19 Replies to “Khmer Noir”

  1. They are the Orcs of this Earth, twisted, worthless creatures who need to be destroyed.

  2. Strange how no mosques have been targeted. If they had every media outlet in North America would be ranting about it.

    1. OJ, the reason is simple, Any attack, morally, culturally, physically, on Islam, has been deigned with a special name, “Islamaphobia”. No other religion or organized worship has been so designated. To “attack” Islam, Mohammed, or Sharia, is a hate crime and thus forbidden! Any other religion..Meh!

      That said, Islam, is an insidious, slow creeping socialistic, political, and religious death cult. A monster that will continue to invade the west until it is triumphant, and creates it’s desired outcome of a world wide caliphate of Islamic domination over the whole planet. Where apostasy is punishable by death, where questioning Islam is forbidden, where insulting or disrespecting Islam is punishable by death, where refusing to obey Islam or sharia, is punishable by death. This is what we face, and unless we wake up and fight back, this is their “final solution”.

      Either we rid our world of this monster with extreme prejudice, an end, we squeamish westerners refuse to even consider, or we capitulate. Thus placing the peoples of this world into a joyless, sub human existence on their knees, for the rest of time that humanity exists!

      A choice that the west refuses to consider, even with a mountain of evidence proving the above facts.
      What a sad end to the promise of the human race. We are indeed, our own worst enemy!

  3. Oh, but these arsons aren’t “religious” … they’re … “cultural”. They’re “historic”. You see, these peaceful protestors are simply “having a conversation” about the role played by the Catholic Church in funding exploration of Native Lands. These noble protestors of native heritage are simply “raising awareness” about how the church beat and killed natives … intentionally … with their whiteskin diseases.

    No, no, no … these peaceful protestors aren’t concerned with your sky daddy religion … they just laugh at that … because science and data reveal you actually evolved from a diatom. These are peaceful, non-violent, actions taken against your buildings … which can be rebuilt … nobody was harmed. All peaceful and whatnot. Nonviolent. The media told me so.


    1. I don’t know why they are attacking the Catholic Church, the antipope has done everything he could to appease them, including absolutely kowtowing to the Chicom and selling out the true Catholics inside China. Of course, the desecration of the memorials of Frederick Douglass make even less sense. He was himself a runaway slave, devoting his life to freeing slaves, as an abolitionist politician. That meant he was a Republican. Oh, that’s why.
      I was born into a Chinese Hakka family, which meant that I was part of a minority in an already then remote province of Guangdong. We moved to Guangzhou (nee Canton) when I was three, right after WWII. I was already influenced by three Chinese cultures, including my mother’s Toishan, but none of them Mandarin. Further, I was converted to Catholicism, and educated in middle school in Hong Kong by the British in a faux British “public school” modeled after Eton, and immigrated to America at thirteen. As my brother said, all the rest do not matter, we are now Americans, and proud of it. But that’s easier said and done. Happily, none of the three restrictive cultures of Chinese, Catholic, and British created a conflict in me personally, they only meant that almost anything enjoyable was frowned upon by at least one of them. Further, my Hakka blood, they say, is why I am bullheaded and stubborn, and obliviously fearless in the face of overwhelming adversity.
      So somehow I have managed to survived these 78 years, with a degree of security I did not sought but am glad of. But now I find all my heritage under attack. The right attack me for being Chinese, let alone the Chicom has nothing, nada, to do with my Chinese heritage. They follow a foreign philosophy from Germany via Russia, and have denounced and destroyed traditional Chinese culture, until recently they pay some lip service to entice overseas Chinese. The left have completely infiltrated my Catholic Church, even though the fringe radical still attack it because it is such an important aspect of western civilization. The British have abandoned their own heritage at home. And the last bastion, my American heritage is hanging on by a thread. It already has been destroyed in the large cities, and now cities such as Minneapolis, NYC and Portland OR, among others, have flagrantly allowed, nay conspired, in overt civic destruction. You know how crucial the coming election is, and they are already doing everything they can to steal it. If we lose, then T.S. Eliot is right, this is the way the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper. I am only sorry I am only 78 and not 98.
      Aside to Ontario John, you are absolutely right, if only one mosque were targeted, let alone seven.

      1. For whatever reason, I have always respected and admired Asian cultures … primarily the Japanese, Chinese, and Koreans. The creativity and cultural refinements were to be admired. And each culture willingly embraced modern society (albeit Western modernism). That fact alone, made the Asian cultures … more … uh … relevant (?) … than other distant cultures far afield from Western Europe. I’ve never considered Asian people to be anything but admired.

  4. I have a hard time feeling any sympathy for the Catholic Church when it’s very infrastructure has had a long history of protecting pedophile priests. It really saddens me that good, decent Catholic worshipers themselves have not yet risen up against the evil embedded in this tyrannical institution. Cripes, the current pope is little more than a progressive political/social activist artfully using his elite pulpit as spiritual leader mostly as cover for pushing progressive causes. But at least he still respects his core responsibility to protect the church’s reputation by protecting his pedophile buddies.

    Behave exactly the way this institution instructs or you will burn in hell forever!!! But, heh, don’t look over here where we evil hypocrites are raping children, or at the very least, providing cover for those who do. If you are honest enough to take a good long look, the commonalities between the Roman Catholic Church and the likes of Antifa or BLM are quite striking… and scary.

  5. The institutional left has now moved beyond the vandalism of the culture to the physical vandalizing of the historical artifacts of western civilization. While the catholic church of today is at best, ambivalent, and at worst, an enabler of the institutional left (this Pope), historically, there would have been no western civilization without it. As VDH wrote recently, “Every cultural revolution starts at year zero..” meaning History must be erased so that your zealots are ignorant.

  6. Does anyone over 75 have a brain. Let’s go higher ,does anyone over 80 have a brain? It would seem most unlikely.

    1. Try for 90 – I’ll be 92 in one month and 5 days. I’ll let you know if God lets me get thru this mess that long.

  7. I’ll file this under my “Left eating the left file.”

    Maybe they’ll learn what they earn when they bow to the left.

  8. The article noted “ABC News9 said that Chattanooga police forwarded their report to the Department of Homeland Security as a possible hate crime.”. In Tennessee at least the thought crossed their mind. No other region, including my town Calgary, mentioned Hate Crime. Here in Canada, that designation seems to only apply to people and groups the media don’t hate.

    Unyielding: I am not a Catholic but I like the last word of the article “However, our cherished Catholic faith has survived for 2,000 years in the faces of many different oppressors, and it is not about to yield now. Therefore, we remain unafraid and resolute in our faith, and we will pray for a conversion of the hearts of those who wish to terrorize us.”.

    Did someone say “conversion”, to a Christian denomination? Now that is something that the press will be glad to call a hate crime.

  9. The USA Republican Senate better wakeup…Chin-less Mitch will “not” lead the 2021 Senate by hiding among his Georgetown Martini group….Nope! Chin-less Mitch is near brain dead….The repeated failure to speak out & lost in the weeds Republicans may need to slither away…Letting Nancy (House) set the Congressional tone is dumb…..The Resist and Obstruct House has taken over Congress… Chin-less Mitch has no balls…


  10. And there will be no investigations, no charges, no suspects. If they can’t blame nazis form 100 years ago, they simply ignore it.

  11. Anyone who thought at the beginning, back in 1980 or whenever Trudeau got his Manchurian Charter in place, “letting government regulate speech, no one wants hate speech, this is a good idea”, raise your hand.

    Anyone who still thinks it’s a good idea, that “we just haven’t regulated speech correctly yet”, raise your hand.

    “Those who trade liberty for security have neither.” John Adams 2nd US president

    It always, eventually, comes down to one simple question; who gets to decide.

    It will always, eventually, come down to the answer being “a bad actor”.

    If any of you drooling morons want to ever stop bitterly clinging to big daddy government, let me know. Until then, you deserve every easily foreseeable consequence of every new government pogrom you ever voted for.
