24 Replies to “#ThugsForBiden Claim Another Innocent Victim”

  1. Has Greta approved of all the burning of buildings and cars?
    How does all that arson affect the environment?

    Reuse, reduce, recycle?
    How does their torching everything in sight square with their gibberish about reducing consumption?

    1. Because if they burn down local businesses where they like to buy things, well, that’ll show The Man!

      Wait, what do you mean I can’t buy anything because there’s no local business? Damn, The Man is evil! He’s taking away our chance to buy stuff.

  2. The Insurance Industry needs to cancel all policies in Democrat Cities….The failure to defend MUST result in the Cities paying a price……Why should Insurance policies go up across the USA to pay for failed political malfeasance

    The Police officer was either butt Stupid, or a NUT CASE….How much would it Cost to get a police officer to shot a black man 7 times & not kill him… The 6 family lawyers (Democrat) expect a big financial settlement…Al Sharpton, BLM & Kamala Harris mentioned in Presser…


    1. “shot a black man 7 times & not kill him”
      Happens a lot, that’s why pistols have typically 17 round capacity.

    2. My father was a soldier officer in the WWII, told me long ago that the purpose to shoot at the other guy is to get him out of commission not to kill.

      To shoot like a madman try to kill is not the best solution, though it is final.

      1. being a Vietnam veteran, in boot camp we were taught that wounded soldiers took 3 men off the battlefield to care for them. ha, not so in Vietnam, you soon learned that everybody in the area shooting at you had to be killed, that included men, woman, and yes, children had to die, war is hell, and 55 years later for me i still think about it.
        but here i am, still alive. so who won?
        U.S. army 25th. infantry division. (tropic lighting)

    3. Unless the gentleman has very good insurance, generally policies do not pay off in case of “war, riot, or insurrection.” I learned this many years ago after MLK was killed, thankfully not firsthand. My heart broke when I heard that poor bastard say “well the insurance will pay off . . .” No, probably not. Unless this is one of the many things that changed since 1968, this guy is just SOL. I hope he has good resources, good family, and good neighbors.

      Far as I’m concerned, the cities and states that did not act to prevent this should pay. Not the Federal government, my state is well run and riots after Floyd were nipped in the bud. Why should I have to pay? As to insurance, sorry my insurance bill on a tree farm is already approaching usurious. Maybe all the big money behind the protests can be made to pay. Hopefully there’ll be a class action suit someday, but the big money will be able to protect their assets overseas.

      Another aspect to this that no one is mentioning is the role of public transportation. Kenosha is on the line from Chicago to Kenosha and is one of the few places in America away from the NY – DC mess where you can get to and from two major cities by frequent train service. People in Wisconsin are hearing rumors that a lot of the professional instigators came up from Chicago, but there were similar rumors after Minneapolis that turned out to be BS. I have never been gladder that we left Wisconsin for the South.

  3. Maybe the vandals and arsonists (they’re not “protesters”) were taking Karenoia to the next level. Rather than simply complain and scold, they “took action” to get the results they wanted.

    Or, maybe they’re simply low-life scum who get their jollies about destroying other people’s lives.

    1. BA, I vote the latter sentence on that. However, I do believe the Dems, and Davos and Soros types are behind all of this. The Pandemic was the opportunity, after the rampant illegal immigration ploy to promote dissent didn’t work fast enough. Now economies are destroyed, treasuries emptied, bankrupted businesses, massive loss of employment, all of it to get Trump cancelled. he’s in the way of their globalist plans to take over the western world, and run it how they see fit. They can’t have the uppity little people living their lives as they see fit. The planet is over populated, so then it’s time to cull the useful idiots. They want the Democrats low information voters to do the Trump job for them. It’s all coordinated, The elites want a subservient population. If Trump gets ousted, watch for the first and second amendments to be gutted first.
      Very dark days ahead.

      1. In a lot of cases, it’s “if I can’t have it, you can’t have it”. I know people like that. I’ve worked with them. I’ve had some as bosses and I think one of my neighbours in B. C. is like that as well.

        Creepy people, at best deeply unhappy with their lives.

  4. Gee maybe, just maybe the financier/s of these zombies should be exposed, and stripped of their huge wealth, that they use, to destroy others hard work, and meagre wealth and lives. Pretty hard to buy and deliver to site, bricks and all the rioters and looting tools needed to conduct this destruction, when you carry on for 3 months without working at anything meaningful. This is being financed by “somebody”?

  5. It went to shít a long time ago when law enforcement was rebranded as criminal justice. Unionization and unbridled litigation spawned the empty the clip policy in a personnel safety wrapping for zombies.
    Look at the videos. Complete failures in the training they recieved because the training itself is grossly ineffective. How many hours do you think these officers spent in sensivity and awareness classes when they should be spending time with hand to hand combat and baton skill drills. Prompt proper application of a simple Billyclub would have quickly rendered this individual under control.

    1. I recall a time, it seems ages ago, that the local constabulary was adept at use of their issue flashlight. These are the ones that are about 15” made of metal.
      They where issued a side arm and a baton, but those never made it out of their holster, one swift touch (as they would explain) usually brought on swift compliance and a cease and desist of any malfeasance.

  6. Business owners are going to have to start shooting to protect their property. I am shocked that it hasn’t happened yet.

    1. They have. In Kenosha. One Antifa head-shot, one with its arm half blown off. Getting interesting out there.

      It is almost like most societies just desparately need to get a serious war on about 70 years or so …

    1. I disagree.
      The only destruction is happening where the Soros social experiment has been tried.
      These should be held up as an example of what happens when socialism is tried.

  7. Guy thinks we can come together? Guess he is in shock, slightly deluded.

    Sorry guy….these thugs are not interested in a solution.

  8. The idiots from blm and antifa don’t give a red rat’s ass what we think. Fly in a few plane loads of Korean grocers from LA. Put ’em up on the roof. Bring them lots of ammo. Stand back.

    The courts should be jailing these creeps. But, they won’t. Our only solution is what most of us already have in our closets and safes. The time is rapidly approaching. If I lived in Kenosha, the time is now. This problem won’t go away by itself.
