7 Replies to “History Shows Us Where the #ThugsForBiden Are Heading”

  1. No real violence has been required. The Left has infected our civil institutions, subtly and incrementally: all levels of our education system, the legal system, religion, sports, the media… There’s no need for a revolution.

  2. That sounds a lot like how things were done at Armpit College. Woe betide any instructor if the kiddies didn’t like that person.

  3. Good video. One of PJW’s better ones. Sickening watching that knowing $120,000 of Calgary’s tax dollars are going to pay some misfit to paint a BLM mural on some building in the downtown. Maybe in Chinatown, what do ya think Nenshi?

  4. Drat, I was going to add this to Reader Tips. Amazing how history cycles.

    Which is why leftists will not allow history to be taught in a meaningful or competent way.

  5. A funny thing has happened.
    Some folks have been expressing their 2nd amendment rights and suddenly the revolution hit a wall.

  6. While a huge number of the population watches porn, plays games, smokes pot an gains weight while eating shit and sitting around all day … the left sneaked up in plain view and dominated our weak resolve as free human beings.

    A dumbed-down, obese, ignorant population is no match for a determined army of equally dumbed down ignorant, radical violent communist clowns highly motivated by hate, envy and post secondary education.

    Wake up before it’s too late … if it isn’t already. Start by killing all the liberal arts professors …

    … Disclaimer: metaphorically, of course. I don’t want to be arrested for promoting violence.

  7. That is the thing. It does not end, until it becomes more dangerous to be a socialist, than to be against them.
