Unraveling the False Woke Narrative of Systemic Racism

Scott Adams is one of the strongest supporters and allies of the Black community in America. Right now he is being portrayed by the Radical Left as an enemy of Black people only because they know that if his message gets spread widely, their hoax is over.

22 Replies to “Unraveling the False Woke Narrative of Systemic Racism”

  1. Scott touched on a key issue with radicals, who now occupy the left, when they can’t win the argument or make the point.

    They simply change definitions. It’s easy, CO2 emissions are “pollution,” governments “create jobs,” and systemic discrimination or racism, is not defined like as originally defined, by opportunity.

    But by “outcome,” a demonstrably invalid assumption.

    Bad schools in black areas, the outcome is the evidence without reference to opportunity which may be lacking, like school choice for example.

    But we can only look at certain outcomes, or we’d have to argue librarians and other female dominated fields are systemically misogynist. Or black dominated pro sports are only so because of sports racism.

    Scott’s other point, that you are what people convince of you of being. Scott’s mom called him, smart, he ended up that way.

    It influenced his thinking, he argues. So the question of the day is, if the world, including power hungry politicians, tells you you’re a victim, how will you act? Or does it make a convenient crutch for broken families, laws and communities?

    1. Thankfully a lot of middle class blacks didn’t and don’t listen to the victim proclamation bastards and are, hence, middle class People.

  2. Scott once again hits it out of the park! Every time I have tried to find an explanation of white privilege, the end result was pretty much the same. Once you went through the logic of it, just being white and alive was the problem. Doesn’t exactly motivate one to try and see their point of view.

    1. MDK – I loved Scott’s brilliant proposition that the W term (White Privilege) is offensive and disrespectful and should be treated like the N word. I believe in free speech and like Scott, would not want to outlaw the term, but it doesn’t help race relations to belittle people who have worked 12 hour days, 7 days a week to improve their lives and the lives of others.

  3. I feel like we’re reaching critical mass with the absurdities. Scott’s whiteboard explanation or more like his questions with respect to “systemic racism” reminded me of Liz May’s claim today how the RCMP is beset by systemic racism. SMH.
    Of course that could’ve been the Nyquill talking.

    1. That would be the mixture of NyQuil and whatever personality disorder medications she may be on.

  4. The biggest issue for “black lives” is that the victimhood industry does all it can to ensure as many blacks as possible are indoctrinated into a crab bucket mentality.

    1. You have provided the example of Systemic Racism for Scott that is clear and real, but not what was intended by the perps. The industrial level system that is based on profit derived from manipulation and amplification of a human frailty, the mainstream/social media being the easiest examples.

  5. Thomas Sowell
    The very word “slave” derives from the word for some white people who were enslaved on a mass scale—the Slavs—for more centuries than blacks were enslaved in the Western Hemisphere.

    Thomas Sowell
    When slavery is mentioned, too many people automatically think of whites enslaving blacks. That is not even one-tenth of the story of slavery, which existed on every inhabited continent.

    All the foregoing not to excuse the real problems and injustices that exist.

    This isn’t that.

    There be strange goings on going on.

  6. PHB reminds me of most of the bosses I had ever since I finished my B. Sc. more than 40 years ago.

  7. Late 1980’s I was on Gorée, (‘The Slave Island’), just offshore from Dakar, Senegal, where many slaves were shipped to the US.

    Ferry ride over included a tour….young African guide said that they get a lot of Black American visitors who inevitably ask “How could ‘you’ sell your own people into slavery?”

    Standard answer was “They weren’t OUR people…they came from Mali, Guinea, etc”.

  8. More and more we see angry young woman, people who are sexually different & mentally unsound and a lot of bona fide idiots claim that the game is rigged against their success.
    They want the ‘outcome’ that Shamrock mentions: to be as successful as somebody who is smarter and harder working; and maybe even better looking and nicer as well.
    The BLM people have seen the outcome success that these bellyackers have acquired and are merely trying to get their slice of the pie, but what they have failed to see is the backlash from the evermore unified right that is increasingly colour blind.

  9. You cannot get a job of a taxi cab driver at Toronto Pearson airport, if you are not a Punjabi Sikh.
    This is systemic racism in Canada. Now, deal with it, Truedough!

  10. Nor can a A white Anglo Euro Centric get one with the CBC or the RCMP, and if ya don’t speak French and happen to be straight, work for Service Canada in any manner in the West.

    Plenty of that kind of shit in this country…..

    1. Plenty of that kind of shit in this country…..

      I’ve mentioned several times on SDA that ads for post-secondary faculty positions are worded in such a way that they mean: “Single white conservative heterosexual men of European descent need not apply.”

      It’s fair game, however, for anyone not matching that description.

  11. The only systemic racism is the one against whites

    whites are the only race not allowed to be proud of their race, the only race who is considered guilty of racism, the only race that can lose its job for supposed racism, the only race that is forced to take in millions of immigrants from other races

    I could go on with 20 other examples easily

    anti white racism is part of the rules part of the law, part of the culture it is part of the SYSTEM

    anti white racism is SYSTEMIC

    anti white racism is INSTITUTIONALIZED

    anti white racism is imposed on us by our own governement it could not be MORE SYSTEMIC than that

    anti black racism is illegal and has pretty much vanished in north america

    the only systemic racism is the one against whites.

    1. And it is based on colour. I’m Finnish, very white skinned, but Finns are genetically most closely aligned with the yellow skins, in the Finnish case the Mongols. But Science doesn’t matter; we’re light or white. Just don’t confuse us with Russians. That would be a mistake.

  12. My approach to someone claiming they or someone else is being held back by (pick your nebulous left wing bogey man du jour) is to say, okay, let’s assume that the problem has now been solved and (x x x) has been eliminated. It’s (e.g. six o’clock) in the morning on the day after it’s disappeared. The alarm goes off. What are you going to do with this day (differently)? What stops you from doing that now? I’ve never gotten a coherent answer. Which is essentially saying that the “problem” never existed in the first place.

  13. I’ll give you an example of systemic racism. They have replaced all the black boards with white boards.

  14. SA dismissal of IQ is a bit disingenuous as there is plenty of research that states that low IQ children transplanted to high IQ parents remain low IQ. Some of the more compelling evidence is that of twins separated at birth. However, it doesn’t really matter if IQ is genetic or not.

    It is plainly observable that stupidity is the cause of crime and poverty. It takes intelligence to earn more money. It takes intelligence to make do with less. Stupid people, in general, make bad decisions with money and end up poor. Smart people, in general, make good decisions and end up well off. Specific rare examples to the contrary do not invalidate the general rule.

    So we have a large population of stupid people who were all laid off due to the hysteria over the chinese lung aids. They have nothing to lose by rioting. So, given that they are stupid and cannot understand the consequences of their actions, they are currently rioting. Now, some relatively clever people, who perhaps possess a form of low animal cunning, are attempting to harness that stupidity for their own ends.

    Smart people are terrified by the mass violence and disorder going on and are taking effective steps to deal with it.

    Stupidity also explains why people vote Liberal. Malice explains why some smart people do.
