He Admires Their Basic Dictatorship

Ottawa Citizen;

The Canadian Forces wants to establish a new organization that will use propaganda and other techniques to try to influence the attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of Canadians, according to documents obtained by this newspaper.
The plan comes on the heels of the Canadian Forces spending more than $1 million to train public affairs officers on behaviour modification techniques of the same sort used by the parent firm of Cambridge Analytica, as well as a controversial and bizarre propaganda training mission in which the military forged letters from the Nova Scotia government to warn the public that wolves were wandering in the province.

Related: Watch your tongues.

32 Replies to “He Admires Their Basic Dictatorship”

  1. Yawn.
    Governments have been trying to do this for thousands of years. The Canadian military just figured this out?
    Mind you, Canadians are some of the most naïve and stupid people on the planet so should be successful here.

      1. Now that’s hilarious.
        Draft today’s kids.
        Please start educating the many, many therapists etc that will be needed by the Forces.
        To say nothing of the comfort animals, stuffed toys and other reminders of their advanced educations.

        Will the Forces have camp followers like days of yore, only filled with doting parents rather than prostitutes?
        Gender specific barracks? How many?
        Diversity, affirmative action, gender and racial equality for the officer class?
        Are RSM’s allowed to yell?
        Will they keep their phones?

        Wow, it may be time to xué xí zhōng wén. (learn Chinese)
        Or Yankee.

      2. LMAO, Jojo.

        I spent 27 years in the military, ending a Platoon 2i/c with 34 guys and 1 officer to babysit.
        It’s difficult enough to recruit capable candidates without having a draft.
        Plus WTF is that bs about fat army guys, out of shape air force girls or LGBT sailors spying on fellow Canadians??????? I call bullshit.

      3. It would change nothing. All they would have to do is Fail the written test, or the fitness test, or the physical, or the interview, or basic. If they manage to pass all that the rules will be changed to make like easy.

    1. Seriously.
      If the Canadian (Armed? really?) Forces wanted a propaganda arm, why didn’t they just partner with the CBC? Way cheaper than trying to recreate from scratch what already has expertise in bullshite narratives.

  2. I see the Legion’s Silver Cross Mother this year, is the parent of the son who was killed by fire in that piece of junk submarine the Liberals bought. Perhaps Blackie can apologize to her for the Liberal Party putting her son in an unsafe sub? Why not, he apologizes to everyone else.

  3. A corporal in the Royal Westminster Regiment from B.C. was killed at Wainwright in a live fire exercise. The live fire exercises I was involved in 45 years ago were controlled to the point of ridiculousness and everyone liked it that way. I suspect some PPCLI sergeant or warrant officer severely screwed up. Don’t kill reservists.

    I remember back in the day a Fort Garry Horse kid died when a Jeep crashed on the way from Dundurn to Winnipeg. Soldiers were kept awake for an extended time on exercise and then had to drive 10 hours the next day. I was there a year or two later and they strictly demanded that everyone get 8 hours of sleep the night before driving home. That is everyone except officers and sergeants who stayed up all night and got pissed. There were a lot of nice people in the army but there were way more assholes than you find in the general population.

    1. I definitely agree! 1981-1985 Artillery G-battery 3RCHA which doesn’t exist anymore in Shilo, Manitoba. Certainly was busy with many different deployments.

  4. Related: https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/forged-letter-warning-about-wolves-on-the-loose-part-of-canadian-forces-propaganda-campaign-that-went-awry

    “You start a rumor about wolves on the loose and see how the public reacts.”

    Hmmm, wonder if they’ve tried to start any other fake panics to “see how the public reacts “. I hope masks will keep the wolves at bay.

    This is what happens when you have too many losers voting for too much government. We are in dire need of a dramatic reduction in the number of morons running this country into the ground. If government was reduced to about 10% of its current size the rate of decline would also be somewhat reduced. Maybe. 😉

    1. This was literally the plot of one of the 1997 Outer Limits reboot episodes.

      Which was written, produced and shot in Canada.

      I’m just saying.

    2. There is no administrative reform. Every day by ones and twos more people are sucked into the swamp, another small business closes, the private economy gets smaller, government bigger, each generation more servile, weak. The greedy know where the wealth has been concentrated, government, and thats where they go. A few still resist, with their lives, but they are Islam. There is no Christian or Libertarian or Conservative resistance.

  5. Maybe canadian force members will start doing their civilian behaviour training in Red China or North Korea. If the government wants them good at something get trained by the best.

    1. The invasion of politics distorted and destroyed everything that used to be “common sense”. You can’t have that anymore as it needs to be regulated.

    2. It is the result of having Pierre Elliot Twadel’s son as pm. have I mentioned Canadians are stupid? If not then I just did.

    3. Perhaps Justin promised to not sue veterans with missing limbs if they acted as jackbooted thugs for him.

      Do we need further proof that the state and its organs are against us?

    4. Every Colonel wants to be a General. Every General wants to be Chief of Defence staff or Assistant Deputy Minister of Defence. They will jump through any hoop to get promoted.

  6. May be time to dust off that passport, and think about moving/returning to India, or Eastern Europe. I doubt the West has much of a future left for the talented and hardworking conservative, Christian-oriented, straight white male, or the conservative Indian dad. But you know who loves us? The countries that aren’t white and liberal. Try it. Start your web-based consulting gig overseas already.

  7. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those superb Victoria Class boats are very representative of Cucknada; too old, not capable of interoperationality with our partners. Well fitted for our shithole. The Brits decommisioned those old boats because they were out performed by newer subs. Took Canada 17 YEARS to get those junkyard garbage serviceable at $2,300,000,000 more for maintenance thru 2023. Or about same cost for TWO Barracuda class (or Suffren class) nuclear attack submarines.
    In 1998, Liberal Defence Minister Art Eggleton said those UK boats was a great deal…

    Keep aiming low, Canada. Beijing awaits its time to invade your stupid post nation shithole.

    1. Ray, “Beijing awaits its time to invade”, Um, they’re here already, Have you seen Richmond BC? Plus a bunch of other Canadian cities along the US/Canada border. I’m thinking they have been massing on the US border for forty years, probably just awaiting invasion orders from Beijing.

    2. “Invade Canada?”
      Hell, all they have to do is switch the signs on government buildings over to Mandarin. Could probably do all that in a weekend. It’d be over before it started.

  8. We have the Army doing that in the UK already look up 77brigade. These globalists do not hide anymore it is out there in the open for everyone to see.

  9. What stick them with hours of CBC ?

    Strapped to a chair with eyes pried open like Clockwork Orange watching endless hours of CBC, CTV and Global.

  10. I am saddened to think that my Dad served in WWII for this kind of shit . I will always wear the Red Poppy to remember those who served and pray this generation wakes up to what is going on .

  11. Well why not?
    Under the current management,I am sure the Canadian Military will produce propaganda almost as effective as the ethics of Mr Vance,whatever his military designation be.
    Military intelligence?
    Now I am sure the weapons grade indoctrination propaganda will,be just as effective as the attempt to railroad Admiral Norman,or as successful as the idiots who voted Liberals for a better military.
    When the only purpose the Libtards ever have for our military is as a threat to use against the citizen,while stealing from the procurement system at every opportunity,the idea of Military Propaganda is a joke.
    Where will they find the money?
    Their Liberal masters will not tolerate any competition at the trough.

  12. There have always been and always will be within all military forces those who see everyone as an enemy including those they’re are to defend. They’re not real soldiers. They probably barely know how to shoot unless its to the back of the head of somebody tied to a chair.
    I’m also not so sure some members of JTF2 wouldn’t gladly leave Dwyer Hill Road to go hunt some Canadians not toeing the Liberal Line.

  13. Canada doesn’t need a military unit to brainwash Canadians. They have the CBC. Plus the other bought medias that parrot the same points, day after day. Anybody seen a story about the Biden laptop yet? Of course not.
