51 Replies to “The Emerald City is About to Lose Its Luster … Big Time!”

  1. Perfect.
    The results should be in by September,October, bearing fruit for Trump 2020.
    I love watching cities burn themselves.
    This is the age of Emoting,for our progressive comrades have convinced themselves that human nature is infinitely malleable.
    Just one of those things they know for sure that is not so.
    So watching these cities entering their death throws is priceless..
    If you are not a Progressive twit,IF is important,get out now.
    Suburbia will provide all kind of exciting opportunities,soon enough.

    Classic how the old madnesses manifest over and over.
    Antifa being a beauty,we behave as fascists to fight fascists.
    But even though we speak as fascists do,act as fascists do and assault other people just like fascists do..”We are not fascists”.
    “How dare you,subhumans mock our benevolence?”
    The superior creatures have spoken..Spokane will be legend.

  2. I love to see communists campaigning for Trump. Add Washington to Trump’s victory. Is the state governor stupid enough to let these idiots do it? Half the funding means maybe 1/3 the cops or less on the streets. The few cops left won’t respond to anything. They will wait an hour for available backup.

      1. Shouldn’t his official title be “Failed 2020 Democrat Presidential Candidate” and Governor Jay Inslee?

        BTW he is so unknown, my spell check tries to change his name to Insole.

  3. Who cares. let them kill themselves and all others should shoot first and ask after.

  4. Agreed, it will be epic! The down side from all this stupid, is probably a civil war, and Seattle is only about 150 miles from the Canadian border, so I expect spillover, and of course we have our own idiocy with the Burn Loot Murder crew, Antifa and a dreamy woke prime minister, so I would expect similar antics here in Canada. Our side is slowly running out of safe sensible places to live, both here and the US. I know Kenji has said he’s getting out as soon as his wife retires, but I’m not sure where he plans to get out too.
    Another problem is that lefty types that don’t want to live on the front lines are getting out as well, but they end up creating the same problem a few years down the road with their woke policies, and progressive ideals, thus reducing further, safe places to live. It’s probably a good thing I won’t be around to see it, but I sure would love to come back for a peek in about fifty years or so, I bet that would be mind numbing! You can’t fix stupid, but it can be darned entertaining.

  5. A fitting end in my opinion and illustrates perfectly as to what happens when West coast Liberals migrate to set up shop in other areas.
    Look out Idaho.

    1. Idaho is well armed, but the 2ndAmend. types have been slow to the party. Can’t blame them as lefty lynch mobs run the prosecutors offices and threaten charges if defending yourself.. Reference the McCloskies… Not sure whats happening on that front… Gotta go after local gov., as in WhiteLivesMatter going to Their homes with tar and feathers.

  6. Watching leftist cretins shit in their own nests! What a time to be alive. Bring on the hard times so we can make hard men again. Augusto Pinochet, we hardly knew ya.

  7. Trying hard to catch up to Vancouver’s insanity. (thats right Vancouver is worse!) Its what happens when the Tides Foundation owns the politicians.

      1. Vancouver BC, we have had a no-go zone barely policed for at least twenty years-downtown east-side.

        1. Gastown was a pretty creepy place 40 years ago even after it had been cleaned up during the 1970s.

  8. They should defund the police 100% so we can watch Antifa do their thing full-time.

    “More than 6.5 million gun-sale background checks were conducted from January 1 through April 30, according to the latest NSSF research, which showed a 48% year-over-year rise from the same period in 2019. Firearms retailers surveyed by NSSF in May estimated that 40% of their sales came from first-time gun buyers.”

  9. Microsoft & Boeing must be happy…How do they recruit talent to a SHIT-HOLE State… the Sun belt gets better & bigger…
    60+ years ago silicone Valley research was in New England (Wang, Bell)… Could return if the West Coast continues to tank…Shit moves

    1. No. Silicon Valley electronics will move to Texas – and NOT Austin, the socialist pocket in Texas. Why Austin, it’s the seat of the State government and therefore full of “intellectuals” and bureaucrats, socialists all.

        1. it is still a terrific town to visit, despite the youts and yuniversity. they’ve got a bronze statue of stevie ray vaughn! well…. it was still there 5 years ago

    2. Boeing moved its HQ quite some time ago to Chicongo, thats not to say they still do not have a major presence. Microsoft would never admit it is a Seattle company, Redmond dontchaknow, but the previous comment applies plenty of employees no doubt dotted around the greater Seattle area. It will be interesting seeing the flight of companies from Seattle area. The feds in many ways support the economy with a large naval and air force presence.

    3. You forgot Amazon, which as a leftist proggy org, has been fighting back against Seattle Silly Council, in their failed head tax scheme. Yet, Silly Council remains on the path to eventually get their way, despite the asinine and destructive nature of their stupid agenda. Amazon threatened once to move, though their move may just be to Kirkland, Bellevue, or another burb of Seattle.
      I’m glad I got my visits in to Seattle over the years, my visits have diminished over the last 10 years. It was always a great place to wander thru downtown, hit the eateries and bars for pre-game bevvies, before watching bad Seahawk teams or Mariner baseball, though I really enjoy the ballpark atmosphere at Safeco.
      But NO MORE. Don’t know when we will be back, and if we do, it will be staying far, far from downtown, if we go at all. They are cutting their own throats, and too stupid to be able to realize it.

  10. I will repeat something which I learned from the Roy Green Show last year –
    Why Communities Crumble…
    1. There isn’t anyone smart enough to maintain infrastructure.
    2. Money to support the community is stolen quicker than it is handed out
    3. People who like infrastructure and not crime, move away.

  11. Put a fifteen foot fence around the place, toss in plenty of small arms and ammunition, and come back in a month or so to make a deal with the Top Dog.

    1. ” … toss in plenty of small arms and ammunition …”

      Aye. About 2 or 3 hours after the booze and cocaine.

  12. I cheer on Seattle City Council. Yes, you need less police and you will get for less of them than you anticipated. I suspect a strike or mass resignation is on the line.

  13. I’m glad I visited Seattle seven years ago. I too suggest setting up bleachers and charging admission to watch the shit show.

    1. Drones with High Res cameras, pay per view website, best of highlights, maybe an eventual TV Deal.

  14. Can I get a hell yeah! I just hope the police are wise and refuse calls for service in the liberal areas like Capital Hill etc. Don’t like the police? Don’t call them bitches.

  15. “No problem. If you need a cop, just speed. One wil find you.”
    Actually, not QUITE true.
    I know a cop in Vancouver B.C. who told me a year ago(long before the latest mess) that they VERY seldom pull over
    any minority because, more often that not, the minority will claim racism, and be believed. So they just don’t bother.
    Now if you put this in the current context where cops are criticized/fired/disciplined for just doing their job what do
    you think will happen. In addition most have families they have to feed so it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize the effectiveness of a police force will really be deminished. You can’t tell me that no matter how dedicated a cop is,this isn’t going to be in the back of his mind ALL the time.
    Now, this is in Vancouver Canada where its a lot less volatile but the progressive mayor wants to be like the mayor of Seattle.

    1. The Mayor of Vanc. was arrested at Burnaby pipeline protest.. Before he was Mayor. I guess it gave him some street cred with the Flakes.

  16. Good.
    Turn the heat up to boil that frog.
    Maybe it will hop out of the pot.
    Faster, please.

    “Who is Officer John Galt?”

  17. What are the legal restrictions on forming armed militias in the US and Canada?
    Asking for a friend.

    1. yes in Canada. You can not have private militias. You may not drill in Canada it is the criminal code.

      1. Thinking back some lefties were trying to use the crimal code against some of the Canadian PMC’s used in the Afghanistan war. I think one was Garda. Their are others.

  18. It would interesting to watch. But it will not happen. The mayor got a call and took down the camps because it was not playing well. The city council has not got the memo yet. This not about a 50 percent reduction. Its about Federalising the police. After they have the white house.

  19. The people that made Seattle worthwhile have died out with the WW2 generation – and even before that, it was known as ‘the Soviet of Washington’. The thing propping it up now is the Amazon crowd, with satellite contractors and support services. The guy is spot on, it will be another Detroit. Opposition politicals have long since moved to suburbs.

  20. Florida has issued over 2 million CCW’s.
    Thats about 1 in 6 adults packing.

    I dare say its alot more of a polite place than the Emerald City.

    1. Florida, still my favorite place even though after this year I may not get back there ever again. Our condo is there for next year but, will the insanity that drove me back to Canada continue and be compounded. Ignorant people are destroying our lives and we seem to be unable to tell them to f-off, because that is what every level of government has to be told. It is no longer possible to be polite with stupid fascists/communists, they have to confronted physically.

      1. Well if Police Stopped enforcing “Social Engineering” the need for violence is reduced..

        1. No more TAX enforcement for Tobacco Products, let the State/City send a Bill… Maybe try to reward Folks for not Smoking. Remove all Taxes and allow X-border competition

        2. No more MADD enforcement… Drive home those found Impaired & Reward those that don’t drink & drive

        3. No financial penalties for Driving an unlicensed vehicle that has prior Documentation… Taxation issues not a police problem… Parking Tickets Etc…. Seat Belt

  21. A 50% reduction in the budget for the police would probably result in close to a 100% reduction in the number of police. What police officer would want to work for a police department without adequate resources, in a city that deliberately created the lack of resources?
