65 Replies to “July 10, 2020: Reader Tips”

      1. That’s not surprising to me. If it wasn’t for the Site C dam and the Indian/Metis offices in Fort St. John, the town may as well fold up.

        In the time since I’ve been working on settling my father’s estate, I’ve had a chance to talk with some of my seatmates. Many of those who travel to FSJ from the Lower Mainland are there on native business.

        1. When I worked there in the mid-80s, it was a culture shock to see the natives in town, sleeping in cardboard boxes in vacant lots on the north end of town, just off the strip. Had never seen homeless before that, and couldn’t understand the mindset. Then I saw where their reserves were, and the Shtholes that those places were, sleeping in a box was understandable, in the summer.
          Worked with a fella whose wife was a social worker with IA, serving these reserves and heard the stories. One reserve lived more like cavemen than modern society, too many stories to tell. Backward societies. And they wonder why they have problems.
          This was during the time that Treaty8 was settled, and all the bucks bought new trucks with their free lucre. Wonder how long it took to trash them?
          Dat racisssssssssss? I guess in the eyes of self-loathing PC Liberal socialists, well yes it is.. Where’s my re-education camp?

          1. I’ve been to some of the reserves in the area (e. g., Halfway, Doig), so I know what you’re referring to.

            I remember hearing about a band near Fort Nelson getting a nice payout from a settlement. My mother wondered about the same thing you did: how many new pickups were bought with that cash?

    1. I love when there are open comment boxes. “Stop the systemic discrimination against common Canadian heritage and culture by the racist aboriginal-only schools that don’t prepare indigenous students for the real world. This survey is racist, focusing on one group of Canadians to the detriment of all others. Stop being so racist in your questions and outlook.”

      As effective as a fart in a windstorm, but it needs saying once in a while.

  1. Apparently the Cuban snail mail has never reached the AB NDP commie lovers yet.


    Castro admitted that the state has too big a role in the nations economy.
    Not that the Red Rachel commies could understand the simple principle that it is the creativity, resourcefulness and hard work of INDIVIDUALS that create wealth and lead countries onward and upward.

    When Pierre came to power in 1968, Canada had 38 crown corps with $5 bil of assets.
    By 1980, there were well over 400 state corps with over $80 bil of assets, with most run by people who did not have any use for capitalism.
    Fascist state corporatism hit the big time in Canada under Pierre.
    And in the 1980s, Canada wallowed in desperation because of all the tax dollars misappropriated into building Trudeau’s corporate state, a la Mussolini.

    Time for new guys with new ideas, to quote an old politician. heh

  2. This kind of stuff is so predictable in Canada.
    If there isn’t any white supremacists around then the Libcomms will create them.
    In the US they have this guy in Oregon doing the same thing.


    Edmonton evening news said a neighborhood has had the tires slashed and swastikas painted on the cars.

    Nazis=swastikas=white supremacists=Libcomms.
    Old Libcomm Hedy Fry was a perfect example of this tactic.

    The Libcomms are the only party that benefits from this bullspit.
    You’d think that they’d grow up some day.

    1. As has been said before, when you make victimhood a currency, you should expect counterfitters.

    2. They’re making up the alleged threat to Trudeau, too, or at least, overplaying it with regards to the bullet-proof vest on Justine. Global News is the biggest Liberal presstitute ally in this scheme.

      1. Global/Corus, BCE/CTV, CBC, they all are major GASLIGHT industries in Canada.

        They will never be honest with CANADIANS, instead, they spin their yarns and lies defending and promoting the far left PC culture of Trudeau Liberal LaLaLand and their fantasies about the wondrousness of it all

    1. Stacey Abrams is 46 years old. Looking at her photos, she is the perfect snapshot of the weight gain in the USA over the past 50 years. And the health problems related to obesity.
      I would bet everything I own that she will not be alive in 2040… 😉

          1. Oh get with it. PP is all sarcasm, all the time. It’s easy to be dour in these times, but retain your sense of humour, DUDE!
            From your posts, you need to laugh now and then! Even at yourself.

          2. Dan, in order for sarcasm to be sarcasm one has to post something that at some point in time is not sarcasm. I look forward to a truly thoughtful conservative post from P P. So far I have not read anything would lead me to believe that this person is being sarcastic. If you have read my many posts for the last thirty years you would know when I was being sarcastic.

    2. Hurmph

      Abrams? Nonsense, the VP nod needs to go to someone with excellent note keeping skills. For that reason it must be Susan Rice.
      She really knows how to CYA.
      And she meets all that yummy progressive check list.

      1. Except she is eminently unlikeable, and, a multi-award winner for caught in public lies.

        There is no good black female candidate, they all have major flaws, stated elsewhere by others. One is a former police chief from Florida, Kamala is a former prosecutor with a laundry list against her, plus her path to the top involved plenty of sexual favours. Susan Rice? No.

        Their best affirmative action candidate is Lizzie Warren, she’s a real good Commie. And the Demarxists have gone full Commie, so they need one at Sleepy Joe’s side to keep him on track.

        The Dark Horse is Michael, of course……..with Oprah as a 100 to 1 long shot. It will probably be one of those two frauds.

        1. The Dark Horse is Michael

          Oh, dear, that could be construed as, well, you know….. We are thinking about the same “Michael”, aren’t we?

  3. Climate Activists Step Up Calls for Imprisoning Climate Realists

    The latest example is an article in The Carbon Brief titled “How climate change misinformation spreads online.” The authors, who are all University of Exeter professors, advocate fines and imprisonment for people publishing “climate misinformation” online.

    “… I believe Anthony Watts should be frogmarched to The Hague as well. No question, in my mind. In fact, I find the idea of a defense of his actions ethically reprehensible.”

    #defunduniversities (except STEM)

    1. With our bought and paid for Media? Is this a serious question or did you miss a \sarc at the end?

      We will hear about a minor written note from the Ethics Commissioner to the “One who can do no wrong” warning him to behave and that will be it.

      Payments for speeches from family members is not illegal or even wrong, even Sophie is clear on this as she is not a representative if the Gov’t. If the Anointed one got paid that is a different story. I don’t expect the media to look for cross pollination of charities with WE or it’s founders giving to Trudeau Family Foundations.

      The Libs are getting this out now in a controlled fashion to get ready for a fall election call.

    2. The Achilles heel of this is that while the chosen one has protected status, the Kielburger boys are only court followers competing for the affections of the chosen one. They are expendable and all the other court followers will throw them under the bus to preserve their meal ticket ….er …… the sock monkey.

      The only way this ends is when the sock monkey goes out of style.

    3. Short of the US Marines showing up at Rideau Cottage to help Justin move out, no. Never.

  4. Defund the Police? How About We Defund the Universities

    ‘So, science cannot stand: in the U.S. it is being replaced by “feminist science,” and in Canada by First Nations “indigenous science.” ‘

    “The core principles and foundations that keep the United States intact, that provide our citizens with their civic personalities and national identities, are being annihilated. The gravest internal threat to this country is not illegal aliens; it is leftist professors who are waging a war against America and teaching our young people to hate this country.”

    “If you like riots in the streets, looting, assaults, and murder, and are happy with the destruction of public property such as police stations and statues…then keep funding and supporting universities.” Except STEM and business…


  5. Defund the government by 98%. Then we can get on with a productive, civil life.

    The parasites will perish. We’ll put the criminals on the north shore of Baffin Island. If they’re seen south of that, the Rangers could mistake them for polar bears.

  6. With the caveat that there are some that don’t think highly of Scheer or his performance, I want to offer the following bit.

    Andrew Lawton (@AndrewLawton) Tweeted:
    Conservative leader @AndrewScheer gave a deserved smackdown of the mainstream media’s mask shaming obsession this morning. https://t.co/SBuqfuYwl7

    I guess what I’m thinking is, if he had of addressed the media like this during huge election would it have turned out differently?

    1. L-If he did that kind of reply on everything during the election. He would not be the past leader of the CPC. He limits his criticism of political correctness to least controversial, mildest examples.

      The CPC during the election and before it, didn’t even criticize Justin Trudeau suspending the rule of law(in effect) inviting in illegal immigrants with criminal backgrounds(as per CSBA union press conference), which are grounds for not only denying the immigrant status. It also is grounds for denying them entry to Canada !

      Trudeau’s “achievement” of a Trillion plus dollar national debt is analogous to Liberal(+ P.C.) gun control resulting in gangstas shooting up urban Canada as the new normal. One where, while doing so, they were also designated a protected species, able to intimidate(terrorize) the citizenry in perfect safety.

      Now the same Cult. Marxists are intoxicated to the gills with their campaign to intimidate(terrorize) police officers into de-policing.

  7. Rumours are swirling this morning that WE will announce that it is becoming a division of the Church of Scientology to improve its image. Margaret Trudeau will be named as the church’s Grand Wizard. In other news this morning, Canadians are racist bastards.

  8. According to B.C.’s health minister its apparently racist to ask if a drunken indian is drunk when he shows up at a hospital.

    1. That’s a new challenge for health care workers: They’ll have to ask every drunk who shows up if he/she is Indian so they can avoid racist behaviour against Indians who show up drunk (e.g. asking if they are drunk.)

  9. Blacklock website reports that Great Leader spent over six hundred million dollars on the G7 summit two years ago. Half of that was spent on entertaining the leaders.

    1. Harper spent a billion.

      Glenn Beck joked that they are spending a billion dollars to discuss austerity!

  10. Great Leader Blackie is avoiding the media today. He will be making a phone call to the prime minister of Greece, and then will head for his Harrington Lake resort. While the peasants are being ordered to stay away from beaches, its a good thing he has his own private beach at Harrington Lake.

  11. Great news for the religion of peace. The Islamic dictator of Turkey has signed the order to turn the Hagia Sophie museum into a mosque. Canada will have to speed up its ongoing conversion of Christian churches into mosques.

    1. Canada will have to speed up its ongoing conversion of Christian churches into mosques.

      Considering what most denominations are like nowadays, that shouldn’t take much effort, if they haven’t done it already on their own.

      1. The background pic in the statement speaks for itself.
        The parts in question are mostly springs, hardened pins and a buffer that the bolt rides against to rechamber a round and go into battery.
        Dont worry about me. I can look after myself….
        Worry instead about Librano government overreach.

  12. Justine’s epic quote to Bloomberg “we took on the debt so Canadians wouldn’t have to”. There is not one university kid today that understands how stupid our PM is.

    1. That is about as stupid a statement I’ve ever heard a politician utter. Canadians pay either way.

  13. CBC News is reporting on its web page that Finnce Minister Bill Morneau has family members linked to the WE Charity, and that one is working with WE on contract. The Hon. Bill Morneau did not recuse himself when discussing and voting for the intended $900+-million WE contract. But not to worry, since Cabinet deliberations are confidential.

    It’s July, on a hot Friday afternoon, so will Canadians and other media be interested?

  14. Do you have a star on your belly?

    There must be a new “journalism” standard. And it proves that there’s a progressive intent to separate people.

    I’ve noticed lately that skin color is capitalized….when has the color of our skin gone from being just a description of one of a person’s attributes (such as eye color and hair color), and been made into a category separating an entire group of people from another?

    He’s not a black man, he’s a Black man. I’m not white, I’m White.
    Oh…it’s not just fox…

  15. Anyone else who has deferred taking OAS find out this week that the $300 “free” money goes not to those who are eligible, as all the official stuff says, but only to those presently receiving it?

    Per Lewis Carroll, “When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.”
    “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”
    “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master—that’s all.”

  16. The Post Millennial is reporting that CPC Leadership candidate Peter McKay has deleted a tweet where he praises the WE Charity. His wife spoke at a 2013 WE Day event, where he brought his kids.
