17 Replies to “WE, Not You”

  1. All hail Prime Midgetster Freeland. May the sun never set on her magnamous reign.

  2. It’s July 9, 2020. The US dept of defence just OK’d a deal to sell Japan 105 F-35s for $23billion. Roughly the amount of money that Ottawa nets from Alberta every year.

    Year #2: Nimitz class aircraft carrier…about $22billion with operating costs etc.

    Just saying; we could have a pretty kick ass air force if we separated. And…free rides on the aircraft carrier for all taxpaying citizens of Buffalo as it cruises up and down the St Lawrence protecting Buffalo’s oil shipping port. 🙂

    “Requesting permission to buzz the tower at Trudeau international airport?”

  3. I am waiting for Justin to announce what we did wrong, and how this should be a learning experience for all of us.

    1. Yup, we’re bad and it was someone else who did this. Oh and now he has to wear a bulletproof vest again to get that dramatic victim thing rolling.

    1. Theo hasn’t had an easy life. He made it tougher with the choices that he made but to his credit he overcame his demons. Good for you Theo. You are so much more than our PM.

  4. Another Theo Fleury tweet: “It’s time for Trudeau to resign.”

    Well said, Theo. And thank-you!

  5. As an observation about collective behaviour and their reaction when their chosen one errs.

    The first time will be attributed to inexperience and they will excuse it.
    The second time those in the inner circle will tell the fan base it was bad advise from one or two advisors/friends of the chosen one. The fan base will stifle their criticism and enter into the stages of disbelief. After a couple of months for the issue to go down the memory hole, the “errant advisor” will be allowed back inside the comfy fur room.
    The third time does damage as half the fan base refuses to see any excuse for the screw up for anything other than the doing of the chosen one.

    That is the premise for the next question.

    The question is, what plausible excuse are they going to use the next time he screws up?

    1. “The question is, what plausible excuse are they going to use the next time he screws up?”

      The answer is, they never needed a plausible excuse, Joseph. Canadians just don’t care about ethics.

      While the little tit was campaigning to be PM the news came out that he had frequently absented himself from his parliamentary duties to jet around the country and collect lucrative speaking fees from charities and publicly-funded institutions. And Canadians responded to this glaring example of greed, waste, and arrogance by giving him a majority. And then there was the Aga Khan, and SNC, and, and, etc. And he’s still PM. So why would he and his rats think that ethics mattered to the public and that plausible excuses were necessary?

      1. Exactly Jamie…They don’t.

        I would clarify that by saying…it’s mostly Ontarians, Quebeceurs and those living in the lower Mainland that could care less.

        Liberal Party = Quebec MAFIA. And supported wholeheartedly by those noted above.
        I often wonder when/where if ever our Pinochet will arrive…At this point, cant see it happening ever.
        The ROT is permanent.
        ERGO WEXIT is a must.

        1. “I would clarify that by saying…it’s mostly Ontarians, Quebeceurs and those living in the lower Mainland that could care less.”

          Well, I’ll clarify that a bit. If you look at the election result maps Ontario’s farm country is a sea of blue. The Liberal votes come from the large urban centers – primarily Trawna and Ottawa.

          Suffice to say that most of Canada lives under the tyranny of an uncaring, unthinking urban majority.

  6. The audio is so bad I couldn’t understand what those ugly twats were talking about. The one the right … not twat.

  7. Some speakers are more equal than others. It is funny how the family of people that can hand out government grants (Trudeaus) can pocket hundreds of thousands in speaking fees and others with out this power are unpaid. In the old days that was a bribe me thinks.

  8. The Bong has never understood ethics. Never heard the word in his home as a kid. He was never held to an ethical standard.

    His distance from a mothers love has made him a narcissist and psychopath. He simply fails to grasp any concept of being human. It does not resonate with him. He can’t equate to compassion for others.
