71 Replies to “Go Woke”

  1. Lesson: Mcdonald’s will be a failed enterprise the day it’s run based on the sentiments of it’s employees instead of the requirements of it’s customers. Bank on it.

  2. What ever happened to “the customer is always right”?
    The problem with flying is that one can’t just flounce out the door, if irked.

  3. I won’t miss the NBA, only ever watched the last 2 min of the game anyway…..

  4. Questions
    Will it metastasize to the other remaining NBA teams and end the season?
    Will it spread to the MLB or NFL?
    Will they continue their strike(s) next season?

    Will I care? That one question I can answer, NO.

    1. The usual suspects are shaming/bullying the NHL as we speak.
      Hollywood is trying to cancel Tucker.
      The media is reporting that those wacky socons have captured the conservative party again.
      While French Catholics are ok in the Lieberal party.
      And Sikhs.
      And Muslims.
      Just another wednesday in the demented dominion.

      As I ruminate about Snowflake and Safespace, I wonder do the french catholics, the sikhs, the muslims, antifa and Burn, Loot and Murder have super powers?
      Particularly invisibility?

      Because the media and most of the politicians never seem to see them.
      It’s like Christians and White Supremacists are roaming the streets, doing all the burning, looting, murdering.
      My lying eyes.
      It’s all so confusing.
      Good thing it stops nov.5.
      Must be a communist holiday.

  5. I played a lot of basketball in my youth, growing up in the US — so would on rare occasions channel-surf onto NBA games for a while. Not this year, not anymore. And that goes for the NFL too. I have to develop a new hobby to while away Sunday afternoons.

    1. I grew up playing all sports; basketball among them. I was a voracious consumer of broadcast sports. I shared my love of sports with my children. We knew the names of ALL the players of the NFL, MLB, and NFL. And we knew even MORE about our Bay Area home teams. But as my kids grew older … my interest waned. And I found many other things to do in place of consuming sports.

      The FIRST incident that started my own personal detachment from sports was the MLB players strike was the 1994-95 MLB due to the proposed salary cap. Half the season was lost, including playoffs and World Series. I was pretty much DONE with baseball after that. But then, the steroid era, and MLB’s intentional refusal to do anything about it sealed the deal. Barroid Bonds should have been banned from baseball for life (along with MacGuire, and several others … to “prove” I’m not a racist) , but MLB loved the home runs and so they did nothing.

      Now, I know almost none of the players names. I don’t read the sports page anymore (except the EPL pages). I just don’t care about overpaid physical specimens, and their “problems”. The greed of both players and management soured me. I was done. And then Colon Kaepernick … who I watched and admired as a player at lowly Reno “State” … became a kneeling FOOL, and the NFL was a thing of my past. The NBA? Well … it was great fun to watch the GS Warriors FIRST Championship … but then the team became a flipping ALL STAR team -vs- a League of also-rans. It became boring and predictable. And then their coach started opening his mouth. And then they moved to a new $Billion stadium closer to the Googlaires. Enough! Pro Sports morphed into something wholly consumed with money and image. SPORT itself has become an also-ran.

      1. “But then, the steroid era, and MLB’s intentional refusal to do anything about it sealed the deal.”

        That sounds like the Catholic Church.

        Votes more important to Catholics, than infanticide. Votes more important than God.
        Children less important “priests”. Priests more important than God.

        Here is a handy list.
        How to volunteer, for slavery; you give up your power.

        Unwilling to stop being a Catholic? The Catholic Church owns you.
        Unwilling to give up your season tickets? The Roughriders own you.
        Unwilling to cut the cable? CNN/ESPN/TSN, and the Democrat/Liberals/New Labor own you by proxy.
        Unwilling to stop voting Democrat/CPoC/NDP? The Party owns you.

        The thing about slave owners, is they know they do not work for their slaves. The slaves work for them. They do not have to do anything for their slaves, or keep any “promise” to their slaves.

        The simple solution, is you have to demand better. Your MLA/MP/mayor/whatever hasn’t delivered on any of what was promised, in that first term? Find someone who will.
        Your team won’t stand for the national anthem? Stop buying merchandise and tickets.
        CNN won’t stop proselytizing for Kark Marx? Cut the cable, cancel the satellite, unsubscribe from their utube.
        Nike wants to be the official brand of surrender? There are lots of better shoes.
        You want to have local business? Once, or twice a month, you gotta spend at Boryski’s, or Summit Meats & Sausage, instead of Costco or Walmart. Even though, Walmart seems to be the only place in Canada that sticks Goya foods.
        If you want to support, Goya, occasionally you may have to shop at a Walmart.

        1. 100% bang ON KEVIN..

          Can’t afford $150 NHL seats…especially for a team that douses its Flame ANNUALLY.

          Can’t afford TV – cut the Cord 3 yrs ago – ZERO regrets. Don’t need Communist NEWS orgs. nor do I buy any subscriptions to the majors in this country.

          Got married in a Catholic Church – last time I ever stepped foot in one…31 yrs now. When I see Bishops stating they would go to JAIl rather than out a Filthy PEDOPHILE Priest.?? ..yea time to completely ERRADICATE that disgusting cabal. AS for other “christian” churchs – they’ve all gone Communist.

          Do not Support ANY Canadian Political Party: The Privy council – Power Corp – Laurentien Elites OWN THEM ALL…as they always did. (WEXIT and nothing else)

          Have NEVER voted for the Purple Fat Muslim POS in City Council – NEVER will

          As for Walmart – Sorry but they have the least expensive produce. Money talks and Bullshit walks my friend. And btw, Costco does NOT have the best price on everything…not even close.

          1. I detest churches but especially the Cathlolic church. Me and Jesus cheered when Notre Dame burned down. I thinkit probaly reminded Him of when He whipped the bankers at the temple! Would love to see God reduce the Vatican to rubble. What I dont get is why so many people of my fellow native people still go to church after the horrors they visited upon us. As Kev says above, they are truly slaves.

      2. Kiev, I agree mostly. I grew up north of Pittsbutgh, and did my first university degree right in Pittsburgh. So I was a rabid Steelers, Pirates and Penguins fan. (My late mom worked for one Penguins executive, before Mario Lemieux took over). But immigrating to Canada, I really didn’t care to root for any Canadian team. And I liked hockey.

        Going to grad school at two universities, I didn’t care if my university team won or not. I only cared that students played sports fairly and did not get injured. But all of my life, at least until five or so years ago, I always rooted for my Pittsburgh teams, and for the USA teams in international sports.

        My academic deartment has a few Europeans, and if a European country loses a Wotld Cup soccer match, the professor would come to work sad, as if he lost a loved one. And this would be a person in his 60s.

        As I said to someone, we were immature as children and teenagers, when we cheered so much for our home team. But we seem to carry our immaturities with us, as we age, if we think a team winning is life or death. One thing the Trump revolution has taught me is not to care too much for millionaire elites who distain ordinary working people and retirees. And professional sports are fully woke now, so I do not care for them any more.

  6. These dim-wads are going to change the fact that getting black-balled has nothing to do with the colour of your skin.

  7. The main story at the Liberal Party’s CBC this morning is the black guy with a knife in the States who got shot by police. The Liberal Party’s CBC is outraged that hockey teams are not boycotting games. This is further proof that Canadians are racist bastards.

    1. You won’t hear about the father and daughter in South Carolina that were executed for a minor fenderbender on CBC that’s for sure. Just like little CH, it doesn’t fit the commie media’s narrative.

    2. Fuck off…you don’t know me

      You sound like a Dimmocrat lumping a group of people together

  8. If all this keeps up the Toronto Maple Leafs are going to boycott hockey — Oh, yeah, right!

      1. The Argo’s are rowing’s greatest football team
        The Leaf’s are Hockey’s greatest golf team

  9. If the NBA players drop their million dollar jobs and become police officers they can show us how THEY’d solve problems.

  10. The Liberal Party’s CTV is now ranting about police racism this morning. Black woman tells CTV that the NHL is racist.

    1. Of course the NHL is racist. Its almost exclusively white guys hitting a black puck with sticks. How symbolic can you get?

      1. Here’s my thinking.
        YOU are paid to play a game.
        YOU are not paid to spout your personal Political Beliefs.
        Play the game and STFU….or lose what you have created.

        Think long and hard KIDDIES.
        In Fact…please continue and CANCEL Yourselves…I could care less.

    2. OJ, They only play on white ice, so they must be racist 🙂
      Even growing up in the UK, I was never interested in the rabid idiots of Soccer, and I’ve never once been to a professional sports game either. If it ain’t got wheels, I ain’t interested. The rabid thing is the same for Soccer, Football, Hockey, Baseball, I just could never get interested in any of it. I think it’s my dad’s fault. He loved Soccer, and when I was watching TV and when he came from work, he would switch the channel to Soccer matches. No discussion, just change the channel, and only one TV in the house. I really resented that as a kid. I only fully understood when I grew up, his house, his TV, his rules, he paid the bills. That has served me well as an adult and raising my own kids and step kids. I had the computer in the bedroom office, and one night went to bed early, later I heard my wife arguing with her son outside the door. The kid was demanding the computer to be out of the bedroom. I got up and opened the door, and said, My house, My computer, My rules. He slunk away dejected.

  11. No play, no pay. Nothing wrong with that. After all this kneeling and BLM power shit, I dont know why anyone with a conscience could tune in on TV, let alone pay admission to watch the over-paid, posturing babies.

    1. I dont know why anyone with a conscience could tune in on TV, let alone pay admission to watch the over-paid, posturing babies

      It’s like the old joke about the NHL: people came to watch a fight but a game broke out.

    2. Lebron James has a $30 million contract PER YEAR with Nike, which has Chinese child labourers making shoes that he endorses.
      He does not need to play basketball.

      Colin Kaepernick signed a $61 million contract with Nike, which has Chinese child labourers making shoes that he endorses.
      He no longer plays football.

        1. I don’t understand your sarcastic comment.
          I am just pointing out the hypocrisy of people like Lebron James.

          1. There was no sarcasm in my comment at all. I was merely pointing out the unlikelihood of all NBA players signing similar deals to the ones you brought up. You pointed out their hypocrisy – I pointed out the stupidity of the rest.

      1. With sporting supply stores continually looted and burnt out how much longer will Nike payout their minor stars? The best result will be that they will free their working factory slaves.

  12. Post Millennial reports that an NHL player in diverse Toronto was sucker punched for stating on twitter that he supports the GOP. He later apologized for supporting the GOP. He hopes this will stop people from punching him.

    1. “I spent last night in Toronto Ontario. I talked about voting for the Republican Party, and I mentioned Donald Trump by name. I was sucker punched,” he tweeted. “Is this really what we are coming to? If you vote you are a villain? Man this world is so wrong.”

      — Logan Couture (@Logancouture) August 26, 2020 Couture is the Captain of the San Jose Sharks and a Canadian son of a police officer.


      It’s always the left as we see in the burning of American cities. It happened here at the G20 and will again as our politicians seem to lack the courage to actually do something. As we saw in Nova Scotia don’t think we can rely on the RCMP to help us.

  13. Good. I hope professional sports in general collapses. Paying halfwits millions of dollars to toss a ball, rag a puck or whatever has always struck me as utterly obscene.

  14. NBAers are sick of the bubble they’re forced to stay in so maybe that’s got EVERYTHING to do with this. As I was perusing Twitter last night I saw Kelly Hrudy was “trending” so I checked it out to see what the soy boy was up to. Apparently he made a bit of a scene declaring the NHL should of taken the NBA’s lead and cancelled their hockey games. Notice though he didn’t walk out on principal.

    1. yea…just another boot licker like Don Mclean.
      Ex/current hockey players…who gives a flying fig about any of them.
      PLS CANCEL YOUR disgustingly overpaid selves
      I’d rather watch a re-run of the HoneyMooners….Now THAT was entertainment.!!

  15. These Highly paid athletes need to go on a ride along while the police are arresting some of these criminals or better yet put them on the front line of one of the peaceful riots taking place nightly.I doubt you would hear another word out them.

    1. Or they could do like Pat Tillman: put their sports career on hold, enlist in the military and serve their country.

      1. I agree with Terry. Let them serve as auxiliary police officers. They can show us how it’s done.

        Oh, and don’t give the auxiliary police any guns.

        1. Conservatives should be demanding that these athletes all go on ride-alongs with big city police.
          Every one of them.
          Then they could enlighten us with their brilliant solutions.

  16. No great loss, no one needs professional sports leagues. Let them do themselves in — we’ll all be richer for it.

  17. Firing Don Cherry soured me on SportsNet and NHL. Matt Dumba – a millionaire for playing a children’s game – lecturing everyone about systemic racism has made the NHL and professional sports dead to me.

    1. Be positive.
      Look what it’s done for black hockey player employment.
      All 12 black former NHL players now have commentating jobs.
      And joined by women who play midget level hockey.
      Guys love women hockey commentators.

  18. Honestly, it sounds like the CPoC.

    The conservatives never said no to the Liberals.
    They never changed any policy or program brought in by the Liberals.
    Changed the flag, swapped a good rights bill for a terrible one.
    A Liberal party organ paid for by the citizens.
    Trillions in “contracts” and “forgivable” loans funnelled to their friends in favored provinces.

    I bet I can get the stupidest trolls in the universe to say something about Maxime Bernier, or “only chance” with this one.

    1. Kevin

      The Fix has been in since Confederation.
      Nothing has changed nor will it EVER change.

      Upper / Lower Canada and the those that control the MONEY own this country. Any simple Political fool (O’toole), will end up doing as ALL before him have and bend the knee and kiss the ASS of those in the Privy Council, Power Corp & the Laurentien Elites.

      I have rescinded my membership in the Conservative Party as well as the UCP.And told them POINT BLANK why.

      WEXIT is the only way to vote

  19. Just wondering what their contracts are like. Surely they won’t be paid for this petulant bs. Whatever, basketball is really the only sport I can’t stand so maybe they’ll run something better in its place.

  20. Personally, I believe in equity and think that the NBA could best showcase their commitment to same by raising the net to 12 feet and reducing the inherent advantage of very tall men, who apparently are predominately of one race.

    Some germane comments:

    “Sixty percent of NBA players go broke within five years of departing the league. And 78 percent of former NFL players experience financial distress two years after retirement.

    NBA players agreeing to donate 50% of their pay next year to improving the lives for people of colour would be a way for us to to truly believe the players are genuine.

    Meanwhile ; in the streets of Chicago…”

  21. The guy who was shot was previously arrested for assaulting his girlfriend, which got him a restraining order which he then violated by showing up at her place whereupon she called the cops. They tried to arrest him, he resisted and went for his knife. What were the cops supposed to do, stand by and watch him kill his girlfriend. ”Sorry ma’am, there’s nothing we can do because if we use force against him, the NBA players will refuse to play and we can’t let down their fans, can we now”.

  22. I’m just waiting for the usual words of praise to come out ”He’s a wonderful son! An outstanding father, devoted to his kids! He’s a kind, gentle, compassionate soul! He was planning to turn his life around!”
    Funny how none of these guys are ever innocent, law-abiding citizens who were stopped by police on their way to practice at the church choir.

    1. Don’t forget that they were all on the verge of discovering a cure for cancer.

  23. I doubt the league execs, or even owners, are particularly upset about this. Most of them are themselves woke, in some cases extremely so. OK, they’ll lose some fans in red state America, mostly older ones. That’s not where they see their future. Meanwhile the players are angry with “America” and not them, they’ve ingratiated themselves with younger fans in blue state America, and they haven’t really harmed their prospects in international markets, which is where they see their growth in revenue. They probably figure they can get away with this once or twice before they start to annoy the television networks and the apolitical fans too badly.

    It would take a severe and blatantly obvious reaction to give them pause, one that couldn’t be ascribed to other factors. In the NFL, for example, there was a reduction in interest that corresponded to players “taking a knee”, but also coincided with a lot of bad press about concussions. There’s a ton of room for people to believe what they want to believe.

    Meanwhile, Adam Silver has some big fish to fry. Has there been a permanent change in viewership and buying patterns due to the pandemic? Will the owners be able to pay the players’ salaries given this (and next) season’s loss of revenue? If Trump is reelected, will the league keep its Chinese revenue?

  24. From the comments at the link:
    Help wanted: unemployed tall person to change smoke detector batteries in house with cathedral ceilings. $25/hour. Will pay extra $10 if you autograph a poster.

  25. Now they’ve decided to resume play Friday. Hissy fit over. Maybe they had someone explain the FACTS to them. You know…. “had a knife but was otherwise unarmed”.

  26. As a young man, kid, I played most sports. Basketball, hockey, soccer, yes soccer, limited amount of football, baseball. Hell liked them all. haven’t watched a full game of pro sports in several years other than the Sunday golf. Golf is about the only one I am now capable of playing.

  27. I only watch SEC college football anymore. Maybe women’s tennis once in a while, if one of the players is hot. Everything else bores me to death or has been ruined by wokeness. Going to cut up my Phillies hats and send them to Phillies headquarters. Along with my Eagles pillow.

  28. Let’s import the fake BLM movement into the country. Raze our cities, destroy our private property. That would be a great idea.

    Stick it where the sun don’t shine Kelly Hrudy and your BS concerns. I’m as sympathetic as anyone when someone looses their life but the response to these incidents is over the top.

    The nhl and the Toronto Raptors should be taken to task. We don’t want that crap here. There has to be another way to address things without encouraging violence.
