Renegade Regulator

Restore CSA;

“Plaintiffs further allege the following: Enerco and CSA [Canadian Standards Association] conspired to market defective vent-free heaters to American families, knowing that the units posed a threat of serious harm to person and property, without adequately warning consumers of the hazard.”

7 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. “It seems that a company called Enerco wanted to sell space heaters in the US market. They could sell quality heaters, meeting all legal safety requirements, or they could sell cheap Chinese crap. ”
    L- CSA = Canadian Standards Association = Chinese(Communist Party) Standards Association

  2. What is a vent free heater? A byproduct of combustion is death. Burn hydrocarbons in an enclosed space and you die.

  3. Amazon won’t allow me to post reviews anymore.
    I think that I used the term ‘typical Chinese garbage’ too many times.

    This would be a nice little quote to put in a review.
    From the Restorecsa article:

    ““On May 12 and May 19, 2005, at CSA’s facility, Enerco and/or CSA deliberately altered a vent-free heater to conceal an unsafe defect for testing purposes, and CSA falsely certified the heaters as safe; Enerco and CSA intended their false representations about the safety of Enerco’s heaters to mislead merchants and Plaintiffs, as consumers, on product packaging, in product literature, and during advertising; Plaintiffs, as consumers, justifiably relied upon Enerco’s and CSA’s representations about the safety of the heaters; and Plaintiffs were injured economically by purchasing the unreasonably dangerous heaters. […] Further, the Court finds that Plaintiffs have sufficiently pled the elements of conspiracy to defraud. Plaintiffs have alleged that Enerco and CSA deliberately agreed to alter the heaters, falsify testing results, falsely certify the heaters, and incorporate this false certification into Enerco’s product packaging and other promotional materials with the intent to mislead merchants and Plaintiffs, as consumers.”

  4. Thank you for keeping us informed on CSA. Signed “frustrated Master Electrician”

  5. I had missed the previous couple of updates, where Mr. Knight tells the tale that he has lost all right to defend himself & his company in the legal actions by CSA. He is to be ground into paste, destroyed for all time, never to rise again.

    Sad to say, I called that outcome quite some time ago. I’d suggest someone go about archiving the RestoreCSA content while it’s still available. I’ve no doubt whatsoever that CSA will move to have that website and all of its content removed for defamatory content, and the kangaroo courts will grant it, since they’ve done away with that pesky thing called defense. Mr. Knight will not just lose, and lose everything; the next step is to erase him, his company, all trace of his company, and every tale he’s told along the way of what CSA has done to him.

    What’s the point of this country, again? Right. We are serfs, mere serfs, to be used & abused at the sole discretion of the small circle of Lauentian Elite that truly run this country. Cross them at extreme peril. As Mr. Knight has learned.

  6. I find it fascinating, that a regulatory body of Canada is a Delaware corporation.
    It probably explains its business practices, such as when it destroyed the business and life of a book publisher a decade or so ago.
    Schools are corporations too. I wonder how many schools are Bahamas, Cayman Island, or Singapore corporations. They destroy children’s lives too, wholesale.
    What do SDAers have to say about that? Aren’t corporations sacred?
