Renegade Regulator

Robert Chan was an engineer and, as it happens, a rather good one.

According to his legal filings, at CSA Chan’s job “was to inspect and test clients’ products to ensure they met relevant safety standards requirements.” Specifically, “his job was to make sure the Equipment Under Test (EUT) met relevant standards requirement for electrical, mechanical, and fire safety.”
Chan “took great pride in his work and was dedicated to his job. He followed CSA and manufacturer’s guidelines closely and refused to certify products not properly vetted.”
Ah, might be a problem brewing. And here it comes…

19 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. I read the attachment. It would appear Mr Chan was in the right, even if he was an “egghead”. Unfortunately, it would appear that he opened a can of worms that goes pretty deep. I wonder how many various products are out in the world that were skipped over regarding safety and compliance. It seems this CSA branch in California is a rogue outfit, placing profit over safety and regulations. What could possibly go wrong.

    I wonder if it was this office that approved the faulty equipment on those ill fated planes that are now all grounded.

    1. If he is a big an egghead as claimed this guy will have documented each and every action and communication he had each day from the day he started work.
      How he did, what he did, when he did, including all interactions, no conversation was ever off the record.
      It’s the old adage about how arguing with the quality auditor is like wrestling with a pig in the mud.
      You just get covered in excrement and the pig likes it.

  2. When it comes to a dispute between supervisor and auditor over acceptance the supervisor takes ownership of the accept/reject decision.
    Luong May be the sacrifice if CSA starts losing this case.
    The other interesting note was one of the plaintiffs complaints about violations with regard to issues of design control.
    I always liked referring to design control as the license to get your cut of the action. You never mess with those and expect to keep out of court.

    1. They also may be the most important items posted here. Long term institutional corruption that none of the political parties in Canada have any interest in fixing is a pretty big deal.

      1. Political parties have always been corrupt. This CSA stuff is boring as hell and very very low and the priority list of most people.

        1. If you find it so boring, don’t read or comment. Such an easy solution. Read another post instead.

          It’s amazing sometimes how un-creative trolls can be.

    2. Such is the case with standards. Purported to protect the public they in reality provide a profession to otherwise unemployable, unproductive individuals. As Scott Adams said the Quality standard ISO 9000 referred to the number of drunken unemployed European engineers who worked on it.

      Quality standards were meant to be a tool to ensure quality but now have become a tool to fulfil the objective of expandIng quality Empires. They suck the productivity out of every business.

    3. Boring until you die in a fire.

      Soviet citizens would unplug their TV’s whenever they weren’t using them because if they didn’t, then dying in a fire was a real possibility.

      The power of our ‘progressive’ governments and politicians is perhaps even bigger than what the Soviet citizens had to put up with, at least factory managers then had to fear the gulags.

    4. I can understand why a CSA employee would find this stuff boring and tedious. McKay, are you employed by the CSA?

  3. Beautiful summation of Government Protected Corruption.
    Now why does Canadian Standards Association even have a Californian Branch?
    In the article is a small line about the “rest of the staff” going along to get along.

    This is the heart of the Canadian Kleptocracy,why we in the West will have no chance unless we Pointedly Separate from our Eastern Comrades.
    For this is systemic in Central Canadians.
    Going Along To Get Along,is the path of foolish cowards.
    The cult of workplace safety is built upon this.
    The Compulsory Wearing of Masks,same foundation.

    And if you question asinine rules and regulations,you are the problem.
    Never the mindless decrees,never the never ending theft and pillage,nope just those who question as you are violating the Canadian Norm,Go along,Get Along,Surrender.

    Or as CBC constantly reminds us,those uppity Canadians who want a better future for their children and dare to dream of reaping some reward from their labour…
    You are horrible Alt Right nazi Haters,Do you want to see children,well CBC children, starve?
    If you object to the useless and clueless living large on your back,Why you are racists,Why cant you just get along with other people…

    And there is no cure.
    5th and 6th generations of welfare collectors are adamant of their right to live off of the taxpayer.
    WEXIT Now.

    As for CSA.
    300 million use NEC ,30 million use CSA,while buying all NEC approved material.
    Utility of CSA ?
    Completely negative.
    Our goods and equipment will be both safer and cheaper if CSA were destroyed.
    Not to mention the cost saving to construction if these power hungry pedants vanished.

    Funny how every Government Agency,designed with the best of intentions,soon evolves into a progressive snakepit of corruption.
    And I mean progressive like rust,as they become a menace to the very things they were supposed to protect.

    1. Don’t forget Underwriter’s Laboratory, who is much bigger, but less annoying than the CSA.

  4. Is a class action lawsuit from the families of the dead the only way to fix CSA?

    Not that a lawsuit against such an organization would hold anyone accountable or responsible, probably the best that could be hoped for is that the organization would be dissolved.

  5. I’m starting to wonder about Canada as being a nation that can be trusted. Politicians, government agencies, engineering companies, media, etc. haven’t been doing very well lately. How about accurate data about the amount of aluminum exported to United States over the past year – not just a couple of recent months.
