
All the way to the bottom.

25 Replies to “Chinada”

  1. Justin must be horrified that the lockdown will end in some and then in all provinces and territories.

    Then he’ll have to go back to work and answer some tough questions. There will be no bed under which he can hide.

    1. He can just use a cardboard cutout and call it in from under the bed. The media and the MPs will just pretend not to notice. Or perhaps they might actually not notice.

      1. I doubt that anyone will.

        The coronavirus has been a boon to the puppet-leader. Its lessening will only expose him to the (temporary) ridicule and censure he deserves.

        1. Remember the great wartime leader Churchill was tossed from office at the first opportunity once the war ended.

          There will be severe political consequences around the world for the current crop of leaders once people start to reflect on their performance and go to vote.

        2. Its lessening will only expose him to the (temporary) ridicule and censure he deserves.

          Nope. It’ll be portrayed by Tokyo Rosie as his greatest triumph, his finest hour. Standing like Moses at the shore of the Red Sea, with a single twitch of his eyebrow, he will have single-handedly turned back the virus, thereby ushering in the new golden age of Chinadastan, doing so without any moistliness.

          Of course he’ll do it: he is Dear Leader, after all.

        3. Exactly. The MSM cheer squad is all about preventing anyone from noticing the Little Emperor’s couture.

      2. And watch the nodding behind him in the House during QP while he reads scripted answers. They could all be replaced by bobble heads.

        1. Sox McBlackface and the Bobble-heads. Seems an apt description of the federal government.

    2. Tough questions? From who?

      Not the media, they only want to know his favourite colour, his favourite sox, and what he had for breakfast

      1. Tough questions? From who?
        Not the media…

        And certainly not from scheer & co.

  2. These Rebel News guys must laugh their @sses off every time they go to a news conference, eh? The questions alone would be comedy gold.

  3. Here’s what’s politically at stake.
    It’s about the school schedule and when parents may be stuck at home with the kids because the place\org\resort where they go or send their kids for the summer is closed.
    Any political capital that could have been gained prior to that point is torched if summer vacay gets cancelled.
    The soccer moms can’t be soccer moms without soccer.

  4. Good to see canadians and the bought and paid for media bleeting their support like the sheep they are: “Trudeau good, orange man bad.”

    Every second day or so I try and stomach listening to Trudeau and his puppets…I’ve never made it more than 30 seconds yet. Alberta and Saskatchewan had better be coming up with a plan to limit our future raping and pillaging by Ottawa et al. It’s gonna get ugly. (and by the way…I’m not forgetting who was in charge the last several times equalization payments were renegotiated…same crap, different pile)

    By the way…big hats off to Keean and The Rebel. That guy is an actual journalist. A little over the top sometimes, but one of the few asking serious questions. The rest of canadian media should be ashamed of themselves.

  5. Once the real affect of the chicom virus hits the kitchen tables of the country no leader will be safe.

    Maybe it wont happen but I think the economic destruction will be significant. Government are almost universally defeated in bad times. The bong will not be immune.

  6. Slightly off topic but related, and with apologies, but don’t forget about this little trick the Communist Party of Canada…I mean China, pulled a few years ago. I believe that one action doubled the number of orphan wells in Alberta…that Trudeau is now picking up the tab for (well the money comes from Alberta of course)
    “A Calgary oil company backed by China’s authoritarian Communist Party has emerged as a major buyer of distressed energy assets, prompting new concern over Canada’s push to explore free-trade talks with China.

    Corporate documents show the Party has an ownership stake in little-known Shanghai Energy Corp., giving China’s powerful political apparatus a growing financial interest in a key Canadian industrial sector.”
    “A Chinese-controlled company that snapped up distressed oil and gas assets in a series of deals told regulators it plans to cease operations, potentially dumping hefty environmental liabilities on an industry already struggling with a sharp rise in unfunded cleanup.

    Sequoia Resources Corp. told Alberta’s Energy Regulator (AER) that it is unable to clean up thousands of sites for which it has licences and that it would “cease operations imminently” due to defaults on municipal tax payments, according to regulatory documents.”

    1. Thanks for this info, lots of work ahead of us wrt the chi-coms & our resources.

      Plus all our Cda Pension plan $ sitting in chi-com land.

  7. As for getting rid of our dictatorship you must remember how to catch wild pigs – and they have been putting a ton of your money in the trap .

  8. Well, now that the executives at TorStar found that asterisk to the Atikinson Principles and gave themselves a bonus, them greedy corporate whores at the Globe and NatPost will do so too..

  9. Keean should ask Blackie if he knows that wearing blackface and stuffing a banana down his pants is racist. Then capture all the gasping and “How Dare You” s from the fawning press maggots about while Blackie’s fascist minions escort him away.

  10. The toughest question Dear Leader is ever asked at the daily Love-In is, “Why is Orange Man so bad?” The second toughest question is, “Which of us admirers today would you let sit face first in your lap?”
    My stomach gets so nauseated from it that I stopped watching it. Dear Leader’s voice and tone is also irritating.
