He Admires Their Basic Dictatorship


China’s ambassador to Canada is urging Ottawa to stop granting asylum to democracy activists from Hong Kong, whom he described as “violent criminals” and warned that accepting these people could jeopardize the “health and safety” of 300,000 Canadian citizens still living in the former British colony.
Asked if he was issuing a threat, envoy Cong Peiwu replied: “That is your interpretation.”
Mr. Cong used a press conference Thursday to say that Beijing finds it unacceptable that Canada recently accepted two Hong Kong pro-democracy dissidents as political refugees. He also took strong exception to a call from nearly 60 Canadian MPs and senators to shelter more Hong Kong residents fleeing China’s draconian national-security law.
“We strongly urge the Canadian side not to grant so-called political asylum to those violent criminals in Hong Kong because it is interference in China’s domestic affairs and certainly it will embolden those violent criminals,” he said. […]
Mr. Cong indicated any further action to offer shelter to Hong Kong residents could have consequences for the many Canadians living in the Asian financial hub.
“If the Canadian side really cares about the stability and the prosperity in Hong Kong, and really cares about the good health and safety of those 300,000 Canadian passport holders in Hong Kong and the large number of Canadian companies operating in Hong Kong . . . you should support those efforts to fight violent crimes,” he said.

56 Replies to “He Admires Their Basic Dictatorship”

  1. It’s the politics of weakness, ours. China has moved from holding two Canadians hostage to now holding 300,000 hostage for our “good” behaviour. What can we expect the Trudeau government’s response to be? As opposed to what should it be?

    1. L- Threaten 300,000 Canadian citizens…? The Canadian government allowing the C.C.P. to kill 4,000 Canadians a year with C.C.P. fentynal/carfentynal without a peep in protest. That decision just emboldened a global bully.

      A Canada run by an alpha male patriot would order a gallows built in front of a certain $4 million home in Vancouver.

      Or we could offer to trade them C.C.P. agent/admirer, P.M. Justin Trudeau in exchange for 300,000 Hong Kong citizens who’d prefer to live free under a British Common-Law jurisdiction?

      Then again, a Canada run by a alpha male patriot would confiscate all the laundered Triad/C.C.P. money/property here. Then use the money to fund a dozen nuclear submarines and squadrons of F-35s to help protect Canada and deter this Imperialist Red Godzilla threatening to devour the entire Pacific Rim and what remains of The Free World.

      There are thousands of Canadian soldiers buried in Hong Kong, who died defending the British colony from enslavement by Japanese military Imperialism in WW2. Their ghosts are stirring.

      1. Nothing short of Canada having it’s own nuclear tipped ICBMs would deter this sort of behaviour on the part of rogue nuclear powers such as Russia and the ChiComs.

        1. Canada does not have a military force capable of keeping the trains running when indians block the rail lines. We are joke militarily on the world stage and landing place for the world’s welfare immigrants.

  2. I’d be interested to know if any of those 300,000 canadian passport holders have filed a tax form or paid any taxes in Canada in the last 30 years.

      1. Anyone else notice or concerned about the language “on this side”

        I still like to believe we’re sovereign so we’re not a “side” of China despite the actions of the Prime Sock and company

  3. Oh it’s a threat alright. Who propped up this windbag over the years. Yep, the MSM. China is a bully … because they were a victim and we must forever grant their delusions of the Middle Kingdom being the centre of the universe.

    1. ” and really cares about the good health and safety of those 300,000 Canadian passport holders in Hong Kong”
      Sounds like “Nice passport holders we got here. It would be a shame if anything happened to them.”
      And by the way, a Hyphenated-Canadian isn’t a Canadian. We need to stop that civnat nonsense or we’ll be a racial balkins of hyphenated-xxxxxx’s.

  4. Strip the Chicoms of a major asset (oil sand project, mine, etc.) every time a Canadian citizen gets anything more than indigestion over there and see how long it takes for it to stop.

  5. Commies and leftists have the same mindset.
    So hey, I just realized maybe THAT’S why the left act the way they do? /sarc

  6. I don’t know if this is done now, but perhaps one of the opposition parties (I’m looking at you Conservatives) could have as a plank that in the future companies bidding for a tender must detail overseas operations and that the government will take into account the human rights record of those countries. The more you do business in let’s say China or Iran the more it will be held against you when you bid for government contracts. This might be one way for larger Canadian companies to stop being shills for business with China.

    1. Maybe we should include Libya in that group of countries, a certain Quebec company may be calling up the sock monkey real quick.

      1. I’ll go even further and suggest that companies should disclose how much of their domestic business is transacted in provinces that have employed the notwithstanding clause to override guaranteed Charter rights and that should be taken into account when awarding federal contracts.

  7. “If the Canadian side really cares about the stability and the prosperity in Hong Kong, and really cares about the good health and safety of those 300,000 Canadian passport holders in Hong Kong and the large number of Canadian companies operating in Hong Kong . . . you should support those efforts to fight violent crimes,” he said

    Threats don’t get much more brazen than that.

    1. All from the successors to the CCPs Great Cultural Revolution which liquidated some 100 Million.

      How’s that for “Cancel Culture”?


      Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
      1st Saint Nicolaas Army
      Army Group “True North

    2. KM – “Canadian passport holders” probably equals the number of Hong Kong Chinese who fled westward when Britain handed Hong Kong back to China at the end of the lease but then – having obtained Canadian citizenship – returned to Hong Kong as it was a better deal financially for them.

      I am SO VERY TIRED of Canadians of convenience who – having gained Canadian citizenship – go non-resident to avoid Canadian taxes but still expect Canadian taxpayers to bail them out when things go south in their original homeland. Am thinking Lebanon at this point, and the ungrateful bitch who complained of the accommodations on the ship sent to rescue her. Would have very much liked to see how much she’d actually paid in Canadian taxes before the rescue.

      Had an offspring studying abroad and – when things were getting “interesting” in a neighbouring country – did ask what if any preparations were being made for instant evacuation. Was reassured that offspring and British fellow student were following events closely and were fully prepared to shove essentials into fellow student’s car and head west. Fortunately, it never came to that, but the principle is the same: we held our offspring responsible for keeping safe under interesting conditions and not whining to the Canadian government for escape when failed to heed the warnings.

      1. You don’t actually know anyone in the active forces or have relatives there, do you? Where were you in the line of fire in Kandahar or Bosnia?

        1. Sending Canadian forces anywhere is an exercise in futility. Undermanned and under armed. I wouldn’t waste their lives by sending them anywhere.

    1. Comparing Prinz Dummkopf to gnats and jellyfish is an insult to gnats and jellyfish.

  8. Exactly why are there 300,000 Canadian passport holders in Hong Kong? I suspect they bought off our governments for ‘get out of jail free’ passes if the heat went up in the kitchen. I’m thinking dual citizenship isn’t the way to go.

  9. Rumour has it that little Justin was puzzled to find a horse’s head in his bed this morning.

    1. If the Chicoms really meant to do something like that, it would probably have been Buttsie’s head in the bed.

      Nah…they wouldn’t do that for us, would they?

  10. I don’t give a long nutty coil about any dual citizens.
    The Chicoms need to see what a 5000% tariff does to all the crap they sell us. Hurt Canadian business? Fuck them too. In this day of free money Justin Dickspank can just buy them out.
    Pardon my french.

  11. Damned straight it’s my interpretation buddy boy.

    This showcases the outright in yer face CHICOM Arrogance – round em up and ship em the Fk out.

    1. Think of all that Lower Mainland real estate that’s freed up. Richmond would be a ghost town.

  12. “whom he described as “violent criminals””

    Nuts to the Chinese ambassador – when has Little Potato EVER refused to allow the immigration of violent criminals?

  13. Tell the Canadians of convenence to come home or suffer the consequences, then close all chicom embassies.

  14. Bananada needs to immediately round up all high social credit Chicoms and put them in the new shiny gulags we are building. Don’t harm the Chicom detainees, don’t behave like Chicoms but verify who is who… If Chicoms start executing Canadians, well… we’ll start with who ever has the highest social credit score and go down from there.

    Keep them there untill Michaels are released and all HK pro civilization dissidents are imported. If they don’t want to come then it is on them, last call. Doors closing.

    1. Didn t a recent Canadian Prime Minister say that “a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian” when trying to justify paying a terrorist SOB 10.5 million taxpayer dollars. So what about the two Canadians being held prisoner in the dictatorship he admires so much. As far as the counterfeit Canadians that hold Canadian passports go, we should demand that they be released and returned to Canada only if they have payed income tax for the last 3 years no exceptions!

      1. What counterfit Canadians? Those from HK who oppose commies? They are the good guys. And they don’t like paying taxes? Good for them, I don’t like taxes either. Every dollar that the government does not get is a dollar not wasted.

  15. The whole world hates the damn Chinese and we should just admit it. It’s time manufacturing left China for India the same way it left Japan for China.

    1. I’m rootin’ for Taiwan, South Korea and Vietnam – India is almost as authoritarian as China, and will likely go the same way if they start making serious coin from exports.

      Better still, why not move the factories back here? I still treasure my Clark shoes that have “Made in Canada” embossed on them.

      1. “I’m rootin’ for Taiwan, South Korea and Vietnam ”

        Yes, add Thailand and Philippines to the list, and of course Japan. The smaller players from Far East have huge potential. Pity the destruction of HK, Macau … and earlier Goa by (the fiercely loyal to Soviets) India.

      2. Clark shoes. I remember fondly my “BC Hydro Lineman’s Special” Pierre Paris boots.
        They were top quality.

  16. Appeasement doesn’t work. Our “diplomacy” sucks.

    We often talk about cutting off the taps to the East to correct their anti-Prairies agenda. Now should we talk about sanctions against China?

    How much domestic economic pain and real human suffering are we willing to accept when they lock 300k Canadians in Hong Kong and we stop selling them pulses or wheat or fertilizer, etc.?

    We did nothing when they interred the Uighers or continued the subjugation of Tibet apace. Tiananmen— nothing happened there. But these are Canadians.

    Clearly Ottawa doesn’t understand that the only thing we have is economic power and soft power with our non-Chinese masters (US, UK, AUS, Europe).

    Little potato-face needs to pivot and do it now. But I guess Orange man bad or Xi’s dick tastes like honey.

  17. If the sock monkey doesn’t respond appropriately to this it will only embolden the Chicoms and make us look like weak to our allies.
    But this is a Trudeau government so no surprise there.

  18. If China attacks Taiwan and the US gets involved somehow, it could help Americans forget about some of the more idiotic obsessions of the progressives such as transgrender bathroom rights. Kate says we need a famine. Maybe we need a small war.

  19. “…certainly it will embolden those violent criminals…”

    It certainly seems to embolden his excellency. The CCP is a nest of violent criminals.
