Wuhan Flu

There’s no human to human transmission, masks don’t work, and don’t worry about food shortages: Russia Cuts Off Wheat, Other Grain Exports

Another beef packer closes, this one in Wisconsin: The Green Bay beef plant employees 1,200 people and “feeds nearly 3.2 million Americans every day,” according to JBS USA.

Long thread, lots of charts: a lot of data on reported Covid deaths is highly suspect, so we’ve been looking into excess mortality — how many more people than usual have been dying around the world in recent weeks?

The WHO deletes a tweet: Unfortunately, several media outlets had already cited it

27 Tankers Anchored Off California, Hundreds Off Singapore As Oil Industry Shuts Down

…a flood of faulty COVID19 antibody test kits purchased from Chinese companies by the Indian Council of Medical Research has triggered a controversy

More: Tyson Foods didn’t mince words in a full page @nytimes ad Sunday, warning, “the food supply chain is breaking.”

Your related news in the comments. Keep the chatter down.

99 Replies to “Wuhan Flu”

    1. Dave just look at the Orwellian circumstances we find ourselves in. I think it was Mark Twain who said, it is easier to convince a person of a lie than it is to convince them they have been lied to. that would be a paraphrase.

          1. Marc, I am old. I was also told that the average person needs to be told something at least seven times before they come close to remembering it.

    2. Such as the media? Because they sound sincere, they dress well, and, ‘why would they ever lie, they are professionals’?
      No critical thinking given, just swallow by the heaping spoonfuls. Gullibility. Laziness. Sheep.

  1. Not to be insensitive or dismissive, but if deaths are higher than normal we might, theoretically, see below normal amounts in the coming months as the Chicom Cull has affected people who would have died this year anyway.

    Food supply issues are the most important thing to pay attention to in the coming months. Work on getting your pantry overfull for the coming winter. If the authoritarians lockdown the citizenry again in November there may be issues.

    1. There will not be another lockdown as the real data, not “models” indicate it was an over reaction.

    2. Not just the pantry to concern yourself with. With multiple beef plants shutting down in the US and Chinada, for who knows how long, prices will move up.
      Already saw it this weekend locally, both in selection ‘maximum 2 beef packages’ to a slight tick upward in prices on my GD sirloin at Costco.
      Hamburger at $8 a pound? Don’t bet against it.

  2. Buddy, deaths are way lower than normal. One just has to look for the data. I said at the beginning of this that hungry people will not obey any orders from anyone. Anyone who accepts another lock down is a fool.

  3. Re the John Burn-Murdoch graphs showing excess deaths. John says in one of his tweets “The numbers are remarkable, and put to bed the idea that Covid-19 is akin to a bad flu season.”

    However, John does not show a bad flu season in his data. He should show the worst flu season of the last 50 years. Hint for John, you can show the graphs as deaths per million to account for population increases.

    UK deaths are 20,732 as of April 27

    A quick internet search shows “Very high levels of flu were seen in 1999/00, when there were 48,000 excess winter deaths in England and Wales” and “Excess winter deaths spike in2014/15 at 44,000” That data is here:


    Now, my personal suspicion: The Wuhan flu IS worse than a bad flu year. But public health needs to show us the data.

    1. I don’t think we can stop this virus. We can spread out the deaths, so we don’t overwhelm our health systems, but older people, and those with pre-existing conditions (i.e. me) have a good chance of catching the virus and dying of/with it.

      The idea that we can stop the virus is a false one. We can slow it, but until herd immunity develops, it will keep coming back and back. All it takes is a few infected people to restart the whole cycle again.

      In my opinion it is no longer a choice between ‘no one dies’ and ‘some people die’. It is a choice of painful options. Sweden may be on the right path; some deaths now, develop herd immunity in those best able to survive the virus, and get fewer deaths in the longer term.

      1. I agree. The herd immunity is developing in many places.

        I live in Green Bay. I was disgusted to find the JBS plant here in town had OSHA complaints as of April 13 because they weren’t providing masks or putting other safety measures into place. The company was forced to actually start trying to be safe, and started screening employees for symptoms when they came to work. Over 50 employees that came to work that first day had symptoms, but came to work anyway. They were sent home and testing began. The media and local government has been desperate to link this new outbreak to the election, as the liberal mayor and Dem governor wanted to shut down polling places and switch to mail in votes only. The courts struck them down. Too bad for them most of the people who work at the plants where the outbreak occurred are not eligible to vote. You can guess why. So only a handful of the new cases are people who went to the polls.

        The “community transmission” cases are also clustered in a neighborhood where many of the workers would probably live. It was common knowledge that many of the people who don’t speak English as a first language had large Easter gatherings, despite the social distancing rules, and the increase in cases followed.

        The cases in our county went from 40 to over 600 in a week and a half largely because of outbreaks at several large plants and the employees not being careful. They tested every single employee and people in close contact with them,and the majority of those 600 had no symptoms. Of that number, 23 are now hospitalized. We have had two deaths in the last 6 weeks. We have tested over 2000 people.

        We’ve been told over and over that this won’t effect the food supply. I doubt it, but we’ve been stocking up since January.

        1. Deb – interesting info.
          It is also v. difficult to see who actually owns the beef/chicken/pork outfits in Canada and the US.
          It looks as tho some JSB plants are owned by Brazilians and now I see that supply for China is coming from Brazil while JSB in US is closed.

        2. Gee, that sounds like the situation in Calgary SW vs High River. Cargill meat plant 35 km south of Calgary. Brooks the same. DUH! A US company imports TFW’s, from outside the country and steam rolls right along to the point they have to shut down…too many infected TFW’s. There’s a house full of them just down the street from me. I live in the highest count area of COVID creeps in this city and the highest in Alberta. They shop the same grocery stores I do. They probably work there, too.
          Cargill is a (the largest) private Corp in the US. The meat plants are just a part of their enterprise. Wonder who has the toilet paper market cornered.

        1. Scroll down to Wisconsin Case Data,
          90+, 127 cases, 41 deaths, 67% SURVIVORS
          80-89, 312 cases, 60 deaths, 80% Survivors
          70-79, 508 cases, 81 deaths, 84% Survivors
          60-69, 841 cases, 46 deaths, 94% Survivors
          50-59, 1077 cases, 22 deaths


          Don’t let the MSM scare you.

          1. What drugs do the Wisconsin physicians have and in what quantities to treat symptomatic patients with and in what quantity? (e.i. Hydroxychloroquine)
            Are they using a drug as prophylaxis for their medical staff ?

            Ask your provincial health department, Minister of Health, physicians to tell the public. The U.S. has been able to import 29 million doses, from two countries.

            Canada has a generic company donating enough to test it on Medical staff in Ontario. What is Canada’s stock and how much can APotex provide ?

          2. Re Wisconsin survival rates. Unless I missed it Wisconsin data does not show cases recovered. Given that some severely ill people take 7 to 21 days to either die or recover it may be too early to comment on survival rates.

      2. Joe, YES. Sweden. “Some deaths now … fewer deaths in the longer term. “

        LindaL and others have made this point while others like UnMe and – yikes – Kate have browbeaten us with “check the numbers”.

        It might be kinda like paying a commission up front rather than zero commission but annual fees.

      3. Everybody dies. The whoowho flu is not worse than other years of seasonal flu. You are just having it shoved in your face everyday. I am sure I gave this number out before, 3,177,204 people died from the seasonal flu in 2018. The quasi official number of deaths for the whoowho flu so far has been 206,565 as of this am. It has a long way to go joe and the numbers are basically false as they should be lower. The reporting is fraudulent. 153,424 people die everyday worldwide from all causes. Will someone please open their eyes.

    2. “looking into excess mortality”
      The only report I have seen yet claiming CCP flu deaths are being hidden.
      I call BS as Joe (April 27, 2020 at 7:45 am) points out the data seems to leave out severe flu years for comparison.
      Every other news item I have read are about padding deaths, not hiding them.

  4. Thanks for not caving to the deniers, Kate. And thanks for keeping both sides of the story coming. They are both horrible and it is little wonder that people prefer to comfort themselves by selectively ignoring the facts of this horrific situation.

    1. I don’t think there is any one actually denying there is a nasty virus out there. The data is very confusing and some people are questioning whether or not the massive shut down is an overreaction, as well as too high a price to pay to try to protect everyone. This is a legitimate question, and these people should not be dismissed as “deniers”.

      1. Agreed nasty virus, agreed confusing data, and agreed questioning is legit (& healthy).

        Wrt lockdown measures, I like how Ben Crenshaw put it on JRE, (I’m probably going to mangle it but) jist of it seemed to be: taking fire, unclear what & from where, retreat to get a handle in situ, then go forth.

        Anyway, I have growing concern of harm lockdown is doing. The answer to ending lockdown in part is how to mitigate virus’ ability to overwhelm. Which is why I’ve been OCD about citizens’ Masking up in public. It seems to help. And WHO types don’t want us to.

    2. Yet, if we look at the cost to try to prevent the deaths we might find the concept of “opportunity cost”. For example in the U.S., if they end up with a death toll of 100,000 and if they finally stop throwing money out the door and peg the spending at $3 TRILLION (hard to do the same math in Canada because Trudeau is hiding the true total costs from Canadians). you come up with a figure of $30 million for each death they tried to stop. In the U.S., the average cost of a heart transplant is $1.4 million…the average cost of a kidney transplant is $414,000. The average cost of a pancreas transplant is $350.000 and the average cost of a lung transplant is $860,000.

      So that means for the amount of money the lockdown is costing, for each single Wuhan virus death, they could perform 21 heart transplants, 72 kidney transplants, 85 pancreas transplants or 34 lung transplants.

      The public health officials blew it badly when they didn’t lock down TIGHT, the seniors homes, the extended care centres, nursing homes, etc.

    3. “Deniers” are what some are now calling people who are interpreting the data and realizing something does not compute.

      The people who are still pushing this lie about the coronavirus being a major health crisis are either complete fools or they are purposefully advancing a horribly nefarious agenda. Because at this point, we have ample data and information proving conclusively that this supposed pandemic is an enormous hoax.

      The original reason provided for instituting all of these draconian, government-sanctioned lockdowns stemmed from fears that the medical system would not be able to adequately handle a potential flood of coronavirus patients. This has not even come close to manifesting itself.

    4. tim in vermont:

      I’m guessing that Kate flinched a bit when reading your sycophantic praise for not “caving to the deniers”.

      Are you doing to send teach an apple?

  5. Mark Twain said: It’s easier to FOOL people than to convince them they have been FOOLED.

    1. Down from 59 to 48 YTD TIM? Surprised both these numbers are that low. Likely due to lockdown, but not that significant a number.

      1. Year to date includes almost two pre-pandemic months, Ward. But keep grasping for straws.

        HA! The “I am not a robot” insisted that I identify a fork lift as a tractor. Maybe it is an “I am not a native speaker of English” thingy.

        1. Not grasping for anything Tim. Even if you use last 28 days you are down 8 deaths. That’s not a big number to offset anything with. Extrapolates to maybe 400 nationally over same time.

          1. So how many people has the lockdown killed in that same time? That’s the point. The Twitter thread is full of people claiming that those excess deaths include many people killed by the lockdown, clearly there are also people whose lives are directly being saved by the lockdown that offset that number, which is only a theorized number by lockdown opponents anyway. This is not an argument that we should continue the lockdown to save lives from “Traffic violence” as Elizabeth Warren put it, but we shouldn’t delude ourselves that this is “just the flu.”

          2. You can’t count those that haven’t died yet, but have been caught in the healthcare shutdown/priorities. There is concern out there that there will be a spike in cancer deaths in the coming year, due to patients not having their cancer discovered, those already on waiting lists getting far worse, and those not going to the doctor for fear of the virus at any health facility. This is such a clusterfk

          3. Last I checked, Dr’s offices were not shut down. People are staying away on their own. Maybe we needed a news blackout on China, Italy, France, Spain, NYC, etc to keep people from getting scared.

            But yes, there should be PSAs telling people to go to the doctor if they need to.

        2. Maybe we should just keep the lockdown going for the rest of the year so the decrease will balance it out completely.

          Life is one big risk. I’d rather live it. Anyone who doesn’t want to can stay home.

          1. Doctor’s offices are shut where I live (Midwest; suburban-rural). I just had a video appointment today with an allergist. Had other appts. postponed. Can see drs. if really crucial.

  6. This has been out for a few days.
    Dr Erickson based on his clinics testing data says covid much more widespread. Asks questions media should be asking. Reporters interviewing get pissy and defensive.

    Media and public health quick to respond with denunciation.


    Don’t let vid length scare you off. If you watch first 5 min you’ll likely watch it all.

    1. Someone, can’t remember who, pointed out that the White House press conferences are still being attended only by the regulars of the press corps. No media outlet has decided to send anyone with a science or medial background (such as it is). None of the questions have any intelligence behind them, none of them are remotely capable of coming up with an intelligent question. It’s all gotcha politics all the time. The media truly is completely useless to society.

    2. That is a very thoughtful video. One of the best I have seen in trying to get some perspective on this. Highly recommended.

      1. LindaL, I agree its good video, worth watching, have only seen half so far. Plan catch rest of it later this eve. Cheers

    3. Ward,

      I saw that video a couple days ago,

      It should be front page news

      those two top doctors – who are at the front line – , analyzed the WHO, the CDC and California numbers and they say the science is there( the data) the death rate is similar to the common flu

      the covid death rate is about 0.1 %

      it is time to get back to our lives

      the covid is not the the black plague

      but those two doctors will be ignored or ridiculed…or called deniers

      but they are 100% right

      it is time to stop this excessive panic and go back to our normal lives

    4. The video has been removed for “violating” YouTube’s “community guidelines.”

  7. Russia cutting off grain should be good for Canada … if only we were planting this year.

    1. China Boy’s CBC rips that scientist, perhaps because he’s from Saskatchewan?

      If just one person in Saskatchewan thinks for themselves and questions the government media narrative that could be dangerous to the whole country! people could die! Oh wait…

    2. There are far more than one Ed, they are ignored by the media. I have read dozens of articles from scientists and doctors who think this is a disaster that will become worse because of the lockdowns.

  8. Thanks for the update, Kate.
    Interesting graphs. On the methodology, in my view it is not perfect to compare peak events to averages for a specific week, or weeks. The Wuhan flu is bad, has caused a lot of victims and walks hand in hand with other factors making it worse certain areas – but should be compared directly to other peak events. A sound overview is given in euromomo.eu jointly and also for most countries in Western Europe. It shows a very elevated mortality, but now declining strongly. The Western European peak excess mortality though was 85.000 now versus some 75.000 as peak of the flu 2017/18.

    The underlying idea that the lockdown was the right thing to do … can’t be proven, because the death rates are there independently of the measures taken (Sweden, Italy, France all show elevated values), whereby Sweden might be advanced on its way to herd immunity. The key aspect is that many nations, respectively governments have failed in preparation, I.e. to protect a clearly identified risk group: people over 65, especially those living in nursing homes. It is possible that the lockdown had a negative effect on this essential point.

    Food safety / availability and economic collapse will be the aftermath of the virus. Seeing that a country like Russia is suspending grain exports is a warning sign.

    Cheers from Chile,

    1. Also the 4 year length – 2015 to 2019 to get their base numbers seems quite short.

      Why do we need 30 years of climate numbers, but only 4 for death rates?

        1. Of course not . I have brought up some other problems yet the fear and stupid is strong in the people. Those who believe what they are told is the truth are the worst.

    2. And Sweden is simply moving through the virus faster…..and let’s not forget….the concept of lockdowns was not to stop deaths (as we are told there is no therapy), but rather it was to stop the healthcare systems from being overwhelmed….something that has pretty much not happened. In other words, the strategy was to prolong the time for the deaths rather than decrease the total number.

  9. N95 equivalent masks w/reusable / washable filters available online thru hi-tech mfr in Edmonton / Calgary
    “These masks are comparable to N95 and can last one month, says local manufacturer”


    ACAMP website: “Imagine protecting every Albertan with a high-quality respirator.”
    Filtration effectiveness chart:

    COVID-19 particle size & importance of mask/filter fit:
    COMMENTARY: Masks-for-all for COVID-19 not based on sound data

  10. From Science Daily and University of Southampton.

    “New research from the University of Southampton has found that copper can effectively help to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, ….
    On copper, and a range of copper alloys — collectively termed ‘antimicrobial copper’ — the coronavirus was rapidly inactivated (within a few minutes, for simulated fingertip contamination). Exposure to copper destroyed the virus completely and irreversibly ……”

    That’s why there are pennies all over the house.

  11. Saturday I picked up my side of beef (290lbs cut and dressed) ordered from a local small butcher at $4.38/lb. She reports being flooded with orders, many from people she has never heard of before. I am happy for her. She raises grass-fed beef, usually sold to restaurants. Her restaurant business dried up but she’s got so much business now she has a waiting list and she is turning people away. My freezer is 3/4 full of beef, enough to last me and the missus for a year.

  12. The FT story is idiotic: “Death Rates have climbed and it may be super-secret Covid deaths”.

    Death rates could also be linked to people losing their livelihoods, being unable to get medical care while being locked in their homes, or being abandoned by caretakers when they’re vulnerable… Using negative data to build a hypothesis is generally a really bad idea.

    1. It also causes hives apparently. Probably flatulence too. You don’t happen to be a hypochondriac Tim?

  13. I am not sure about his methods. Note all data from Alberta Vital Statistics on line and the Covid webpage.

    In 2019, Alberta “normal” deaths were about 67 per day. For the period of 27 days between March 30 and April 27 there were 61 reported covid deaths compared to the “normal” of 1819. This is 3% of the “normal” and not even close to being excessive.

      1. As I recall from a recent Spiked podcast, the past two winters in the U.K. have been mild which reduced the number of deaths in the elderly/vulnerable population. It would really help policy makers to have the statistics from Australia, New Zealand and Taiwan added to show what worked and what didn’t.

  14. Corona panic-mongering is widespread, it seems.

    How about using some common sense? Understand reality?
    This virus will spread regardless of lock-downs, see e.g. Belgium vs Sweden. We simply have to live with this virus (and others), mitigate the impact, and sooner or later it will be gone.

    – be prepared (fuel, food, PPE, medicines, hospital beds, ..) (total failure by governments all over the world – responsible politicians should be criminally charged)
    – screen incoming travelers (too late now, probably, but should have been done from day one)
    – protect the old and vulnerable (old age homes, hospitals, stay at home recommendations for this population, reduced visiting recommendations)
    – coach everyone to do common sense things (wash hands, wear face masks, avoid big crowds, ..)
    – protect the economy (let most businesses continue as usual, taking the above into account)
    – fast track testing of various treatment options
    – do vaccine research (which likely will take quite some time)

    Also, one cannot assess the extent of “excess deaths” from a couple of weeks, we need a year to see how significant this was.

    And put things in perspective, for pete’s sake (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_causes_of_death_by_rate#/media/File:Leading_cause_of_death_world.png).
    Let’s assume we will reach 500k dead from corona this year; as comparison:
    – malaria 700k
    – suicide 800k
    – HIV/AIDS 1,000k
    – TB 1,200k
    – road accidents 1,300k
    – diabetes etc 3,200k
    – ..
    So why panic? This is not a very significant threat.

    1. I have been pumping out numbers for two months now and you are correct it is over blown and the threat is perceived not actual. There are far more things to worry about. Losing our food supply should be number one on the list but hey so far so good, right. Meat packing plants are closing, farmers are going to slaughter cows, pigs and chickens because there is no way to get them to market. ^This will start to snowball. As I have said too many times now, hungry people do no stay home they go out to get food. The police nor army will be able to stop a thousand hungry men who want to feed their families. Canadians are morons.

    2. I agree with what you have said. I especially agree that the responsible politicians should be criminally charged. The real culprit is human hubris– thinking we can out smart a virus. We can take precautions, but living with viruses is part of the human condition. The core idea seems to be that if we stop living, we can defeat death.

  15. Well thought out argument. Lockdown’s don’t work.

    “That simple sentence is enough to ignite a firestorm of controversy these days, whether you say it in public (to someone at least six feet away, of course) or online. As soon as the words leave your lips, they begin to be interpreted in extraordinary ways. Why do you want to kill old people? Why do you think the economy is more important than saving lives? Why do you hate science? Are you a shill for Trump? Why are you spreading misinformation about the severity of COVID?

    But here’s the thing: there’s no evidence of lockdowns working. If strict lockdowns actually saved lives, I would be all for them, even if they had large economic costs. But, put simply, the scientific and medical case for strict lockdowns is paper-thin.”


    1. Dayne, just like climate change, computer models churned out massive amounts incorrect data, millions dead, and so far 206,000 dead world wide and yet the fools are still using computer models. Without using a computer model I want someone to show my just who’s life was saved and just how do you know?

  16. Actual numbers no longer matter.
    Our Dear Leader has spoken.
    It is impossible for Dear Leader and associated Bureaucrats to be mistaken..
    There fore is the numbers do not match the models,the numbers must be in error.
    Having deliberately demolished the natural economy,in false alarm,our “experts” and “natural ruling class” will double down on pushing their agenda.
    More government,social justice and compulsory equity of outcome are all these kleptocrats have ready to force feed you.

    Their horror that you might realize that they,Government, are the problem, will result in massive amounts of distraction,propaganda and a sudden resumption of sporting events.

    Problem for a suddenly impoverished people,how Canadians see themselves, is the middle men are seen as as useless as they really are..
    When your function is expediting trade and theft from traders your reward..Then you kill all trade,what use are you to the rest of society?
    To belabour this point.
    Civilization and trade between strangers are only possible with faith.
    The faith that institutions were created to promote.
    Faith that the risks could be rewarded..
    Where is that faith,in a confederation where the trains run at the whim of “Hereditary Chiefs”?
    Where government has an established track record of passing laws to prevent industry ?
    In a political environment where “Profit” is a dirty word?

  17. Wait until the economy starts to open, then the lawyers will get involved.

    Employers may tell workers ‘you don’t come back, then we consider that you quit’. This avoids paying severance.

    Unions will say working conditions are unsafe.

    Many employees will say I’m getting $2000 a month and staying at home. Sounds like a nice vacation.

    I realize their are lots of businesses that want to reopen, and workers that want to go back to work, but the legal profession will make this nasty.


  18. Further to the excessive death charts: for Italy… Total population of 60.4 million. Current virus deaths 26,400 (John Hopkins). World normal death rate between 7 and 8% (WHO and others). Assume 7% for Italy to be conservative. Expected deaths in period between January and end of April (now) – 1.06 million. Where are all these “excessive” death numbers coming from?

  19. It is to be expected Dear Leader will soon emerge from Rideau Cottage dressed in a white cowboy hat and his bedazzled chaps from a gay pride parade. Cooing into the microphone he will say Howdy folks! Today I am announcing a box of select beef cuts for all middle class Canadians and those working hard to join them. Touching the brim of his hat, with a nod, he will turn and swagger back up the steps into the sunset.
    9 meals to Anarchy and the hungry peoplekind will be coming for ya Trudeau Liberals.

  20. Kate, Tim in Vermont – I’m not going to argue numbers or graphs directly, because you can find any and every variation of this exact graph to support any preconception.
    What I’d like to point out is that since this blog chose the “WHO-sanctioned” stance over the skeptical one, most of the links seem to be going to Twitter.
    In my opinion, linking to twitter as a resource is like using sales brochures as technical references.
    Sure, this Twitter thread was long and involved, but if he was seriously analyzing a technical subject then a blog post is more appropriate and reliable. Twitter is used by people who want to influence through emotion rather than fact (IMHO).

  21. Contrarian

    I learned a long time ago that if you want someone, or a group of people to support a decision or recommendation, two things are required:

    2. You should have a good technical argument. I.e the facts support your argument, and/or you have good solid reasoning.

    But correct reasoning and facts are insufficient. You must also deal with point 1.

    1. People must feel good about supporting your recommendation.

    If you as a decision maker don’t address the ‘feel good factor’, you are unlikely to get full support, and may even foment opposition.

    Ever since I was taught this in the early 90s I was very successful when I addressed both these factors. If I didn’t address point 1, my point 2 arguments were very seldom successful.

    It’s worth watching which politicians employ both 1 and 2. Note that sometimes just addressing point 1 and ignoring point 2, will suffice in the short to medium term.

    Current example: Justin Trudeau is really playing point 1 hard. Everyday he doles out more money. Everyday it looks like he is doing something that people want. They feel good about what he is doing. This is NOT an endorsement of justin

  22. Quebec reopening elementary schools May 11, except for isle of Montreal I believe. Very interesting development.

  23. https://youtu.be/BR05LEDo5nM

    Saw this on Twitter. Nurse who is relaying a message from a friend. She says Dr. Kyle-Sidell’s video was pulled from YouTube, but I can still find it. She is also saying he is no longer working there because he questioned the protocol.

  24. Sure hope “no longer working there because he questioned the protocol” is false. Enough corruption in world already.

  25. The food chain breaking or anything else falling apart right now is not because of the covid19 itself but because of the CRAZY UNECESSARY FEAR around it.

    The panic, the fear, the quasi police state, the measures put in place those things are killing the economy.

    The covid is like the flu and should not even be on the news.
