “Climate Credit” … by the PUC ? Can there be any MORE evidence that the CA Public UTILITIES Commission has been tainted by Global Warmist LIARS? No wonder PG&E burned down so much of CA … as the PUC diverted the Utility from its primary mission, into the Global Warming pandemic LIE


    So … this is what Jerry’s and Gavin’s Carbon Cap and Trade Tax is doing … ? Fkcu-me! The government STEALS $100M … gives you $39.95 … and pockets the rest. In the name of Gaia


  14. National Post reports that the federal deficit will now be 184 billion dollars.

    1. I got a Monopoly Game downstairs. Give ’em the cash. Probably worth more than a real loonie.

  15. I like Doug Ford, but like all politicians, he is “shocked” and “surprized” and “dismayed” at the massive unemployment num,bers. Well, can I tell you educated ponces in government that if you order businesses to shut, you will creat massive unemployment.


    Or didn’t you all read to the end of the paper your bureaucrats supplied you.

    You political shits who devised this cure that is worse than the disease deserve defenestration.

    And you’re effing surprized by the results of your actions?

    Meanwhile, in the Czech Republic

    1. “this cure that is worse than the disease”

      It isn’t. It’s about flattening the curve. Educate yourself.

      1. “Flattening” the curve also extends the longevity of the virus and prevents herd immunity. I don’t think we are really preventing deaths. Sweden is not shutting down and their numbers are in line with other countries doing major shut downs. There is no evidence that shutting down is helping anything.

        1. No it doesn’t and no it doesn’t. Please stop talking you have no idea what you’re even saying.

          ” Sweden is not shutting down and their numbers are in line with other countries”

          Sweden barely does any testing. They’ll likely get theirs.

          “There is no evidence that shutting down is helping anything.”

          Actually we are seeing some of the very curve-flattening that was hoped for. It’s worked before: https://reason.com/2020/03/31/spanish-flu-experience-might-indicate-that-public-policy-interventions-dont-have-long-term-economic-effects/

  16. I am sorry, you are wrong; politicians and government bureaucrats were spared job losses.

  17. Cover your face … OR ELSE !!


    Sorry. I don’t like the GOVERNMENT forcing everyone to cover their faces. PS … I can’t WAIT for the new BART rules … no touching any surfaces … don’t sit down … and don’t hold the handles … and don’t touch anybody. Mass Transit … social distancing .. Huh?

  18. Vox says that CA has so FEWER cases of ChiCom-19 (17,000 cases and about 450 deaths) than New York (140,000 cases and about 5,500 deaths) … because … … …


    Because CA issued their STAY AT HOME orders on Mar. 16
    Because NY issued their STAY AT HOME orders on Mar. 22

    Because CA became a FASCIST, DICTATORIAL STATE … faster … than NY. I agree with one thing … the FASTER you grab POWER over the PEOPLE … the MORE fascist you are. Yes … 6 days faster = a 92% reduction in death

    Nothing mentioned about NY politicians telling the NY people to go out to restaurants and Chinatown and mingle, and interact … and don’t be RACIST. Vox eats sh*t

  19. California’s Superintendent of Schools has Closed all CA Schools for the remainder of the School year and instituted ZOOM as … THE … platform for remote teaching. My 1st Grade teacher wife is now holding online classes … on ZOOM


    With a free *ahem* … ‘unit’ … on SEX education

    Two parents emailed my wife and asked if she was going to KEEP using ZOOM, after learning of this *ahem* … incident. Perhaps they’ve decided their 1st Graders are too young for “exposure” to such … ‘units’ … ?

    1. Libraries in Ottawa are aldso closed to the end of June. What do these people know about the shut down that we don’t? Will parks be closed to the end of June?

  20. Everything Fucker Carlson and Kate are trying to tell you about Chinese domination of American medicine is based on bad reporting.

    “In two jumps, we’ve gone from “80 percent of American drugs are manufactured in more than 150 countries around the world” to “80 percent of drugs come from two countries” to “80 percent of drugs come from China.””


    Lots of bad ideas coming to the fore: https://reason.com/2020/04/09/flawed-economic-policies-will-exacerbate-the-pandemic/#comments

    1. Accountants are also deemed as essential services. The mechanics of commerce must go on. Have a friend – accountant type – who is at risk because of asthma and who is nevertheless carrying on while trying to minimize the risks which – as may not be realized – will be by bringing into the office or household documents (that’s you, Canada Post) which may carry the virus.

      I do taxes in season; I have a lot of documents in quarantine until after Easter. My clients are – so far – just grateful I’m keeping going

      1. No, just stating a fact. This news was released on a late Thursday. And I state facts for free. I’m retired.
