This Is CNN

41 Replies to “This Is CNN”

  1. *Bogglement!* Highly trained professionals with years of experience in their fields get their daily news from CNN?!!
    We are truly f**ked…

  2. You would think that CNN would have asked a few radiologists to review the X-ray before allowing Dr. Gupta, Fredo, and CNN to make complete idiots of themselves. Although it is waaay too late for Fredo. Is there anything in that segment that couldn’t have been postponed for 24 hours?

    Just another failure of fact checking by the supposed professionals.

    1. “You would think that CNN would have asked a few radiologists to review the X-ray before allowing Dr. Gupta…”

      True, rd.

      Problem is that CNN wouldn’t have gotten the sympathy viewership from the result that a true radiologist would have given them.

      They needed to continue the ruse that they have become famous for in all areas of so-called news coverage.

      The splashing sound you hear is the tanking of CNN ratings.

  3. “failure of fact checking”
    The CNN fact checker is chained up in a cage…If the Ape farts it’s good for go….. They feed him cabbage & Beer…..It’s a fact that his farts don’t smell…

    Anyone notice all the Production Operation errors, audio mix-minus & wrong clips… must be firing all the wrong PPL… maybe they have an END DATE

  4. CNN, finding what they want to find even if it isn’t there. It would be schadenfrude to the enth degree is one of these scammers actually got the virus.

    1. yes…and people watching this will figure out it’s a sham…and think CV is not that serious

    1. Most of them are in the upper age range for dying from it…over 50. ” I caught the COVID and survived”. Must be a miracle, film at eleven.

  5. Yes, it’s the latest fashion in the victimhood.
    Gupta is Hindi for fraud.
    Fredo is as Fredo does.

  6. it’s all click bait…..he’s hallucinating and talking to ghosts

    …and such a tough man’s man….he didn’t even go to eu….just toughed it out like a real man

  7. The problem is, the people who watch CNN for 6 hours a day completely believe everything they say without question. This is why, people you’d ordinarily think of as reasonable people, fly into a foaming at the mouth rage when they even hear the name Trump. So, they air complete BS such as this, and everyone involved probably knew it was BS while they were filming, and then double down to sell the hoax to their loyal followers, who go on and spread untruths, lies, and outright fabrications to people who don’t watch that can be easily disproven, but people have it in their head that it’s truth, so now the fabrication is fact to them, and everything else is false.

    Be wary of earnestness.

  8. Earlier, when I found out about Mr. Cuomo’s affliction, I prayed that he would recover.

    It’s a MIRACLE!!! All traces of the disease have magically disappeared!!!

    God’s mercy knows no bounds!


    (hopefully, the sarc came through loud and clear from the above, but just in case I was too subtle, yes, folks… that was sarcasm to the nth degree)

  9. “I’m Dr. Sanjay Gupta, helping you live a better life”.

    I always found his tagline on the radio presumptuous.

  10. Well, despite the fake news, I found it informative.
    I always thought he respired through his skin.

  11. Yes it is a CNN stunt. But don’t forget that the Cuomo brothers act — where CNN has the two talking to each other — has garnered positive reviews in the establishment media. That is all that matters. Truth, not so much.

  12. The best way to REMAIN STUPID is to watch CNN EXCLUSIVELY. The best way to BECOME STUPID is to watch CBC EXCLUSIVELY.

  13. And if you do they’ll also make you think you are well informed and of course very smart.

  14. Cuomo is probably just mad that the toilet seat lickers were getting more attention than he was and so he had to figure out someway to become “relevant”. Both Cuomo’s are frauds and I am so sick and tired of these morons.

  15. “I have Crovid-19” is the new “#MeToo” for the Hollywierdo’s in 2020.“

    But you have to get your diagnosis from a celebrity doctor. Other wise it doesn’t count.

  16. Dr. Gupta … a TV Doctor … chosen because he has a non-white sounding surname … didn’t provide correct interpretation and diagnosis of a NORMAL x-ray? Huh? You don’t suppose he simply follows whatever narrative CNN tells him? Nooooo … surely some Hindu-sounding named Doctor wouldn’t whore his profession for money and fame? No. Not a Holy Indian man!?

  17. The cretins are desperate to “Be the Story”.
    We already had the washed out pseudo comedian claiming she had ‘it’ ,30 seconds of fame, but wrong.
    Now this fiasco..
    It has to be TDS,so desperate,so stupid and so Fake News..

  18. “I can handle things! I’m smart! Not like everybody says…like dumb…I’m smart and I want respect!”

  19. …like I said weeks ago?
    …like princess T. and prince C. do not?
    This is a cheap publicity stunt or complicity in a massive fraud.

  20. Dr. Sanjay Gupta is an interesting character. He was the keynote speaker at a conference I attended in Dallas a couple years ago. I heard he charged over $100K to come talk at the main podium for an hour, and then you could pay to stay and talk to him in a small group afterward called–get this–the “Sanjay Gupta Experience”.

    He was actually entertaining to listen to, but for $100K…I don’t remember him saying anything profound. I did not avail myself of the “Experience” portion so cannot comment on that…

    1. I wonder where UnMe is. He loves to slam F****r Carlson, as he puts it, … but strangely silent on this thread.
