40 Replies to “July 10, 2020: Reader Tips”

    1. Wow! In the WE DAY performance after Canada Day, Margaret is trying to be so like the gal she once was. But like Justin, she too, never grew up. What a pathetic, money grubbing family.

      One can almost hear the song, “We’re In The Money” from the movie “Gold Diggers Of 1933″…..
      “Come on my honey, let’s lend it, spend it, send it rolling around”….. in the following Craig Oliver interview with Margaret Trudeau, the night Justin won his first election.

      Some statements are almost prophetic, from Margaret, such as, “he always wins…we all have to work very hard to make the changes happen…. for awhile we were kind of doomed as Canadians to have what we had, it was never enough to me.”

      Here is that interview with Craig:

      It is no wonder that here in 2020, we as Canadians, are where we are now with actor PM Justin Trudeau and his stoner’s invention, the “WE CHARITY.” Canadians have to pay to get in at the theatre of Trudeaumania Part 2 because the show must go on. These people don’t know what else to do because it’s what they ‘do’. There are no other tricks in their bags. They must be paid.

      For further insight into the raising of this poser Prime Minister, the following interview gives one a glimpse of why he is who he is. Check out this rarely seen interview of Margaret Trudeau on
      “60 Minutes- Australia” it is very telling, watch Margaret, the actress.
      As they say,  “like mother, like son.”

      Here it is: “Margaret Trudeau’s turbulent life as Canada’s ‘First Lady’ | 60 Minutes Australia”

      Think she too, is a bit of a nutter, or are they both desperate narcissists?

      1. The whole thing with Maggie and Pierre stunk from the beginning.

        He needed an heir. Her family wanted to strengthen their political connections. He needed a beard (wink wink, nudge nudge). Her family needed to make her respectable and to make her someone else’s problem. He needed a more youthful image. She needed a daddy. He needed to strengthen his political base. She wanted status.

        It was a political arrangement just like royal marriages in days of old. The king gets an alliance with a former enemy and a way of ensuring the lineage. Meanwhile, he has his collection of mistresses and assorted concubines to keep him entertained.

        Please correct me if I’m wrong.

        1. You are correct, sir! She was the perfect ‘princess’, from a long line of West Coast Liberal bagmen – the Sinclairs of West Van, one of whom has a large, prominent building in downtown Vancouver named in his honour. She was say, 19 to PET’s 42 (or was it 46?) All the hallmarks of an arranged marriage between ‘noble’ houses.

          1. I think he was actually 50. In that time, to be a man, 50 and unmarried, meant that you were a “homo”. Yes, I agree with the comment above, that he needed a beard. The Liberal Party top brass strongly suggested that he marry and produce some children in double quick time. He supposedly met Margaret on a beach while vacationing. I think he was set up.
            I DO think he was a good Justice Minister, but sadly, rose to his level of incompetence as Prime Minister.

          2. BM:

            He was a Pearson appointee. It all started when former Justice Minister Guy Favreau resigned over the Maurice Rivard scandal.

            Pearson desperately wanted a Quebecois presence in cabinet in order to keep the FLQ happy. He brought in 3 backbenchers: Gerard Pelltier, Jean Marchand (I think), and Trudeau. A few years later, the Liberals chose PET as party leader after Pearson stepped down.

          3. Bong sr knew Margaret as she is a daughter of James Sinclair. James was a librano MP for 20 years and was a serious west coast influencer and bag man for the libranos.

            When I was a colt I ‘headed west’ and spent a coupla years in Vancouver. Margaret was an IT girl around town. She made ‘the team’ with the BC Lions football club and was a fixture on the gossip pages. A space cadet unable to control herself or her mind. She married a father figure 30 years her senior.

            Bong sr was a homosexual who would dally with flaky women. Streisand, Kidder, Boyd types. A DM buddy of mine who was in the PET government told me that The Bong sr’s ‘man’ accompanied them on their honeymoon.

          4. Abt @ 12:41 pm
            Wasn’t that Michael Pitfield, PET’s office administrator? Back in the day, they used the title “Secretary.”

            The guy I’m referring to @ 12:11 pm in the post script was a former Montreal Allouette football player. Don’t know his name.

          5. ABT:

            Many years ago, I attended a Leona Boyd concert here in Edmonton. When my mother heard about it, she was a bit astonished that I was going. (Imagine a German accent): “Ja, she screwt arount viss Trudeau.”

            As for the concert itself, I found it a bit boring as she performed stuff that I hadn’t heard before (not all of it good, in my opinion) and drifted off at times. Mind you, it was a really hot day I was back in the nosebleed section of the Jubilee Auditorium.

          6. Checked online; Margaret was born Sep 10/48 while Pierre was born Oct 18/19. That makes her 22 at the time of their marriage on Mar 4/71. There is an almost 29 year difference between them. And there were stories out there that Margaret wasn’t just a “flower child” but a “wild child”.

          7. Nancy:

            I take it that nobody knows what position that Alouette played. (I’m being too polite to make some obvious suggestions…..)

          8. NR

            Indeed it was Michael Pitfield. My buddy said Michael would attend meetings and smoke a cigar emitting smoke rings, never contributing a thing. PET would pop by the meeting and the 2 would sit and giggle. Sometimes PET had his toenails painted while wearing his sandals.

            Don’t know about the Montreal footballer but apparently she made a pass through the Lions locker room. Another salacious story I heard while out there was an abortion that took place in the washroom at the Bay……arrrrugh.

            PET has been inducted into the homo hall of fame (yes there is such a thing).

            What kind of an upbringing could a pair like those 2 provide to a child?

          9. Reply @ 3:22 pm abtrapper-
            Those are golden! Never heard any of them except that she was a WILD one! Maybe she still is!

        2. I remember the Maggie-Pierre breakup. I was about 30 years old at the time, a middle-level economist at a think-tank in Ottawa. The start and the breakup took place around 1979 or 1980, I forget the exact time. Our five-person team used to read out loud the blow-by-blow accounts of Maggie cavorting around, in what was at the time a fairly conservative Globe and Mail.

          My immediate boss at the time, Nathan Laurie, quit soon after to take a job as an economic advisor to Pierre Trudeau in the PMO. When Maggie finally split, she bought Nathan s house on Victoria Street in the upscale New Edinborough district in Ottawa. Nathan Laurie lost his cushy PMO job when Brian Mulroney s PCs swept into power in 1984. But Nathan landed well, since the Toronto Star gave him a job as the lead economic commentator for that Liberal newspaper.

          My how time flies! At the start of the Maggie-Trudeau breakup, I was a young economist in fifth year of my professional career — and today I have completed four years as a retired economics professor. So this scandal is 40 years later, from her first scandal. How time flies.

          1. I heard the announcement of their splitting on my first convocation day, which would have been in 1977. I don’t think it became permanent until several years later.

          2. @ 11:04 Reply to BA and SDA Commentators
            DB, BM & DM

            On election night 2015 when I saw the Craig Oliver interview with Margaret Trudeau I knew then that we as taxpayers would have to watch out for Justin’s generosity with your money in the government coffers. This scheme with the Kling-on-burger brothers was the answer to Margaret’s dreams and prayers for cash. She was way too happy that he won the election.

            Their scheme is quite transparent. Did they think that as long as they bought the Press they would get away with it? What’s going to happen now that “We Charity” is exposed. Will Justin have Bill Morneau add to the budget another provision, such as:
            “Other Miscellaneous”:
            $250, 000 per annum to Client XXXX?

            Let’s hope Sheila Gunn-Reid of Rebel News reports on it. No one else will dare. Trudeau will likely splash more cash to the mainstream Media to shut up about all things Liberal.

            P.S. Remember Pierre alledgedly had a provision of $75,000/annum for a male lover back in the day. Margaret’s cause is a little more noble, she is the ‘ex’ and is blood. /s

            B A:
            I finished your poem from yesterday, the first stanza here-in repeats yours. It’s called:

            The Sycophants

            Useless Maggie, that disgrace,
            Her son Justin’s a waste of space
            But don’t think I’ll ever thank her
            For giving birth to that wanker.

            She liked her coke
            He liked to toke,
            Both were in the tank
            For the Government Bank.

            Then one day
            He came to say,
            You don’t have to be an eagle
            For I’ve made pot legal.

            So money’s there
            Do not despair,
            Want more for tokes?
            I’ve got the blokes.

            Here’s the money
            Go shop for the funny,
            I’ll get a pension
            A big one too fat to mention.

          3. Nancy:

            Your poetry has me chuckling this morning. Witty and accurate.

          4. @ 12:29pm B A
            Thank you B, you were my inspiration, or I should say,
            it’s all your fault!

            You were correct at 08:39, PET knew Maggie’s father. These were good comments here. I bet there will be more ‘stuff’ to hit the fan.

          5. Nancy:

            You’re welcome.

            Unfortunately, much of what happened in the past finally makes sense thanks to current circumstances. It’s a rather high price to pay for insights and conclusions.

          6. @1:20 pm B A

            Yes, the Government doesn’t give pensions to housewives nor divorcees, which is what Margaret Trudeau is. Pierre was rather too parsimonious to give her anything. As for the other husband, who knows. She did say both her husbands were generous to her 5 children with their time. She likely has been asking for help to live her whole life. Yes, it is all so clear now, in retrospect.

            As for comment @1:39 pm
            Ha! Good One!

          7. C’mon DM. You must have read Frank Magazine back in that era. It was classic. Hell I lived in AB and subscribed to it!
            Michael Coren wrote under the headline Aesthete . It was his best writing. Beyond sarcasm. Wicked and funny.

            Haven’t read it in years but back in it’s day every MP, cabinet minister and I’ll bet everyone in the PMO read it.

          8. ABT:

            Frank was quite the scandal rag at its peak. I looked forward to each issue, even though it tended to focus more on Ontario and Quebec. At its best, it was laugh-out-loud funny.

        1. Wow, I never heard that either.
          However, I did hear one about Maggie alledgedly ‘walking’ in on PET ‘with’ another guy. It’s alledgedly what set her off to Toronto and or NYC on her ‘freedom’ trips.

          1. Substitute “Sophie” for “Maggie” and “JT” for “PET” and “Gerald Butts” for “another guy” and, voila, we’re 45 years later.

        2. Google just stuffed that down the memory hole, Ezra’s link no longer works

  1. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) needs to audit every single transaction the WE Charity has made from day one. This whole setup stinks to high heaven.

  2. Very important and BREAKING NEWS1111111

    Robert De Niro s lawyer says that says that the major Donald Trump-hater is in financial difficulties and must cut his wife s alimony and child care amounts by 50%:

    It is the Wuhan virus that is hurting the poor man. Note that with the new cutback, his wife and kids are not exactly starving. Her monthly allowance goes from $100,000 to a mere $50,000 a month. Poor thingies. Poor Robert De Niro.

    1. Her monthly allowance goes from $100,000 to a mere $50,000 a month.

      We all must make sacrifices during these times, right?

  3. Jebus give me strength.

    Sports Illustrated swimsuit model is a Brazilian tranny? What was wrong with Kate Upton or Vita Sidorkina? They’d get yur blood up.

    1. Oh, jeez….. I think it’s the same one that was hired by Victoria’s Secret a while back. No, thanks.

      Many years ago, I bought two copies of an SI swimsuit issue, sending one of them to my father. Going through his stuff a while back, I found it again…. in mint condition. Among the models featured was a young Elle Macpherson, as well as Paulina Porizkova (the former Mrs. Ric Ocasek) . Of course, it wouldn’t have been a proper swimsuit issue without a few pictures of Kathy Ireland, a frequent favourite back then.

      Now it seems that if one meets a pretty young thing, one has to apply the Crocodile Dundee test first.

    2. Judging from the comments I read on a Yahoo article about it, Sports Illustrated will likely be joining Nike and Gillette in the “Go woke, go broke” department.

      Nobody liked the move and, for some, it was the last straw after the plus-sized model and the one in the hijab were featured in previous issues. Some swore never to read another SI, others were glad they either cancelled their subscriptions or let them lapse.

      It won’t bother me any. The only reason I ever looked at an issue of SI was for the ladies and now I have a reason to give that up.

      1. BA

        Agreed. I wouldn’t dream of reading SI. I liked the swimsuit issue and that’s it.

        Playboy in it’s day did some worthwhile journalism.

        1. The only reason I ever bought a copy of Playboy for an article (aside from the ones of the “ahem” variety) was when it published an excerpt from Arthur C. Clarke’s novel 2010.

          No, it wasn’t worth it and the bit that was printed didn’t show up in the movie. As for the centrefold, she was OK.

          However, after it went I, Napoleon after Hefner’s death, it lost credibility with me as well.

  4. Playboy interviewed Ayn Rand. I remember ‘reading’ that issue. They did long form journalism which today is almost unheard of.

    P.J. O’Rourke wrote for them. I enjoy his libertarian bent.
