WHOhan Flu

He’s acting a little touchy these days:

The leader of the World Health Organisation has gone on a bizarre rant attacking Taiwan while claiming to be the victim of racist comments and death threats.
WHO general manager Tedros Adhanom was responding to calls he should resign for failing to condemn China’s role in covering up the coronavirus crisis which has since killed more than 87,000 people.
“This (racial) attack came from Taiwan,” he said.
“We need to be honest. I will be straight today. From Taiwan.

I wonder what set him off?

69 Replies to “WHOhan Flu”

    1. The squirrel heading the WHO should resign (or be forced to resign immediately) if the WHO is to ever recover their reputation. Whatever reputation they USED to have

      1. He should stay. Civilized world should abandon WHO (and UN) instead. If turd worlders want to have their forum, move it to Peking so their masters do not have to travel far.

        1. Ohhhh … you RACIST white man! It’s spelled and pronounced Beijing ! And you have to SHOUT IT when you say it … to be “culturally” correct.

          Your next lesson? How to pronounce Nicker agg-wah … as … Nee’ her ah wah … hahahaha ha ha … wah Then you can “signal” your cultural Sen-sih tive etty

          1. No it is is called Peking, do Chinese say Warszawa? How about Moskva? Praha? No? Ok then, Peking it is.

          2. Actually, Chinese say 華沙, 莫斯科, and 布拉格. I am sure the Poles, Russians, and Czechs have their different rendering of 北京, 上海, and 廣州 into their own languages.
            For that matter, in English we invent names for German and Italian cities, as well as those cities you cited. So there is no rule that says we must go along with the official Chicom transliterations. The traditional English transliteration is generally Wade Giles, but not exclusively. For example, Canton is an English word not closely resembling the original pronunciation. But the U.S. Library of Congress has converted most transliterations from Wade Giles to the official Chicom Pinying (e.g. Peking to Beijing) so there is that.
            I don’t know who first did the transliterations for Hong Kong place names, but they were done in accordance with Cantonese pronunciations, and so far they have been left alone. So they would be different than either Mandarin version.

        2. China’s external shortwave service used to be called Radio Peking but, by the early 1980s, it was known as Radio Beijing. Never content to leave well enough alone, it became China Radio International in the mid-1980s with RB then being used by an internal broadcasting service.

    1. My thought as well. They must not have much else to defend themselves with if they’ve already gone to racism as a defense. It’s a small step from there to ‘orange man bad’.

    1. Wrongly put! The equipment was NOT sent east. It has never been received in Manitoba.

      1. Because Trump first stopped the Manitoba ordered shipment then let it through and the Manitoba order went to the Feds instead of Manitoba and the Feds are not releasing it to Manitoba. Meanwhile they are releasing supplies to the east. How is that not sending Manitoba’s supply east? I’ll freely admit you have to listen to the entire news conference on the Manitoba Government webpage to get that part. CBC didn’t cover that part. (Quelle surprise!)

        1. This is consistent with my suspicion that Trump was stopping shipments to stop profiteering. So maybe the ultimate arrangement was to only allow shipments to the feds. So now it is the feds withholding shipments except to preferred clients. Who gets the bill for those masks?

          1. Well I don’t know for sure, but Manitoba placed the order, it was supposed to go to Manitoba in early March, I suspect Manitoba either paid or will be paying for it since technically it was delivered. Manitoba has been in a dispute with feds over several similar things for months now. This is only one of several such incidents. This is apparently what Manitoba deserves for not voting Lieberal.

  1. Look to the bong and Peking patti to come to his defence…..if Peking patti can be found….

    1. Peking Patti and Bong-0 are hiding under their desk forts with lots of crayons at their disposal.
      P. Patti is making some really kewl and colorful pie charts and graphs.
      Justin Bong-0 ate all the chewing gum off the bottom of his desk and his crayons.
      He is self extending his time out until further notice…..

  2. I hope the Americans hammer this weasel into the ground. It’s time for a full frontal assault of the W.H.O., the U.N. and all others who are on the take from China…..and that includes the Liberal Party of Canada.

  3. Taiwan. Is that place still around?

    You mean that nation Pearson and turdo la first agreed to officially ignore back in the 60s and 70s? Back in the days when they were puppy-pissing all over the floors in excitement at the mere thought of getting that first lick of chicomm arse.

    1. I’m not at all surprised that Taiwan has weathered this so well. I’ve been there a number of times and continue to be impressed each time. And their health care is superb.
      Hospitable, clean, friendly, efficient. Did I mention clean? You can’t pass a public area (especially public washrooms) and not find someone giving that area a good cleaning. It’s an absolute gem. Put it on your bucket list for when this clears up.

      1. 68, I was reading an article by some one who has been to China many times, and has lived there, China also has a first class health care system. And when I was there last December, I found a very modern and clean country, Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou all very modern, and comparable to Toronto for cleanliness. The ill informed in here just verbally wank off in ignorance! Oh, and the people were also very helpful and kind.

        1. And when I was there last December, I found a very modern and clean country,

          You saw exactly what you were meant to see.

          1. DR I’m not sure which experience you’re referring to, China or Taiwan. I have no experience with China (Hong Kong doesn’t count) but I’ve been just about everywhere in Taiwan and the experience was the same, regardless.

        2. CCP trolls really are everywhere.

          When you don’t waste time actually fixing your countries problems, you have plenty of time and money for propoganda.

        3. Guys I work with have been to Chinese factories many times. They use squat toilets which is a hole in the floor. No sinks with soap and towels.

        4. 666, I appreciated your other post that pointed out the difference between the ruling powers and the ordinary people. But the above post is too close to complimenting the Chicom, which deserve zero compliment.
          Your friend is probably a gweilo, and was treated well in the health care system for propaganda reasons. You understand that the Chicom health care system is absolutely single provider communist, and if you believe it can be a first class system, then you should be in support of all the marlarky of Obamacare.
          Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou are the show cities. That is where they take foreigners to. I was in Beijing when they were readying for the Olympics, and it was a reverse Potemkin village. Instead of fixing up the slums, they just built a huge wall completely around it, so it won’t be visible to visitors. And I can’t believe they cleaned up the constant smog in Beijing. The last time I was in China a few years ago, Wuhan was engulfed in smog, just like Beijing on my previous visit. Shanghai and Guangzhou were already the most modern cities in China when the Communists took over. And they are still the cities with most foreign investment in consumer palaces.
          Even the poor African countries have relatively modern looking capital cities that bear little resemblance to how the great majority of the people live.

    2. You mean that nation Pearson and turdo la first agreed to officially ignore back in the 60s and 70s?

      Back in the early 1970s, its external shortwave service called itself the Voice of Free China. Chiang Kai-shek was still alive and there was still the thinking that they would return and liberate the mainland. When he died, so did the dream of a MacArthur-like return. VOFC slowly changed its image and its rhetoric and now goes by the name of Radio Taiwan.

    3. Yes, Taiwan is doing great vis a vis the coronavirus, isn’t it? One reason is it went about the quarantine systematically, by tracing the contacts of each known case, and not willy nilly shutting down the whole country.
      Its death rate is miniscule. 380 infected and 5 deaths out of a population of 23.8 million.
      95% of that population, strangely, are an infestation of those dirty, unhygienic, vermin eating, Han Chinese.

      1. I never said Taiwan beat Wuhan flu because Han settlers on Taiwan are better people. Those are words you pulled out of your arse. I merely pointed out a statistical fact to you, 95% of Taiwanese residents are Han Chinese.

        Okay, the fact that 95% of Taiwanese residents are Han Chinese has nothing, nada, zippo to do with how well Taiwan beat the coronavirus. No, nothing at all, nosiree. Buuut … the fact that 11% of Queens Borough is ethnic Chinese has everything, I mean EVERYTHING to do with why the death rate in NYC is so high. In fact, the only reason why. Yesiree.

        Some may say I ought to feel bad beating up on you, it’s like spanking a two year old. But if that baby is undergoing his terrible two’s and acting up in public, it would do him good if someone beats some manners into him.

  4. “National Unity”???

    This Ahole knows that Blackface see’s Canada as a post National airport and global welfare office, right?

  5. I just love how the parasites in the Media Continually try to put words into the Presidents mouth. ASSHOLES the lot. Good on you Mr PRESIDENT..while you’re at it, look how much your funding the ISLAMIC world (UN).

    And then ask yourself WHY.?

    1. Just be happy that the Canadian Media is doing such a fine job of holding the Trump Administration to account.

      Particularly with so many Canadian journalists currently occupied building statues and producing hagiographies willfully distorting the true impact of The Spawn and his Librano crew.

  6. ““This (racial) attack came from Taiwan,” he said.”

    Do you know what it means when a word appears in parentheses such as does “racial” here?

    It means that the word wasn’t in the original statement, and was added by the writer.

    Not taking sides here, but this is the absolute worst in fakery. The writer needs to tell us why he added that word. I’m guessing there’s some context that explains it – but we’re sheep if we don’t demand that context.

    1. Quote from Adhanom in the Sky News story:
      Mr Adhanom did not respond directly to criticisms he mishandled the crisis and instead when on a tirade about racism.

      “I can tell you personal attacks that have been going on for more than two, three months. Abuses, or racist comments, giving me names, black or Negro,” he said in Geneva.

      “I’m proud of being black, proud of being Negro.

      “I don’t care, to be honest … even death threats. I don’t give a damn.”

      1. He was a member of the Derg! Those Maoist scum slaughtered millions in Ethiopia. He most certainly has blood on his hands and has sold his soul to the Chicoms.

      2. “I don’t care, to be honest …”
        has a punctuation error in the quoted section.
        It should read: “I don’t care to be honest …”

  7. DJT should do to this f**ktard what he did to General Soliemani.
    I’ll donate a $100 to help pay for it.

  8. what a shocker, it’s not like China would ever attack Taiwan. The WHO almost certainly can’t be in leauge with the communist party.

    1. I’m going to ignore your screaming sarcasm and say I disagree.

      If the preeminent political party of an almost embarrassingly successful and fortunate capitalist democracy is in league with the Communist Party like the Canadian Liberal Party, couldn’t anyone be?

  9. How’s using political correctness to appoint life and death decision makers working Liberals?

    Accessory to premeditated murder.
    Defund arrest and sweat him and his crew.

      This is MUST Watch stuff.

      As per your comment: Seafood market ..?? my (_i_)..! Adnd something i suspected back in Jan…upon seeing the the 2017 CBC story on the winnipeg Level 4 lab and exactly who it was doing “research” there.

  10. Yelling racism usually gets big organizations and Liberal$ what they want in Canada, but can’t imagine this tactic will work here.

    This guy needs to come clean as to how much money he pocketed from China, reveal the names of the doctors.

    Then he needs to resign, now, along with all those other WHO cronies that Justin and Gerald love so much.

  11. I would have thought that he would be all happy, because of all the money Blackie The Gay Virus is sending him from Canada.

  12. The object of his wrath was not the “white countries”, but Taiwan, who is excluded from the U.N., let alone the WHO.

      1. Ad hominem has a negative connotation of attacking a person because you can’t win discussing the issues. The MSM does that a lot with President Trump.
        However, saying WHO, as represented by its director-general, screwed up on this thing is discussing the issues.
        All UN member nations, that is to say, everyone but Taiwan: Population 7800 Million, total cases 1.6 million, deaths 95K. Death per 100,000 population 12.
        All non UN member nations, that is to say, Taiwan: Population 24 million, total case 380, deaths 5. Death per 100,000 population 0.02.
        Taiwan has every right to tell the WHO they screwed up, and screw you and your advices.

  13. Attacking Taiwan verbally is what would be expected of all loyal puppets of the Chicoms. The Spawn must be envious of how easy it is for the Chicoms to get their way with the UN. It must be frustrating for him to have to suck up to Trump when his heart belongs to Xi. At least he has his bought-off media to stroke his ego and now with the political salvation of a crisis, he can play Santa every day until the (money supply) printing pressing seize up.

  14. At the very least, Tedros Adhanom, needs to be fired for gross incompetency. Ideally he should be charged for manslaughter for the deaths of so many thousands of people … many of which could have been prevented if he wasn’t corrupt and wasn’t playing politics all of this time.

  15. It appears China has found a way to distract negative talk about its World Health Organization. CNN has a Chinaman on who has fake research that the China virus came to New York from Europe and other parts of the U.S.A. Nothing to do with China. Damn those bat eating Dutch and Americans in Arizona. CP24 in Toronto is also carrying the story, so I imagine all the North American media will be covering the story for China.

  16. Perhaps we should start calling this the WHOflu

    Anyone with a musical talent and recording equipment I freely offer the advice to parody Blur’s song number 2, I am sure it would be better than the My Corona parodies.

    I got a virus
    It came from China
    I’m Feeling wheezy
    But everyone is
    WHOflu when I feel heavy fever
    WHOflu something something something
    WHOflu something something something
    WHOflu something something something

    Thats as far as I got.
    Politicians won’t take a stand and dump or reform the corrupt global cartels until it is clear the public demands it.
    Most of the sheeple can not be persuaded by arguments, but memes and mockery will sink in.

    1. Then there’s that movie One Flu Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.

      And, don’t forget the song Taiwan To Be Loved By You.

  17. You know you’re over the target when they start screaming “Racist!” at you.

  18. I wonder how much evidence people need before they clue in that the UN is populated by the scum of the earth? (Just look at how hard Trudy McBlackface was courting them). Child molesters, murderous dictators, science deniers and parasites of all orders. This is who we want to be associated with? Gross and stupid.

    1. Won’t Get Flued Again

      Pinball Sneezer

      My Expectoration

      Boris The Survivor

      Love Ain’t For Sneezing

      See Me But Don’t Come Near ME

      and so on.

      The Rolling Stones?

      I said, “hey, you HuWhoFlu, get off of my cloud”.

  19. The previous director-general of WHO, from 2007 to 2017, was one Margaret Chan. Per Wikipedia:
    Margaret Chan Fung Fu-chun, OBE, JP, FRCP[3] (born August 21, 1947) is a Chinese-Canadian[1] physician, who served as the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) delegating the People’s Republic of China.
    Can someone decipher that sentence for me? What the hell does a Canadian “delegating the PRC” mean? If it means what I think it means, then the WHO had been in the PRC’s pocket for a long time, and the current director-general is just the latest PRC puppet, or parrot, whatever.

    1. What the hell does a Canadian “delegating the PRC” mean?

      It means she was a Communist in disguise.

  20. Now something does not compute.
    When accused of being useless and kissing Chinese Ass,the head of WHO says;”I’m proud of being black, proud of being Negro.”..
    What ?
    Does this equate with being useless in his mind?
    I raise this because of the systemic racism of Black Muslims keep demonstrating toward ..well everyone.
