74 Replies to “April 11, 2020: Reader Tips”

    1. A few years ago, friend of mine died in California while swimming in a pool from what appeared to be a coronary arrest. The hotel he was at was under the jurisdiction of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Dept. It took six months for the family to find the truth from the coroner’s office in that county. Yet in 10 minutes, an orderly can say, ”This guy died of Covid-19!!.

      Give me a break.

    2. You do know the stated protocol for reporting any deaths these days? Anyone who has not read this is not paying enough attention. Anyone who says that this not a put up scam is not playing with a full deck.

      1. Is that so? Hmmm…maybe that’s the answer then.

        However I DON’T like that they appear to have different criteria for reporting infection vs cause of death.

    1. An hour and 15 minutes? Sheesh. Two or three sentences would do (with footnotes for those who want the details). Even a transcript that I could scan would be a huge improvement.

  1. How can that horse run, jump over all those obstacles, with a girl on its back for over 12 minutes? I thought that kind of stamina only happened with horses in the old westerns.

    Sound of Settle Science: Doubts about basic assumption for the universe. “No matter where we look, the same rules apply everywhere in space: countless calculations of astrophysics are based on this basic principle. A recent study by the Universities of Bonn and Harvard, however, has thrown this principle into question”.

    Only climate science is settled…

    1. Only climate science is settled…

      And Prinz Dummkopf’s approach to “curing” this country of the virus.

      Nobody in charge, nobody with any real background in virology or immunology questions anything. I swear if Theresa “Trust me, I’m a physician” Tam or Politburo Patti made an announcement that shoving a pencil up each nostril and putting a shoe on top of one’s head was going to prevent the spread of the disease, the majority of people would do that quickly and without question. After all, the government said so, and the government would never lie, because the government looks out for us. (Yeah, right.)

      Canada: a country where logic and reason go to die.

      1. B A D Rupertslander – My folks are both entrepreneurs. But my dad thinks that when the government sold provincial liquor stores in his province that the government somehow sold “our” liquor stores. I told him that you can buy shares, or own, a private company but you can’t buy shares in the government. They take money from taxpayers and give it to their friends in exchange for favours. How are they “our” liquor stores?

        1. They’re ours only to the point that they were funded by our tax money. We have no say in how they’re run or who, for that matter, is in charge, unlike what one can, theoretically, do with a publicly traded company.

    2. “Only climate science is settled”…You are kidding Right… The whole Universe now know that you can’t model a predictor from one day to the next…..The AGW hockey stick was a fraud… A snap shot of a “static state” created by probability algorithm inputs can’t simulate a “dynamic state” that is constantly changing… .

      Universe: I also read that some are questioning the “Constants”, sure is a interesting new world


      1. Yes, and the measure of distance has been defined to be a constant multiple of a particular wavelength of light. Meaning that the speed of light in a vacuum is a constant, by definition. How are we supposed to figure out the past and future of the universe when we hobble ourselves this way?

    1. PD, the correct answer is no. As I said in another post, 115 years from now everyone currently alive on the planet will be dead. That will include a child born today. If the planet is still here there will be a at least a few billion extra on top of the current 8 billion.

    1. Anything that appears in a publication named after a species of fish shouldn’t be taken seriously.

        1. Is that offishal umbrage or did you write that just for the halibut? I don’t want this to become a piscine contest.

          1. I figured what the hake–get that sucker floundering with a trout statement.

          2. All because I piked fun at a crappie fishwrap of a publication. How very shellfish of me.

          3. Oops, looks like this ol’ grayling just trolled into a school of large mouth (b)ass. From my perch I think I should just scale it back. Fin ished!

          4. Maybe he’s just being Koi? (too bad I’m so late to the pun-ishment, the topic is already floundering.)

  2. I’ve been saying something similar for weeks: lets protect the most vulnerable through isolation, treat the sick with whatever tools we have, test the heck out of the general population and map the location of the virus via tracking apps, get the PPE/respirators in place, and get back to work before the cure is worse than the disease (i.e. weeks not years).


    Save Lives And Avoid A Catastrophic Recession: ” Economists are now suggesting the costs of continued extreme policies could be comparable to Germany in the 1920s or the US in the 1930s”. The “Imperial College study…pointed out that cancelling mass gatherings have “little impact”.”

    “This middle ground is more like what Sweden has been doing — recommending people to work from home if possible, and asking those who are sick and over 70 to avoid social contacts. But most people still work, children go to school, most of society is still running. This is long-term sustainable. Shutting everything down is not.”

    1. Paul
      I agree with many of your points but add the following comments:

      – not sure if we have testing kits, to identify those who have already had this particular strain of corona virus. If those tests exist, when will they be available in sufficient quantities? Also what is the rate of false positives (maybe not a big problem) and false negatives ( may be a problem(. Unfortunately team Trudeau won’t tell us.

      – team Trudeau has no idea when sufficient masks would be available to supply to the general public. But perhaps returning to work, with homemade masks would be an option.

      I suspect we are going to have several waves of this virus.

    2. I don’t think the Trudeau government is paying any attention to what is happening to the economy. Trudeau is pursuing more and more devastating measures- RCMP enforcement, War Measures Act, even though we should be heading downwards from a peak. No words of reassurance. Trudeau seems totally disconnected from reality. I am getting very scared. I don’t think the PM is behaving like a rational person.

      1. Did you see the real reason for the War Measures Act? He might still do that despite all of the Premiers objections. He is fairly unstable.

  3. The basic assumptions for the universe…etc. ..
    Cosmologists and physicists use verbiage akin to the post modern word benders.
    In this case, above, they are using tortuous words and metaphors to describe what was once considered to be Providence.
    Providence abides dude.
    Lose the tortured metaphors about galaxy clusters and raisin buns etc ( per link above by Paul Harvey). That is belaboured attempt to say what has been said poetically in the bible and other sage sources.

    The dark energy is that by which creation adheres, and the cyclical miracle is providence.

  4. For fans…
    Re: S.N.L. 
    Show will be back on tonight but with a twist, everyone’s staying @home due to ‘le virus.’
    No reprimands please… if you don’t care.

  5. Until we find a vaccine designer masks will become a fashion accessory, all made in China of course.

  6. The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau made the comment two days ago that the current lock down in Canada could last six months to a year, or more. The outrageous comment got little criticism from the paid-and-bought-for media. But it is wrong for two reasons. First, nthe pandemic is as already peaking in Canada. The projections by the virus “experts” are wrong-headed and far too high. Second, closing the country for so long would bankrupt the nation. It’s time people pushed back against Trudeau’s comments.

    1. Someone has too, we have a press corp that will not do their job unless their target is a Conservative, then they push back hard.

  7. In February, over 20% of those employed in Canada worked in the public sector. There were 3.9 million government employees. With very few exceptions, layoffs in the government sector have not been happening. However, the vast majority of government employees are not going in to work, and a large portion of these are not working from home for a variety of reasons. For example, government computer systems cannot accommodate tele-workers in sufficient numbers.

    This strongly suggests that all the government employees not working are still receiving full pay and benefits. The media are not reporting this story. Why is that? Taxpayers should be informed about this major class divide between the haves and have-nots.

    1. I am pretty sure they are receiving full pay and benefits. Some are “working from home”, but many are not. In Ottawa, some city workers were laid off. There is no rhyme or reason to how worker layoffs and compensation being given are being handled. You can bet though, that if you work in the public sector you will come out of this in better shape than the rest of us. Max sent an email indicating that in the light of the excessive debt, government should be cutting back on non-essential programs. There are a lot of non essential programs.

  8. It’s time people pushed back against Trudeau’s comments.

    They won’t. The last federal election proved that.

  9. And now the Liberal Party’s taxpayer funded Saturday Toronto Star. Editorial that hotels in Toronto should be turned into permanent residences for the homeless and migrants. That should do wonders for the tourism industry. Story that Canada’s manufacturing base should be converted to produce green energy shit. Lots of stories that China Justin is wonderful. Story that the same people who helped China Justin get elected are now working to get China Joe Biden elected. Heather Mallick explains that she is sad except when she thinks of Justin. Trump is Hitler stories. We need stats on blacks in Canada who have the virus, because Canadians are racist. China is wonderful, socialism is wonderful, islam is wonderful, indians need more money, Blackie is wonderful, the Liberal Party is wonderful, Canadians are racist filthy bastards.

    1. China Justin’s press blather is about 30 minutes away. It would be funny if somebody called in the coordinates or just whipped out a fighter jet.

  10. 650,000 deaths in Canada – so say our Covid-19 experts!! How? Modeling. I wonder if the Turd et al are using the same model that they use for predicting climate change disaster. One thing about this pandemic that is good is that the constant media and government barrage of climate change doom on the general populace has gone away – and thank god for that. However, the constant media and government barrage of Covid-19 on the general populace is here to stay.

    One thing that I know for certain – don’t trust models.

    1. I don,t know. . .
      I don,t know. . .
      I don,t know where imma gonna go. . .
      When the volcano blow.

    2. It’s clearly Trump’s fault. Quick, tell Pelosi, et. al., to convene another investigation. They’re bound to find something impeachable this time.

  11. Is anybody in charge in the Commie Gulag formerly known as Canada. Headline. The Useless RCMP will now go door to door and break your Quarantine to ask you if you are in Quarantine. They will bring you the infected small pox blanket. What kind of Dumb Shit dreamed this up. They will deliver the Chinese Virus to you and break your quarantine. Keep your door locked and tell them to get a warrant. They are trespassing and endangering you and your family. https://globalnews.ca/news/6804626/coronavirus-police-verifying-quarantine-order/

    1. I’m thinking the cops coming to your door to Check on your quarantine status is Trudeau’s way of making us think he is doing something about the thousands of Chinese and migrant workers landing in Canada weekly and not quarantining themselves

    1. News to the uninformed.

      Deferred interest and payments are SOP in ANY mortgage contract that is signed. Read contracts before signing them, mkay?

      Caveat emptor. Maybe people should, oh I dunno, put away funds on every cheque for a rainy day fund? Oh yeah, that’s SO de rigeur!

      People have other options, by the way. Use a HELOC to “pay” for the mortgage, short term. Use the CC if desperate. Borrow from the Boomer parents. People have options. Not options I would take or need to take, but there are options. Take your lumps!

      Damn, there I go again, expecting adult Canadians to be responsible for the choices they make.

      “Help me Justin, HELP Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee”

    1. Likely he was also responsible for acquiring those passports. All of the terrorists involved in 9/11 we’re using stolen passports.

  12. I can watch the Iditarod, no problem. The dogs are having the time of their lives. The horse video, not so much. The horse was struggling at the end and still with the jumps, and on wet surfaces. Ugly. BUT, Kate, thanks for linking that. I’ve wondered about the reality versus just watching. The rider was huffing as loud as the horse.
    At this time of the day several neighbors are heading out to the Intracoastal. Where are they going? The state’s shut down. Can’t wait to get our boat and learn what all these secret voyages are about. All but one heading south. Marine take out.

  13. Today is the 50th anniversary of the launch of Apollo 13. I remember watching it on TV and looking forward to seeing the broadcasts of Jim Lovell and Fred Haise on the moon.

    Of course, we all know how that turned out.

      1. Aside from the mishap happening during the outbound leg, there were some other factors that ensured a successful conclusion.

        All three astronauts were experienced military flyers and were accustomed to dealing with things going wrong with their aircraft. Lovell, at the time, was also the most experienced man in space, having accumulated more than 3 weeks through 3 previous missions, including Apollo 8.

        Lovell and Haise were able to keep warm by wearing their lunar EVA suits inside the Lunar Module. Swigert, who didn’t have anything comparable available, was able to withstand the cold inside the Command Module as he played football while he was younger and, so, was accustomed to adverse conditions.

        None of the crew ever flew in space again. Lovell retired from NASA. A few years later, Haise flew landing tests with the space shuttle Enterprise. Swigert ran for Congress, but died of cancer before he took office.

        1. One cannot blame them for refusing to fly in Space ever again. They came close to meeting their Maker before they would’ve wanted, at that time.

          I read that they all ‘got’ Religion after they returned safely to Earth. A piece from the “Houston Chronicle” describes this. I archived it and when I went to link it I discovered it was behind a paywall.

          It is still exciting to think about what they went through even after all these years. Thanks for reminding us.
