Wuhan Flu

An R0 of 6???


Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 is the causative agent of the 2019 novel coronavirus disease pandemic. Initial estimates of the early dynamics of the outbreak in Wuhan, China, suggested a doubling time of the number of infected persons of 6–7 days and a basic reproductive number (R0) of 2.2–2.7. We collected extensive individual case reports across China and estimated key epidemiologic parameters, including the incubation period. We then designed 2 mathematical modeling approaches to infer the outbreak dynamics in Wuhan by using high-resolution domestic travel and infection data. Results show that the doubling time early in the epidemic in Wuhan was 2.3–3.3 days. Assuming a serial interval of 6–9 days, we calculated a median R0 value of 5.7 (95% CI 3.8–8.9). We further show that active surveillance, contact tracing, quarantine, and early strong social distancing efforts are needed to stop transmission of the virus.

And now more evidence of reinfection or reactivation.

A documentary from Epoch Times: Tracking Down The Origin

66 Replies to “Wuhan Flu”

  1. The ‘reinfection’ could just be residual virus from the same infection. Or even broken bits of genome.

    1. https://img-prod.tgcom24.mediaset.it/images/2020/02/16/114720192-5eb8307f-017c-4075-a697-348628da0204.pdf

      Or most likely it’s the product of one of their recombinant virus labs, that they have to redouble their leakage efforts.

      “The second laboratory was ~12 kilometers from the seafood market and belonged to
      Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 1, 9, 10. This laboratory
      reported that the Chinese horseshoe bats were natural reservoirs for the severe acute
      respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) which caused the 2002-3 pandemic 9.
      The principle investigator participated in a project which generated a chimeric virus using
      the SARS-CoV reverse genetics system, and reported the potential for human
      emergence 10. A direct speculation was that SARS-CoV or its derivative might leak from
      the laboratory.

      In summary, somebody was entangled with the evolution of 2019-nCoV coronavirus.
      In addition to origins of natural recombination and intermediate host, the killer coronavirus
      probably originated from a laboratory in Wuhan. Safety level may need to be reinforced in
      high risk biohazardous laboratories. Regulations may be taken to relocate these
      laboratories far away from city center and other densely populated places.”

      I look forward to the Chinese Communist Party taking responsibility for their misadventures in recombinant genetics manipulation.


      Hans Rupprecht – Commander in Chief
      Army Group “True North”
      1st Saint Nicolaas Army

      1. With equal probability of success, I look forward to the lottery corporation sending me advance notice of next week’s winning numbers.

      2. Oh no, it was just a coincidence that the lab, working on the virus, was effectively at the centre of the outbreak. Just a terrifically improbable coincidence.

      3. Hans —check your distance to the Wet Market . ” Wuhan Centre for Disease Control ( WCDC) is located 280 metres from the Wet Market!!!
        in 2015 experts at W1V engineered a new type of Hybrid ” Super – Virus” that can infect humans!
        The Chinese action and control measure at the beginning indicate alot!!!!

    2. “The ‘reinfection’ could just be residual virus from the same infection. Or even broken bits of genome.”

      …I think their “test” is all FUBAR

  2. I believe I mentioned the documentary here:


    The first documentary movie on CCP virus, Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus

    Seafood market my eye…


    Hans Rupprecht – Commander in Chief
    Army Group “True North”
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army

    April 9, 2020 at 3:56 pm
    This is MUST Watch stuff.

    As per your comment: Seafood market ..?? my (_i_)..! Adnd something i suspected back in Jan…upon seeing the the 2017 CBC story on the winnipeg Level 4 lab and exactly who it was doing “research” there.

    Keep polishing yer halos…!


    Hans Rupprecht – Commander in Chief
    Army Group “True North”
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army

      1. I saw that documentary as well. Let me guess: her interest in whether that bat virus could be transmitted to humans was motivated purely out of scientific curiosity, right?


        Now let’s consider why that would be complete malarkey. She worked in a research facility. Research facilities need to draw up budgets and projects need funding. In order to get that funding, the work that’s being financed needs to be justified, unless whoever’s bankrolling it has deep pockets and doesn’t care what the results are or how long it takes to get them.

        I’ve been involved with R & D for long enough to know that’s highly unlikely. To borrow a phrase from the movie The Right Stuff, no bucks, no Buck Rogers.

        That research facility has close ties to the CCP, whose objectives include world dominance, an aspect that’s well-known. What would the chances be that she would be allowed to investigate something that just happens to strike her fancy and that she’ll be given a blank cheque and open timetable to pursue it? Not likely.

        The evidence clearly points to this virus being deliberately constructed and that the reasons for doing so were of a sinister nature.

        1. There are Research Grants and there are Research Grants, but…

          “Some are more equal than others”.

  3. From the findings:
    Clinical course and risk factors for mortality of adult
    inpatients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective cohort study

    Median duration of viral shedding was 20·0 days (IQR 17·0–24·0) in survivors, but SARS-CoV-2 was detectable until
    death in non-survivors. The longest observed duration of viral shedding in survivors was 37 days.

    Thus even if you survive you can still be a SPREADER up to 37 days later.

    Hence one can reasonably expect 2nd and 3rd waves for those not with an immunity due to the 37 day “viral shedding” period .


    Hans Rupprecht – Commander in Chief
    Army Group “True North”
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army

  4. China is an existential threat to humanity. Anyone who can’t grasp that simple fact is either a moron or in the pay of the Chinese Communist Party. Make sure you never again buy anything made in China.

    1. “For similar reasons, one of the doctors who told NPR they experienced a second positive coronavirus test after a recovery questioned China’s decision to not include asymptomatic carriers in its official case count. China is also not counting new cases found in people who previously had the virus in its official count, NPR noted.”

    2. “Reminder that ” is proof China is a garbage pit. Even its word salad spewing bots are defective. Does anyone in the PRC have an IQ higher than 80? Here’s a hint. Bat-eating cretins don’t even register on the IQ scale.

    3. Not just China, but their partners in crime, the UN, the WHO and countless billionaires who think they are entitled to control the world.

  5. Based in this

    “We collected extensive individual case reports across China and estimated key epidemiologic parameters, including the incubation period. We then designed 2 mathematical modeling approaches to infer the outbreak dynamics in Wuhan …“

    It seems to me that the data used might not be pristine, combined with estimates and assumptions – that the result could be off by a significant amount.

    1. “could be”?

      Wuhan is a city of 10,000,000 people. There was plenty of time for all sorts of people to get it and not reports because they had no symptoms.

  6. How Many Doctors Think Hydroxychloroquine Is Effective Against the Wuhan Coronavirus?
    “Sixty-five percent of physicians across the United States said they would prescribe the anti-malaria drugs chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine to treat or prevent COVID- 19 in a family member, according to a new survey released today by Jackson & Coker, one of the country’s largest physician staffing firms.
    Only 11 percent said they would not use the drug at all.”

    Nevada Governor Found Hoarding Hydroxychloroquine After Banning Drug
    “According to sources at the drug maker, Concordia Pharmaceuticals Inc, Nevada prisons ordered a large number of their anti-malaria Hydroxychloroquine drug under the name, Plaquenli. Nevada prisons has literally ZERO cases of prisoners infected with the COVID 19 virus to date.”

    1. Why not prescribe it? It’s been around for decades. It’s effects are known, not much risk and who knows? Maybe it will work…..
      The docs don’t have anything else to try.

      1. The medical bureaucracy, led by TamTam in Canada, have so much of their reputation invested in decrying quinine that they cannot admit their error and allow widespread use.

  7. Sky News has a good graphics page with real time Covid19 case data including cases per capita from John Hopkins CSSE
    At the bottom of the page # of cases broken down by country stating with the highest number of cases (tested) vs deaths, cases/100,000 and case fatality rate.

    March 18 Dr. Roy Spencer correlates data gathered on Covid19 vs antimalaria drugs

  8. There is a very credible theory that the reactivation in infected individuals is actually an artifact of a high rate of false-negative results in testing. Also, the reports about reactivation indicate that recovered patients testing positive after testing negative did not show signs of significant relapse.

  9. “And now more evidence of reinfection or reactivation.”

    All that while the global kill rate is slowly reaching 6%.

    1. Death with covid is still death I guess!

      Doctor, he has a broken neck from the impact with the wall after the car hit him. I know, but I think I heard him cough… put down WuFlu.

    2. No one knows what the death rate is as China has not told the truth.
      They claim 3,300 deaths from COVID-19 but why are there 40,000 plus urns for family members to reclaim?
      Plus with CDC encouraging the padding of COVID deaths (anyone that tests positive no matter if they were in a fatal car accident)a nd New York padding their numbers to get more funding no one knows.
      The death rate is SWAG BS.

      1. “(anyone that tests positive no matter if they were in a fatal car accident)a nd New York padding their numbers to get more funding no one knows.”

        ^^^ Anyone sees it? ^^^

        Good, this here is a texbook example of pure weapons grade bullshit.

  10. That not a realistic number colonista.

    Do you really believe there are only 1.6 million cases worldwide for what is supposed to be a virus with an claimed RO value of 6, that has been around for almost 6 months? Not a chance.

    Also numbers are being pumped for covid deaths. Had a heart attack? Covid. Deaths that should not be attributable to covid are being attributed.

    This is a new strain of flu that kills victims differently than others, but it’s mortality rate is most likely no worse than seasonal flu.

    The data bears it out.

    1. That is an actual number Ward, the death rate among detected cases. Or to put it another way 95,732 people would be alive today had it not been for Wuhan Kung Flu. And yes, majority of them would be sick with something else. Some could possibly be dying or have little time left.

      In fact, that number is much greater because a lot of places conceal the true death rates (Chicoms, Tehran turbans etc) or are too incompetent to even collect the bodies, never mind be bothered with diagnosing the cause of death.

      Death rates by civilized country with reliable reporting:
      Italy: 12.7%
      Spain: 10.1%
      UK: 12.3%
      France: 10.4%
      Belgium: 10.1%
      Netherlands: 11.0%

      I posted a similar (lower) numbers about a week ago and another poster told me that in Canada it was about 1%. It is 2.5% now and climbing up.

      And no, the fact that there is plenty of undiagnosed cases does not make things better. The percentage of diagnosed cases combined with the case counts is what matters when healthcare systems get overloaded and people get unplugged to make room for younger ones with better chances of survival.

      1. No I disagree. How do you know that seasonal flu would not have killed them instead?

        How do you know that the numbers of deaths are accurately based on covid caused deaths as opposed to died with covid.

        If you do some research you will see we are not getting extra deaths as a result of covid.

        We are actually well within statistical norms.

        Now look at how hard the left is pimping this, while with equal vigor are doing everything they can to stop people from even considering the chloroquine regrmine.

        This is a bad flu, being wholly and completely politicized.

        1. “How do you know that seasonal flu would not have killed them instead?”

          Absolutely, you can make this argument for any cause of death. And all those arguments are equally meaningless. I am certain a lot of people in Hiroshima circa 1945 had cancer too.

          “Now look at how hard the left is pimping this”

          Just so we keep track, this is the same left that for the first two months of this year, and sometimes a few weeks after that, kept mindlessly repeating “it is just a flu, nothing to see here, move along, there is no pandemic, trust WHO and Chicoms”. Couple of days ago Kate had a brilliant analogy, paraphrasing here: people who claim “it is just a flu” today are like people who claimed that fire can’t melt steel as soon as government admired that it was mooselimbs that flew those planes.

      2. Colonista you missed an important # Cases/ 100,000 people.
        You have to imagine how overwhelmed hospitals and ICUs are handling the sick. That is why their death rates are so high.
        Your death rate data is correct. Can be found here https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-the-infection-numbers-in-real-time-11942138

        Death rates by civilized country with reliable reporting:
        Italy: 12.7%………………..Cases / 100,000 237.7
        Spain: 10.1%………………Cases / 100,000 327.9
        UK: 12.3%………………….Cases / 100,000 99.1
        France: 10.4%……………Cases / 100,000 177.3
        Belgium: 10.1%………….Cases / 100,000 218.7
        Netherlands: 11.0%……Cases / 100,000 127.1
        Canada 2.5%………………Cases / 100,000 56.0

        1. Sorry I got your handle wrong Colonialista.
          Italy:….Out of 237 people per 100,000 12.7% of them died. Which is 30 people/100,000
          Spain…327.9 = 33.1 people/100,000
          UK………99.1 = 12.2 people/100,000
          France. 177.3 = 18.4 people/100,000

          These numbers are before experimental meds and procedures like oxygen instead of or supplementing ventilators were implemented. They may slowly come down which would prove efficacy.
          In countries where it started later the cases/100,000 would be lot lower. The death rate is lower because caregivers wouldn’t be overwhelmed.

        2. “You have to imagine how overwhelmed hospitals and ICUs are handling the sick. That is why their death rates are so high.”

          Absolutely. But that is pretty much the point isn’t it? It does not matter that the disease would be less deadly had every patient received an optimal level of care. Sure it would be, but so what? Initial cases all receive max care and the survival rate is very high, this curve is flat until the threshold is reached and doctors have to make choices. Then the death rate spikes up. But that is what matters. So unless we get much more capable and much efficient with care, the mortality rates will continue to climb. To put it differently: once the optimal levels of care is no longer possible the mortality rate is positively correlated with the number of cases.

      3. “95,732 people would be alive today had it not been for Wuhan Kung Flu”
        You have no idea if that is true.

        1. Read the rest of the discussion, educate yourself, or fuck off. I have no time to repeat myself to a one line, drive by, low IQ troll.

          1. Don’t like to be challenged on your numbers?
            You are just repeating official bullshit. The numbers off worldometers are numbers reported by governments with agendas. We all know China is lying on an order of magnatude: 3350 deaths!!
            Full of yourself aren’t you.
            This is Kate’s place, I will not go so low.

    2. Hell, everyone who dies now dies of the virus. There is no other cause of death quite like it, it is number one on the charts because it has replaced every other cause of death. It will be interesting to see if the worldwide death toll from heart disease drops from the last level of 8,727,670, in 2018.

      1. “everyone who dies now dies of the virus”

        There are two and only two reasons people die:

        1. corona virus
        2. global warming

        Deaths due to other causes — if any — do not matter.

  11. I first blogged about the Wuhan virus back in January. I never believed the story about the Wuhan wet market being the source. It seemed obvious at the time that it came from the Level 4 virology lab in Wuhan. I thought that it could only have a very unfortunate industrial accident of some kind. I thought that way because I simply would not believe that anyone would be stupid enough to deliberately release the virus. As the weeks passed I modified my position from an “unfortunate accident” to “negligence” even “criminal negligence.”

    I watched the Epoch News video and was shocked at its implications. Then I watched it twice more in case I had misconstrued the evidence presented. From all of this I am firmly convinced that the release was deliberate. This is a whole different ballgame.

    This is an act of war. And one can only conclude that this whole business is going to get very messy.

    1. It’s funny. We always thought that a bio weapon would be a weapon of mass destruction. A flu, like Stephen King’s in The Stand, that spreads swiftly and wipes out 98% of the population. But what if some clever devils developed one that was deadly but not that deadly and knowing what the WHO and other medical experts (the media carrying their water) would recommend, use it as a tool for a different kind of attack. An economic one.
      What if the Chinese leadership had, from the beginning, an effective vaccine for them and those they’d choose to include. Key members of industry, workers and the PLA?
      Masks over masks.

  12. Turn on the Bat signal, commissioner Gordon! Let it beam above the Winnipeg skies!
    Holy Wuhan, Batman!

  13. Now the medical association of Canada is asking why the national stockpile of equipment to handle this crisis is not there.


    Well put this in the “No Sh*t, Sherlock” file. When the Prime Minister runs around the globe handing out foreign aid like it was Carter’s Little Liver Pills, you can’t really believe that the money had to come from somewhere. It sure as h*ll didn’t grow on trees. So when Li’l Tater Head was handing out money $10, $50, $100 million at a time to countries all over Africa to get that UN Security seat, was he really thinking about Canadians? Why this minority Liberal government is still in power is another indication of how truly moronic the voters of this country are. Surely someone in the House of Commons can stand and demand a vote of confidence on this government and rid us of these incompetent fools.

  14. Not sure if this has been mentioned here> but did anybody think of the fact that the CPC has been gaslighting the world in order to take over economically? Send people all over the world as fast as possible?Surprised that I haven’t seen that on this site? What’s a few million more dead to the Communists? Definitely intentional spread, whether they meant it or not!!! Very likely intentional, and many intelligence services all over the world know this!!! China and the world are completely different from now on out.

    1. Sure. Created in the biolab. Let it out in Wuhan, near the wet market (plausible denial) let the local population be the petri dish to create lots of it and send a good portion of them abroad. Meanwhile, stockpile all the medical supplies and through your proxies at the WHO and in the media spread disinformation and lies. May you live in interesting times!

      1. Well, it backfired spectacularly – the whole world (except the WHO) has a deep and abiding hate-on for China just now. I’ve been boycotting Chinese manufactured products for ten years now – I hope a whole lot o’ people join me in the next six months, and it’s quite possible they finally will.

        How do we get our industries back? – make it impossible for them to flog us Chinese cr@p. Once it sits on the shelf long enough, and they have to sell it at a steep loss even at Chinese prices, maybe retailers will get the idea.

        1. Hopefully, that’s the case. This game is far from over. It’s hard to imagine how desperate they would have to be to do something like this on purpose.

    2. Machiavelli. 100% bang on.
      Create shock and awe, instill fear and overreaction. But did the CCP expect Boycott Made in China?
      CCP also didnt let this crisis go to waste.
      Get rid of many dissidents in the process. Remember the video clips of people fighting “heath care workers” and screaming for their lives as they were placed in a van.
      Creates fear with others ( dont cross the CCP)
      “Listen, Watch, Obey, Be a Good Citizen, You are Weak, Unarmed, Powerless”
      Ive seen video clips of 2-3 heath care workers armed with rifles walking together, of people getting their front door welded shut locking them in their apartments.
      CCP kept the world uninformed and misinformed about Wuhan Flu.
      It took the Chinese a while to figure it out but maybe they did. Many pharmaceutical factories are in China to produce a cure.
      Wuhan is open for business, how much did that cost the CCP vs the western world? Trudeau is talking 18 months of shut in. Wait for a vaccine…. Pure insanity.
      Last night on L. Ingraham Dr. Ramin Oskoui CEO, Foxhall Cardiology says Coronavirus vaccines dont work. They havent had good luck, the closest they came to a Corona vaccine were lethal causing a cytokine storm.
      Also on was Dr Steve Smith a frontline infectious disease specialist. Guess what he uses to cure his patients.??
      1/2 of his patients are African American. With unchecked or poorly controlled diabetes.

  15. It’s simple, wear a mask, even a homemade one. Sod the government they clearly don’t know what they are doing.

    1. A mask will not save you if you do not have COVID-19.
      If you do it could save someone else.

  16. Another possibility re the high death rate could be just a wrong diagnosis & thus a less than effective treatment protocol…
    An emergency room physician in NY treating these patients ” Dr. Kyle-Sidell, is saying …[from his own recent experience that the ] coronavirus [is] something more like high altitude pulmonary edema than a viral driven pneumonia.” & that may explain why normal respirators might not be the most effective approach.
    And it seems from the accompanying Youtube videos in the link below that the Chinese have recently started with a different treatment approach to that of just normal ventilators as we have been using here in the West.
