57 Replies to “The Libranos: And This Little Morneau Went “WE WE WE WE””

    1. He’s committed even worse things, such as forgetting about a certain villa in France, so why should he pack it in for this?

  1. Liberal’s never saw a dollar they haven’t tried to steal. It’s only a billion. Remember Harper’s big scandal – a $16 glass of orange juice which so happens to be the going rate in London hotels.

    1. Nowadays it would be what? $20? More?
      #LibCons never cared about their serfs.
      They are not in politics for the little guy.
      Ask MacKay.
      As far as WE and Moronneau, him and the Libs cabinet see themselves as Regals.

  2. How many more cabinet ministers are going to be outed. And yet Canadians still think our little dictator is wonderful.

  3. Little guy: “Daddy, how come doggies sniff and lick each other’s bums and ride piggy-back on each other and roll in poop but people don’t?”

    Little guy’s father: “Some people do, Son. They’re called Liberals.”

    Little guy: “So are they dogs, Daddy?”

    Little guy’s father: “No, Son. Dogs can be useful.”

  4. Where there are LIEberal$, there is corruption.

    Throw them in the slammer.

  5. Standard MO! Does nobody remember the “Adscam” under the Chretien Liberals? Chretien was an acoylte of Trudeau’s dear old dad. The irony of course is that they see nothing wrong in what they do. When public pressure points out the ‘mishap’, they close ranks and just weather through it, because the public political memory is a short attention span, and they just carry on until the next ‘mishap’ ad infinity!
    It never ends, and the brainless idiots in the urban centers still thinks the sun shines out of their backsides….plus he has nice hair and dreamy eyes! /s

    I fear the end of days with this bunch! Beer & Popcorn has it right, when there are Liberals, there is corruption, and boy I wonder how much of all these billions is getting squirreled away into Liberal and private Liberal coffers!

    1. Gerry, and when you mention this to liberal supporters, they just say”well they(politicians) all do it”. And carry on

  6. So, Morneau gives our tax dollars to the creepy Kielburger brothers and the quid pro quo is a job for his daughter. Nice little grift you got there, Bill. Multiply by a couple orders of magnitude for PM Zoolander and his otherwise unemployable family members. Once again our gormless finmin and PM demonstrate that their only qualifications for public office are an overweening sense of entitlement, a certainty that rules are only for the little people, and an ethical compass that seems permanently non-functional. I see some commentators calling for the feckless pair to resign: they would have to have an actual sense of shame in order for that to happen.

    1. They have no shame. And they will be re-elected to a majority government.

    2. Canada has NGO’s & non-Profit groups that are really Government Money Laundered through that 3rd party, such that the Government Agency is not held responsible. The Medical System funds NGO’s that are Social Engineering global groups, almost every grant is boondoggle including Religion like the United Church…..

      A billion Dollars is chicken feed,,, FOOLS

  7. Until Canadians are ready to riot and impose checks and balances the way the Americans do, nothing will happen.

    Until then, Canadians are getting the corrupt pond scum they deserve.

  8. Other than being a Liberal largesse and progressive press release machine, WTF is WeWe specifically accomplishing, other than touchy feely progressive bromides and propaganda?
    It’s sure making the usual suspects filthy rich at other people’s expense.
    The ultimate rentseekers!

  9. UN- style wealth redistribution!

    Vote buying to Trudeau target voters!

    Taxpayer dollars to achieve POWER!

    This is what this is all about and is behind everything JustUN does!

  10. Snakes in suits. These sociopathic sub humans are the worst yet. What else have they done? I can’t stand this and feel disenfranchised. Where are the opposition members!? The conservatives and the ndp should be onside with stopping this, but it ain’t happening.

  11. Here’s the thing, there is no quid pro quo, no actual payback, it’s just friends helping friends using tax dollars. Liberals think they’re so egalitarian yet they play the nepotism game like pros. Clare Morneau has a book published at 17 because her dad is a rich Liberal-connected insider. She speaks at WE day, she doesn’t sit in the crowd with the plebs. And not one Liberal sees anything wrong with this all the while they call us racists and greedy. It’s just friends helping the community, and the community just happens to be other well connected Liberals

  12. CBC is actually reporting on Blackie’s crimes?
    They must want a budget increase and more of the China Bat Soup Fever cash.
    That’s the only credible reason that CBC would ever mention his scandals.

  13. Grifters gotta’ grift.
    Real question is why we in the West are still swimming in this pool?
    So many fools and bandits have peed in it,you would never know it was water.

    This is Can Ahh Duh.
    This is what they do.
    If 40 years of watching our cousins in the East elect and reelect liars,thieves and fools,has not sunk in,there is no hope.
    The “Welfare State” is Kleptocracy.
    Vast pools of involuntarily donated funds,tax dollars, create their own incentives for natural born freeloaders.
    Remove the pools of money,freeloaders starve or move along.
    Current situation is pure comedy,black comedy true,but still.
    We have over 1/3 of the population living off of the labour of of less than 1/5 (and shrinking number) of citizens who contribute.
    The thieves vote themselves in and dominate the cities..
    Double Plus good.
    Until you run out of victims..
    “Investing in welfare”..
    “Debt is wealth”
    “The budget will balance itself”.
    Burn Loot Murder,is peaceful protesting.
    Oh well soon enough a warning shot between the eyes will be known as “Active interrogation”.
    Just another word for lying.

    1. Real question is why we in the West are still swimming in this pool?

      Look at our two cities in Aburrrrdah. What do you see? Tronna-Ottywah-Muntrul writ large, demographically sans an appreciable buncha Frogs. I mean look at fat Nenshi and his buncha twerps for “City Council”. I won’t even go to Redmonton, not even physically. Snotley the Commie lives there with her commie infested Sibble Serpents/UNIFOR extortionists. You will have to shoot your way out of this mess Alberta and frankly there aren’t enough horses left to ride that dusty trail in Albertistan.
      Want my take…if you lived through PET, SFB’s Papa, you know what’s coming. Prepare for it. At this point I’d just as soon as shoot an LPOC/NDP/GREEN and most of the CPC, as look at them. I go to jail for saying that? I’m already there.
      Sue me.

  14. Heading into the last Federal Election it was SNC-Lavalin that would do them in.
    “We got em now”
    During the campaign the blackface photos/videos were going to the trick.
    “Whooo boy howdy, they’re done for”
    They came away with a minority which they’ve conveniently parlayed into an unchecked majority thanks to the Wuhan Lung AIDS courtesy of the admirable basic dictatorship of the ChiComs.
    “Yeah, THIS time the Lieberals will go down in flames”

    1. Damn. If I had waited a minute or so and read your response regarding Rex Murphy’s latest it would’ve saved me some time posting my, essentially same posting.
      Rex did it better, by the way.

  15. Covid broke the Klingonberger brothers business model. The stadium events are no more. They need cash and The Bong was the willing source. A bit of quid pro quo and – let the good times roll.

    In my day lots of people volunteered for political parties. Today not so much. In fact it’s hard to find a volunteer unless you run into the ambitious poli-sci types who see themselves as future leaders. Elections run on volunteers. Enter WE.

    So you have 2 struggling organizations. One who’s money has dried up but they are a source of eager volunteers and a political party who has unlimited resources (money) and is desperate for volunteers. A marriage made in hell.

  16. What do you do when the whole country, media included, are in on the fraud. It can only last so long before the Chinese call in their marker. How many will stand shoulder to shoulder with me and die? My guess, not one. That includes everyone.

    1. Chinese? The Yanks will take over before they do. Bet on it. They’ll just dust off the plans from 1970 FLQ/commie/PET crap and take over the west at a minimum. There’s no way they’ll let the Chicoms crab their grass over here, despite attempts through the Dems and bought and paid for Joe Biden et al.
      Things are definitely getting interesting, though.

  17. Wee Willy Porno caught with his hand in the till….. Now why does that not surprise me?

  18. Clare Morneau (Morneau’s daughter, mentioned in the article) contributed thousands of dollars to the Liberals from 2015 and 2018, according to Elections Canada records. Note that it’s against the law for father Bill to donate money through daughter Clare. But then again this is an uber-rich family.

    Anyone who wants to see the records please email me at dmurrell@unb.ca for the spreadsheet.

  19. So how many children made donations to the Kielburger vermin that they gave to Mad Maggie to purchase their government contracts. Question – how many contracts have they had with the government for foreign aid work? This whole Liberal charade could have quite the odour.

  20. I’d email my MP (McKenna) to complain but I may as well congratulate her on Liberal capitulation of moral pretense.
    It will get worse once they get their majority back…which they may never lose again.

    1. Agreed. We can be as outraged as we want. There is a reason why Libranos import voters from corrupt shitholes. An average Somali, Haitian or Goatfuckistani does not care about corruption as long as Trudeau dollars keep pouring in. Same goes for the high social credit score money launderers. The fix is in. It will only get worse.

    1. That would be the same Conrad Black who endorsed Trudeau and the Libs over Harper in 2015. He put his own petty fued with Harper ahead of his country.

      1. Ward

        Dearly held beliefs, when confronted with overwhelming evidence to the contrary need to change. I think that is what Black has done.

    1. What organization was their role model, after reading their mission statement the Hitler Youth comes to mind.

  21. Want to bet that most of these lucrative opportunities (disguised as volunteer work, but you then get paid at the end, so I would call that employment) will go to kids of Liberal Party parents. This is probably part of the thinking that led to such obviously biased people running the program in the first place. As for the idea that the non-political civil service was involved, who the heck are they? I am only familiar with the political civil service (rather too familiar as it turns out).

    To paraphrase Justin, “just get lost, and stay lost.”

  22. This will go down the memory hole long before the next election, where the subject will never come up.

  23. Rusty

    Scheep will not be at bat this time, maybe the cuckservatives will have an actual leader by then. They may if they get their act together, and choose one!
