10 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: Green Shoots”

    1. Trudeau’s green new deal is what we are living through right now. AKA economic collapse and fascist police state/dictatorship.

    2. Peal the rind off Dear Leader’s green deal and you find dark commie red mixed in with some Nazi orange.

  1. Wow, what an impact Moore’s film is making, Thankyou Mike for clearing that all up for us, nobody knew.

  2. Was reading a good one at Watts up with that earlier and it of course has to do with climate change, global warming, sea level rise. Bill Gates has purchased a 43 million dollar home on the beach in CA. The next time he shoots off his mouth about green someone please put a sock in in it.

  3. Too late for Confederated Canada.
    Gang Green rules the PMO.
    Gangrene has spread through what was our economy.
    Perhaps if we amputate the dead limbs??
    Nah,way too late.
    The New World Order of Ecological Political Correctness was unworkable from its inception.
    Just another rerun of socialism,which claims “success” when all minions are “equally” miserable and the more equal members of the party fight over ever diminishing returns..
    At 50% personal income tax levels and a bankrupt state…Well lookee here Canada is a Success.
    Hey Libtards..Mission accomplished???
